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Christians: What are your views & biblical views on drinking?

Christians: What are yours views and/or biblical views on Christians drinking?

I know the bible talks about ''drunkenness" (Ephesians 5:18: And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit), but does this include drinking at all, even if you only have a small class of wine? I'm talking about drinking small amounts, without getting drunk or tipsy. I know there is also another verse in the bible that says something along of the lines of ''Your body is a temple of God and keep it holy." However, studies have proved that wine is ''heart healthy.''

I also know there was drinking in the bible, but numerous people told me that the alcohol back then was different from the alcohol made now.

So just curious, what are other Christians' views or biblical views on drinking? Thanks! (:

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Drinking isn't wrong, God gave us alcohol and drinking it isn't wrong. Putting it as an idol ahead of God however is wrong. When you are choosing to numb yourself with alcohol over spending quiet time with God, you are sinning.

    God wants us to enjoy ourselves, and gave us things to enjoy ourselves. There is nothing wrong with a glass or two of wine, however getting it on with the beer bong every friday night has issues and consequences.

    God Bless!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How is wine healthy ? It is the fruit of the grape which is healthy, alcohol is a poison.Unless highly diluted. Drinking, even social drinking cannot be legitimately supported by the Bible. Every drink that is available today, even beer, falls into the category of unmixed or strong drink. Clearly, Christians should not drink alcoholic beverages. Drinking socially is a worldly activity and in light of the fact that believers are neither to be conformed to the world (Romans 12:2) nor love the world (I John 2:15) our choice should be clear. We are to be separate from the worldly system (II Corinthians 6:17) and a light to the world (Ephesians 5:8; Philippians 2:15).National Safety Council: "The quantity of alcohol contained in an ounce of whiskey or a bottle of beer is sufficient to lower the ability of the driver or pedestrian to use the street safely. Impairment begins with the first drink.”

    The stronghold of alcohol is very powerful for which no man or woman is immune to and some people cannot handle any amount of alcohol, and it always starts with one social drink.

    Perhaps social drinking has enhanced the acceptability of Christians in society, but it has not advanced the cause of Christ, and it does not glorify God, Social drinking is simply a means which the devil uses to blunt our testimony for Christ and squeeze us into his mold. And I would like to add if Jesus did make more alcoholic wine at the wedding then Jesus would be causing people to get drunk and to sin. The He could not be our Lord and savior then.

  • 1 decade ago

    If drinking wine were a sin, Christ would not have turned water into wine at the wedding. Christ used wine at the Sacrament. I think that some Christians get carried away and add things to the Word of God that they interpret for themselves. I believe that we are capable of interpreting the Word for ourselves. We should also look within to the Spirit of God within ourselves to let us know when we are sinning.

    Being filled with the Spirit is sometimes described as feeling drunk. Being Slain in the Spirit is an incredible, indescribable experience. But that does not happen everyday or to everyone. You can call on God's Spirit to help you and to guide and protect you. The Bible says, "Do not Grieve the Holy Spirit", and that the Lord will forgive you for taking His name and His Son's name in vain, but He will not forgive you for taking the name of His Holy Spirit in vain.

    The Bible says, Do not be, "Taken" by Strong Drink. To me, this means do not become an alcoholic. Do not get drunk because that can lead to sin.

    There are a lot of imperfect people that were used by God in the Bible. Noah was an alcoholic. That is one of the main reasons no one believed him. He fell out drunk and naked and one of his sons Covered his nakedness. This can be taken literally, as in, his son went into the room backwards so that he did not look upon his father's nakedness. It can also be taken figuratively, as in, his son did not expose his father's faults to anyone. In the end, you have to live with you and no one has the right to judge you but God.

    If you drink and enjoy yourself, that is one thing. If you get drunk and do stupid things, that's another thing. But even still, God can forgive you and use you to glorify the kingdom. Moses was a murderer. David, a murderous adulterer. Why would you worry about a glass of wine?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ephesians 5:17-21

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  • 1 decade ago

    For me, i stay away from drinking because it is a spirit that can change the way i think and act and therefore hinder my walk with Christ. Proverbs 31:4-7 Says, It is not for Kings to guzzle wine. Rulers should not crave alcohol. For if they drink, they may forget the law & not give justice to the oppressed. Alcohol is for the dying, & wine for those in bitter distress. Let them drink to forget their poverty & remember their troubles no more. I feel if im not 100% sure if I should do it, then It probably not right. Hope this helps. God bless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God wants us to indulge in wholesome forms of pleasure and drinking is one of them.

    "And wine that makes the heart of mortal man rejoice,to make the face shine with oil and bread that sustains the very heart of mortal man." (Psalm 104:15)

    Jesus even turned water into wine at a wedding feast because he wanted the occasion to be special and for everyone to have a good time. Alcohol in moderation is also very heart-healthy as you pointed out and has many other benefits.

    Everything should be done in moderation and God makes it clear that he does not accept drunkenness, as you pointed out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a Christian and am ok with using wine for communion in church. Outside church, no wine, as we need to be yielded to God's Holy Spirit as born again Christians, and not allow wine to affect our ability to think/feel/speak or otherwise influence us. Also, alcohol of any kind can become addictive and result in problems like drunk driving, prison, ruining your life, being a person who can't get or keep a job or a spouse, etc. Alcohol can waste your life if you let it in.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Jesus turned the water into wine. He also drank wine with the disciples at the Last Supper. He was even accused of being a "drunkard"--by which we can determine that he liked to party and have a good time. The key is moderation. Don't drink so much that your judgment is impaired, and don't drink so much that it cuts into the important things in your life.

  • 1 decade ago

    the word "wine" in Ephesians 5:18 has the meaning of some unrighteous spiritual boon which leads to spiritual decline/regression/degradation in the faith, something outside (of) the range/bounds of the Holy Salvation

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everybody in the Bible drank. Jesus (supposedly) turned water into wine! Its like anything else. Do it in moderation. Be responsible about it.

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