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  • How can you successfully live with your spouse during and after divorce?

    I have been married for almost 6 years , we have 2 children together and we have decided to get a divorce. We are not right for each other because I am very affectionate and he doesn't like to kiss or hug. He is a good guy. We can't afford to live separately because he is the only income and I am a student. Our youngest is not school age yet and we want to wait until he is to go our separate ways. The main reason is we don't want to put him in childcare . He won't be able to go to school until next year so we will be living together for at least a year. Has anyone had any experience with this sort of situation?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • What teachers have a better chance of getting hired?

    I have about 52 credits under my belt and although I don't plan on going back to work until my youngest is in 1st grade (about 3 years from now) I need to start focusing my classes on my degree. I have been trying to choose between bilingual teacher or math 4-8. I am fluent in spanish but I currently tutor algebra. I just want to have the best chance of getting a job when I finish. Any advice on which focus will give me a better chance of getting a job. Any insight is appreciated.

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • How do I leave my husband?

    I am have been married for 5 years and have two small kids. I am a good mom, wife and a college student. I have been telling my husband for awhile that I am tired of being ignored. He doesn't show me affection and I rarely get a kiss. He is a good man but he seems to not be interested in me. Unless he wants sex. He never compliments me , doesn't hug me, hold my hand or do anything that I am used to from previous relationships. I have not put on a lot of weight or changed my appearance ( he has) so I don't think I have let myself go. I am a lot nicer than when we first got together. I asked him to go to a hotel because I wanted a divorce but he came back after 2 days asking for forgiveness and telling me he loved me and that he was going to change but the very next day it was business as usual and he was back to ignoring me. If I didn't have kids I would have left a long time ago but when I sent him away my kids cried so much that it broke my heart. I just don't know what to do. Any advice?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Should I tell my brother it is beyond gross for him to date a teenager?

    My brother is like 36 and he just told me that he thinks he found "the one" , he is always dating younger girls so I jokingly asked if she was 17 or 18 and he said she is 16. He says her family is christian and that her mom is ok with it but I think that is disgusting. I am the youngest of our six siblings being I am 28. I am also going through the foster care/adoption process and adopting a teenage girl. If my teenager asked if it was ok to date and old man of 36 I would be horrified. My husband is 35. How can I say something to him without sounding judgemental? Its hard to hide my horror but I would hate for him to cut me out of his life, but I just think it is disgusting. Is it even my place to say something?

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Help with homework, math question?

    Can someone please tell me what formula is used to answer this question

    If Sam can do a job in 4 days that Lisa can do in 6 days and Tom can do in 2 days, how long would the job take if Sam, Lisa, and Tom worked together to complete it?

    I don't want the answer , I just want to know how to get the answer. Thanks.

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to accept a dinner invitation from a high school crush?

    I have been married for 5 years and have 2 kids . My reunion was this year so a lot of old friends contacted me on Faceb**k including a friend that I had a crush on way back when. Recently a friend of his passed away and I sent an email to him wishing him well. He replied and said he would be in our home town for a couple of months and asked if I would like to have dinner/lunch. So my question is; is it ok to have dinner to catch up or is that inappropriate? We never dated or ever came close. We were in theater together for 3 years and were friends.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Question about a wild baby bird?

    Ok so I went out to feed my dogs when my huge lab went running from me. He had gotten a hold of a baby sparrow and didn't want me to take it from him. I took the bird from his mouth but it looks like my dog bit his wing but nothing else. I looked on the internet about how to help him while his wing mends but all it says is that it is illegal to care for a wild bird period. So I called animal control and they sent a guy out who told me if they took it they would need to kill it , so I told him no. He said to take it back where I found it and hope it flies away. It is really cold here and it started to sprinkle so I decided to wait til tomorrow to let him go. I am going to lock my dogs in the garage while I try this but tomorrow I will put him down near the tree and hope for the best but what do I do if his mom doesn't come for him and he just stands there? Please help I am desperate for advice .

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Which adult actor (over 18) has the best boyish good looks?

    My vote is for Max Thieriot . In case you don't know he is 21.

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Is there a happy medium in this war of genders?

    It seems that although we women have come a long way since the 1900's doesn't it seem that we are a bit like Michael Jackson? Michael wanted to change his appearance and he went to such drastic measures to achieve his goal that he ended up disfigured in the end. IMO if he had stayed anywhere from thriller to the way you make me feel he would have been fine. Thats also how I see the feminist movement. I appreciate the right to vote and the right to own property and hold a job and make and keep my own money but a lot of women these days seem offended by the idea of staying home and raising your kids. Its great to have rights but can't someone make some sacrifice. We took it so far that women will actually insult a stay at home mom saying that she has not reached her full potential and that she is a waste . Why? I gave up my job at a top insurance company so I could raise my kids and I don't plan on getting a job until they are in school. It has been hard but well worth the sacrifice. My husband makes enough money to support our family but that doesn't make me any less of a woman. I think the fighting should stop and we all need to work together to find a solution. The super feminists on this board are constantly on this board complaining about men but maybe you could help raise the next generation so they can be better. It doesn't have to be all you do but please fit it into your schedule.

    17 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people believe "Snookie" from Jersey shore deserved to get hit?

