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I haven't seen any Obama sheep trying to spin the dismal economic news. What have I missed?

12 Answers

  • Hutch
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nothing. Standard liberal operating procedure. They ignore the bad news and trumpet the semi-mediocre news to make it seem like 0bama should get a Nobel Prize for his actions.

    Oh, wait...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And they wouldn`t dare spread this around among their clan ~~~ Obama to Sell GM Stock at Huge Loss to Taxpayers,,,,,,,April 20, 2011 .

    Wasn't the Obama administration supposed to make money back on a sale of GM stock? Or so Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and other administration officials suggested back in 2009. Now taxpayers learn that Mr. Obama wants out of GM and is willing to sell Washington's stockholdings short - to the tune of an estimated $11 billion loss. That's $11 billion in losses to taxpayers.

    Why would Mr. Obama want to dump GM stock for a huge loss now? Why not hold GM stock until the government can at least recover taxpayers' money? The answer is that GM stock prices may be heading south, not north, in the coming months. According to a Wall Street Journal report, Mr. Obama may have decided to get out of GM while the getting isn't wholly disastrous.

    Government officials are willing to take the loss because the Obama administration would like to sever its last ties to the auto maker, the people familiar with the matter said. A summer sale makes it more likely Treasury could sell all of its stake in GM by year's end, avoiding a potentially controversial sale in the 2012 presidential election year. [Italics added]

    For Mr. Obama's presidential re-election effort, a "potentially controversial sale [of GM stock] in 2012" could translate into a damaging political liability. Mr. Obama and his handlers would rather have the bad news of a huge GM taxpayer dollar loss come now. Time and events, the thinking goes, could mitigate the political damage to Mr. Obama.

    Washington would have to get about $53 a share to break even on the taxpayers' "investment" in GM. As of yesterday, GM stock was selling for a little less than $30 a share. There's concern that with rising gas prices, among other factors, GM stock prices may fall further as the year progresses.

    Mr. Obama has the cheekiness to tell Americans that taxes surely need to rise to help retire the outrageous national debt that he's done so much to incur. And then Americans learn that $11 billion in their hard earned money is about to fly out the window because Mr. Obama chose to rescue an automaker - GM - that, because of mismanagement, union greed, and market forces, should have long been on its way to fossil status.

    If - or when - GM hits the skids again, will Mr. Obama seek to rescue the struggling automaker? What's billions of taxpayer dollars more down the drain when stacked against about $12 trillion in national debt? And there are always tax hikes to cover the cost of bailing out GM again. After all, Americans are about shared responsibility, aren't they ?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the in undemanding words information is undesirable information. Unemployment is breaking new files regardless what the feds say it really is and federal spending is likewise breaking new files with no longer something to tutor for each and each of the largess. it really is going to proceed to worsen see you later because the dems administration the abode and Senate and the Oval workplace. this may not in any respect be accepted to take position. A Constitutional change should be positioned forth to reduce this workout in futility.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because there are not many "Obama sheep" here. A lot of us(me included) think Obama is making the wrong choices as far as economics go, so defending his fiscal policies is irrational.

    Obama should be fighting for the Progressive Caucus's budget plan instead of caving to Republicans who will make the economy even worse.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What dismal economic news? The stock market is bumping up against the $12,500 mark, Tech stocks reported record earnings - including Intel which was expecting significant sales losses from Apple - t hose losses never materialized, unemployment claims have fallen 13,000 from last week, and the Fed is set ot end QE2 in June.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not like they have accepted reality or anything. It's hard to get Parasites to agree that parasitism is going to destroy them as it destroys the host. It they were capable of that conception they wouldn't be parasites in the first place. Except the wealthy villains like George Soros and the rest of his Fabian Society buddies ... Al Gore, Goldman Sachs guys, JP Morgan Chase, Tony Resco, scum bags like that

    Source(s): OMG Thoughtful Monkey, you are a mushroom aren't you? Or a shill who plays one very well. Downgrade on our economic outlook because we are not taking a crushing debt seriously and borrowing more? Next step is down grade on the US credit rating? Means we will have to pay much higher interest on 14.3 TRILLION FUCKING DOLLARS! You have no clue of the cause and effect that will set in play do you? You really need to do a lot more reading (not what you've been reading because it's obviously crap) and a lot less expounding, because you have very little clue.
  • Rick
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They can't get a word in edgewise because of the neverending whining from the other side .

    Source(s): see cshs1960 's posting here. See what I mean?
  • Jason
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "trying to spin the dismal economic news"

    You cannot spin that which does not exist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are out in full force diverting to birthers, Palin and Trump.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what news?

    Source(s): thriving conservative
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