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Is Harry Potter just for children?

Wait, before you answear please read this. I am making an essay about Harry Potter, if it's just for children or not. So I have arguments that say that it can also be good for adults to read it, but I also need arguments that say it is JUST for children.

Does anybody think that Harry Potter is just for children? If you do, why?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, it's not. I'm twenty. Harry Potter's been part of me since I was nine. I waited for my letter at eleven and still complain that it's nine years late. I waited in line at the last film premiere for four hours in the freezing cold. I'll probably do the same for the final film, and I'll start crying when I get in line and won't stop until two hours after it finishes. The fans, we're not ready for this to be over. It's really an incredible series that draws you into a deep story of the life you wish you could lead. It's not just some little kid going to magic school. You fall in love with the characters and you feel everything that happens. It grows dark and sad. Rowling is also an incredible writer in my opinion. She's got a beautiful way with words that children can't even follow all the time. They miss a lot of concepts. Harry Potter's just great.

  • 1 decade ago

    What I think isn't important! You need an argument that Harry Potter is just for children. Here goes. The books are just about the fight between good and evil and Harry Potter's got special powers to help him beat the bad guys. He needs the help of his friends, and with that help he succeeds. The books can be read on this level, but they can be read on an adult level too where they become more complex. That's what makes the books appeal to both adults and children - both can enjoy them but they have different messages and themes for adults that children would not have the life experiences to understand.

    Source(s): I'm an English Literature graduate
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Nope it is not. Honestly there aren't that much children in the world that do enjoy reading is there but still somehow it is the world's most successful franchise of all time. I know for a fact that the stars of Harry Potter: Dan, Emma, and Rupert are fans of the books even though they are 20 years old.

    Bottom line is Harry Potter is not just for children.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not at all. In fact, I think that the whole Harry Potter series was a coming of age tale about growing up, and learning to take on adult responsibilites.

    There are a lot of dark moments that in a way aren't even appropriate for younger children. On top of that, the entire Harry Potter series is a play on the Christ story, with Harry eventually dying for the world that he loves and returning to life in order to save them.

    So...definitely not just for children. Not at all.

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  • 1 decade ago

    well i know its not just for children but what your looking for hear is some arguments

    For children:

    .The Protagonists are children themselves in the first couple of books, so it would be easily relatable to children.

    .You could say that the amount of imagination and fantasy thats in there is believable for a child.

    .Theres no adult content, sexual scenes, brutality, rarely ever expletives.

    .its magical and every childs fantasy, you could say that adults may not relate to the magical world or find it realistic

    .The first book is actually written quite children book like, and they mature as the books progress, the style of writing, although magnificent, is not particularly challenging.

    Hope i helped

    btw something for the opposite argument for both adults and children:

    it deals with issues such as racism (half-bloods, pure..ect) , love, confusion, complications, irony(the fact that voldemort wouldnt have attempted to kill harry if he hadn't have seen the prophecy, he tried to kill harry because the prophecy said neither can live whilst the other survives, but that was only because they were both out to kill each other, and one would end up dead eventually, and if he hadnt had seen the prophecy he would have died in the end)

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i do no longer think of this is optimal for little ones under 13, i think of even the score is PG13 too. because of the fact the Harry Potter tale is going on, the plot gets extra violent and so lots extra complicated. beginning from The Goblet of hearth, all of them started giving the videos extra mature rankings. individually, if I had a youthful toddler, i could in basic terms enable them to observe the 1st 2, then wait some years till they'd watch the different 3.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Age is more of a state of mind in my world" The physical(age) is more on reality than mentality is on reality. In this case, Harry Potter is more of a science fiction than a reality. Therefore, fantasy is more attached to mentality(imagination).

    With that in mind, Harry Potter is good for all ages.

    But whats more important is the concept of the stories. Its all about making good decisions and maintaining the balance between good and evil forces.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is clearly not... it captivates the imaginations of children and adults alike all over the world. I am 14 and i thougholy enjoy the harry potter series ( my favorite books in the world apart from my own novels, of course!) My friends, their parents and even dome grandparents are all tangled in the series...

    Source(s): Me!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    It's clearly not *just* for children, as millions have adults have read it - but children are its original target audience. The first edition of the first book was sold almost exclusively to primary schools (ie with pupils of 7-11 years old).

  • Emma
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I definitely do not. First of all, I don't think a child could complete understand it. There are a lot of high level vocab words and the plot gets pretty complicated. There are also a lot of complex themes and messages that I know I would never understand when I was 10.

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