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How do I leave my husband?

I am have been married for 5 years and have two small kids. I am a good mom, wife and a college student. I have been telling my husband for awhile that I am tired of being ignored. He doesn't show me affection and I rarely get a kiss. He is a good man but he seems to not be interested in me. Unless he wants sex. He never compliments me , doesn't hug me, hold my hand or do anything that I am used to from previous relationships. I have not put on a lot of weight or changed my appearance ( he has) so I don't think I have let myself go. I am a lot nicer than when we first got together. I asked him to go to a hotel because I wanted a divorce but he came back after 2 days asking for forgiveness and telling me he loved me and that he was going to change but the very next day it was business as usual and he was back to ignoring me. If I didn't have kids I would have left a long time ago but when I sent him away my kids cried so much that it broke my heart. I just don't know what to do. Any advice?


Did it make for a happier childhood with parents who were on the brink of divorce but stayed together for you and your siblings or do you wish they had divorced? My parents divorced when I was 5 but I still remember some very bad fights and I am glad I didn't have to deal with it for very long. But I never saw my dad after the divorce and my mom wasn't very ...sane, so I had a rough childhood.

Update 2:

He doesn't like to talk about anything and I he is not open to counseling. He is not a bad father but he tends to spend little time with us so I wouldn't say he is a very good father either. He doesn't like to take the kids to the park or anywhere he likes to stay home and watch tv after he gets home from work. I am a very loving person to him which is why it bother me that he is so cold to me. When I go to hug or kiss him he moves away it is really weird and I hate it.

Update 3:

Thanks I agree with you 100%. Sometimes I feel like I am upset with him and it bleeds into the rest of my life.

@stinky I don't see how I would be leaving them fatherless. Isn't that up to him. I have no plans of keeping them from him if we divorce and I believe that he may be a better father to them if we divorce because he would see them less and maybe be able to tear himself away from the tv to take them to the park since he will appreciate his time with them more.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Have you looked into marriage / family counseling?.. Nothing you said seemed to indicate that he is a bad father to the kids, so this doesn't seem to be a case of outright abuse-- counseling and understanding can take things a long way.. You might find out ways that you can be more loving to him so he can be more loving to you, etc etc..

  • 1 decade ago

    DO NOT Listen to the comment Gary wrote and stay with your husband for the good of your children if you are NOT happy yourself...that will only make things worse.

    I have a 2 year old son and have been in an emotionally abusive relationship with his father for 4 years. I just recently broke free of the routine: argue, cry and feel helpless, make him leave, forgive him, take him back, repeat...your situation may not be the same but you get the idea.

    If you stay in a relationship you are not happy with you will not be giving your children 100% of the amazing mother they deserve or that you really are. Your mind is consumed with the fact that you are giving 100% to your husband and don't feel like he is doing so himself.

    Even if he tells you he will change, he won't. It takes years for a person to change - and they can only do so if they truly want to change (counselling, etc).

    Separation/Divorce is a very hard thing to follow through with and I am just giving advise based on my past relationship. Being a single mom is hard and some things are easier with two parents in the home. The one thing you have to ask yourself is "Am I happy in this relationship and would I be a better mother and role model for my children if I left my husband?" It might sound selfish to ask if YOU are happy, but my counselor and mom both said the same thing to me "if you are not truly happy with your life and the way you are being treated in your marriage, how do you expect to give your kids the best quality of motherhood?"

    Also, you don't want your kids growing up in a home where they are watching how the father treats the mother...they will grow up thinking that is how marriage is supposed to be.

    Be strong, turn to family and friends for support, don't give in and fall for his plea of forgiveness, and do what truly feels right in your heart.

    All the best! xo

    Source(s): Personal experience.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So you want to leave hubby and leave your kids fatherless because the romance has gone out of your marriage yes?

    It's a little drastic don't you think, counselling would be a better first step, far less final as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try your best to stay with him. Not for you, not for your husband, but for your kids. My parents were on the brink of divorce many times, but I know they stayed together for me and my siblings. Be strong.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Marriage counseling might help.

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