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Why do so many people believe "Snookie" from Jersey shore deserved to get hit?

I just watched this video on youtube and it seems a lot of people are happy that this 5 foot nothing girl got punched in the face by this ape man. I don't care how irritating she is noone deserves a hit like that. The guy is a gym teacher for crying out loud. So please weigh in on how you feel about this horrible display of violence.


Seriously guy I must disagree. Snookie is a lot of things but a feminist is not on of them. So am I to believe that because there are over the top feminists (not all mind you) that any woman who says something to a man he doesn't like or that offends him should expect physical violence. That seems unfair isn't that kind of giving a pass for violence to any group that feels victimized. So should blacks, jews, mexicans etc. feel free to lay someone out if they are talking crap. That logic is not only faulty but scary. That guy stole her drinks and he had already been cut off by the bartender, wouldn't anyone have said something? Was she supposed to just say go ahead I don't mind.

Update 2:

@space soldier- Actually you're very wrong. I totally disagree with you. One of the only fights I have gotten into was when a girl started beating on my brother because he didn't want to date her. Rejection does not give her the right to pound on someone but my brother would not hit her because she was a girl so I stepped in and beat the crap out of her. I have 4 brothers who I love dearly and would never advocate violence of any kind against men or women.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think this whole, thing is really stupid. The only time hitting someone like that is acceptable if someone was physically attacking you in some way, not because they were being an annoying little ***** or insulting you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do so many women get into guys faces thinking that these guys may not hit them?

    Snooks is 5 foot nothing, she obviously should not be running her mouth to someone who can clearly kick her whoop her a$$. There are a lot of people who do stupid thing, but the last place you wanna be running off your mouth is at a bar with liquor and alcohol involved.

    Why do so many women think that they have instant invincibility when it comes to men and physical violence.

    If I went and ran off my mouth and got popped, I deserved what I got. Case closed

    Snooks obviously did not deserve to get hit , nobody does, but don't use naivety over common sense thinking that some guys out there won't sock you because you are a woman.

    Source(s): My girlfriend and I were watching this episode together, she is the one who said Snooks was stupid she said and I quote" If I go and bother a Pitbull and it bites me , thats my fault , Snooks did the same to this guy aka Pitbull and he bit her.
  • 4 years ago

    I have no concept what take place i do no longer watch it..yet comprehend of her can no longer say that i could hit her in no way recommendations absolutely everyone else... woman should not be hit by skill of guys at any time..even while the female hits Him...Then specific whoop her azz!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Under the circumstances, in which the worst she did to the guy was call him ugly, she absolutely did not deserve to get hit. I haven't yet seen the episode in which Jwoww beats up Mike, but she'd deserve some retaliation for that; not that she couldn't take it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    She didn't deserve to get knocked out like that. It just shouldn't have happened. However, that doesn't go to say that she didn't get taught a lesson about running off at the mouth in a bar.

  • 1 decade ago

    No one deserves to get hit.

    ... well, the producers of that show maybe.

    Added @Rio: " which Jwoww beats up Mike, but she'd deserve some retaliation for that;"

    Retaliation? No. Jail? Yes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, situations like this is when the "false empowerment" of this era come home to roost.

    We're supposed to believe that women and men are interchangeable in occupations that involve strength. (Cops, Firefighters, Soldiers, etc)

    ...BUT, we're ALSO supposed to still have the "men should never hit a woman" mindset.

    Do you see where people might get confused?

    Are we supposed to treat women"equally" or not?

    ...Because if a guy gets up in another guys face and points at him insulting him...

    He should EXPECT to get laid out.

    It's like the setting of the sun. It's GOING to happen.

    ...But Snookie expected to play her "female card" there and get a free pass.

    Well, modern men don't give "free passes" anymore.

    The "Snookie" situation is a sign of the times. Women want all of the "good things" that come with equality, but none of the bad. Women like "Snookie" need to understand that many modern men aren't chivalrous anymore. We've been forced out of that mindset by "sensitivity training" and false empowerment measures.

    So, any violence is wrong and illegal, but when people go out and behave in a manner that's begging for violence... they really can't be surprised when they get it.

    ...Especially in "Jersey."

  • Dubs
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    LOL a MTV reality show based on attention whoring italian stereotypes who are such paragons of moral behavior is certifiably the most perfect example of why we need to pay attention to staged DV in order to attain ratings and exposure.

    Here's your sign.

  • 1 decade ago

    You only see half of the truth. What did she said to the guy???

    May be she swear to him as "Motherfcuker", and you know Italian men are very respectful of their mother.

    If the situation is reversed, I am sure the cop won't come, & if they come, they WOULD end up arresting the guy any way. In a sense, he may be smart, since he would be arrested whichever way, according to VAWA "must arrested" rule. And it won't even display on the Primetime News.

    And I am sick & tire of the 2 witches blabbling on CNN, on National Org. of Womyn Payroll..

    I feel nothing. Perhaps even delight. How many tooth fell off ???

    Cheer on to that heroic jock!

  • 1 decade ago

    you hypocrite,I bet you wouldn't be asking this question if it was a small man being hit by a giant woman.

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