    I just watched this video on youtube and it seems a lot of people are happy that this 5 foot nothing girl got punched in the face by this ape man. I don't care how irritating she is noone deserves a hit like that. The guy is a gym teacher for crying out loud. So please weigh in on how you feel about this horrible display of violence.

    16 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • How many people would be interested in adopting from Mexico?

    I have been in the process of adopting my niece from Mexico and I have realized that if you don't have the right connections it can be a very difficult process. Luckily my brother is friends with a lawyer who handles adoptions so the process has not been as difficult for me. My question is how many people would be interested in getting assistance through the adoption process from Mexico? I am thinking about starting an agency since there are so many children in Mexico who need homes but there is so much red tape it makes it difficult. Please let me know your opinions . No rude responses please.

    6 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Quiero adoptar a mi prima?

    Soy Americana y mi esposo es cuidadano pero es de Mexico. Mis tios y sus hijas son de ciudad Juarez. Como puedemos adoptar a mi prima si mis tios nos dan permiso?

    5 AnswersAdopción1 decade ago
  • Adopting from Mexico?

    Ok so I am trying to adopt my cousin from Mexico. I have gone to all the web sites but they only give information on how to adopt orphans and info about Hague convention rules. Does anyone know what the procedure is if my aunt and uncle sign over custody to me. She is 12 years old . About how much does it cost and how long does it take? My husband and I have two kids but my cousin and her family are really struggling and I would like to adopt her. Please , any relevant information would be helpful.

    2 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Twilight saga, Problem with Bella?

    Did it bother anyone else that Bella didn't jump at the chance to marry Edward? She has this obsessive love but won't happily grant him a wedding because she didn't want to be one of "those girls". It really bothered me, love that strong should be above social stigmas. Am I alone in thinking this way.

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Has anyone found any good books to fill the Twilight void?

    I just finished reading the Twilight Saga and it feels kind of empty has anyone found a good fix?

    23 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Family drama, please advise?

    Here goes. My neice is 23 , her cousin is 27 and I am 26. We all grew up together , well since I was 13. Anyway both my neice CR and her cousin JC are like sisters to me. CR has been nothing but trouble for my brother and his wife. She dropped out of high school her sophmore year, pregnant by 17, married shortly after, cheated twice, baby by the 2nd cheater, almost divorced. (Through all this I was the only one who still cared, even her mom stopped talking to her ) She ended up staying married and having another baby with her hubby. JC was into drugs, sex, drinking before she hit 15, dropped out of high school, pregnant by 17, baby #2 11 months later, got pregs again and wanted to abort but she was 7 months along and I begged her to consider adoption (Noone even believed she was pregnant and everyone called her a liar) I stood by her and tried to give her other options. She decided not to abort and she had baby girl #3(different dad). She is about to deliver a 4th baby girl with her new man(different dad). I finished high school with honors, went to college, served in the military, married , had 2 sons and I always get treated like the black sheep. My SIL always tells me how dissapointed she is that I didn't finish college, but sings CR's praises. Also CR has a horrible temper so we all walk on eggshells around her, even her mom. And CR and JC always talk about eachother like they are so close even though neither was there for the other.CR told me she would leave her kids to her husbands sister if anything ever happened, that broke my heart. I am godmother to all JC's kids but I don't know who she would leave my girls to. I am sick of it all. How can I stop being the outcast? Thanks for reading, sorry it was so long.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What interest rate should I expect with a median credit score of 622?

    My husband and I are looking to buy a house and I just wanted to crunch some numbers. Thanks:)

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Help with my niece please!!!!!Long?

    ok here goes. My family is very complicated and very messed up. My mom abandoned me so I was raised by my sister-in-law, who had two kids my niece and my nephew . Anyways I sorta was raised more like her daughter than SIL. My aunt (SIL sister) has a daughter (L)who is not my blood but I love like a little sister . She's only 16 and she is going down the wrong path. Her myspace page is filled with pics of her getting drunk , showing too much skin, and on her status it always says stuff like she is sooo high , or how the sex was great when can we do it again, thanks for the beer. All kinds of stuff she shouldn't be doing. My SIL's daughter (K)was pregnant at 17 and dropped out of high school her sophmore year, her sisters daughter(J) had 2 kids by 18 no hs education, her other sisters daughter(T) is always drunk and was pregnant by 17 didn't finish high school. I don't want (L) to end up like them. I have hinted to my SIL that she should monitor her myspace page to see whats up with her. I know she is not my kid but what can I do to help? She lives in Mexico and I live 6 hours away in tx. I have offered to adopt her so she could get papers but her mom dragged her feet and now (L) has too much freedom and doesn't want to live with me cause she knows she wouldn't be allowed to do that stuff. I don't want to offend anyone or hurt anyone but I don't want to stand by while (L) goes crazy and keeps screwing up her life. She is smoking weed, having sex, getting drunk, and her grades are so low now. She is so intelligent and has sooo much potential if someone would just be a parent to her. please help.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • If Jesus was a Jew why are those who follow his teachings not also Jews?

    I am just wondering how a new religion sprung up. I could understand if Jesus was not affiliated with any religion but right up till the very end he was a practicing Jew so what happened? Not trying to be offensive just wanted to know.

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Help with my baby's stuffy nose please?

    My 17 month old has a stuffy nose but he hates the bulb syringe. Does anyone have any good ways to clear his nose without the bulb syringe? He doesn't know how to blow yet and the mucus is making it hard for him to breastfeed.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago