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What is resonance.......?

Does the process of discerning truth via resonance have any drawbacks, spiritually speaking? Is resonance with ideas, thoughts, feelings, and sensings through sharing these with others--is that an external treadmill or is there true growth and inner work that takes place through this process of resonance? Can a person sit in a room alone for a long time and learn just as quickly via their own heart (meditation, self inquiry, etc) or does bouncing ideas off of one another speed up the process?

Is there something to be gained by external (or is it internal?) resonance...this seems to me the only way so far I have communicated with my soul in accordance with the outer world. Is there another way?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do not know what resonance is...but

    I think that when one is "truth seeking",being open to the external is very very important. Cause think about it if you were to never receive any information from the outside world via your friends, online, personal experiences & observations, knowledge, tradition, could sit inna room for days. months, years thinking & meditating but i dont think you could really form any real conclusions or ideas that way...i dont even know if you could even Think w/o having former experiences & outside stimuli...maybe you dont need like one to one conversation, but i do believe that it certainly sheds light on one to hear what others have to's like sharing experiencess & stories & thought processes & love vibration & all this...w/o that i dont think i could ever even comprehend any source of truth or true thought coming out of i dont know i feel like i not only learn from my own experiences but also veryy much from the experiences & attitudes of others.

    But i dont know if any of this even relates to resonance. I think resonance has much to do with the heart & the self & the vibes you get from people/ your surroundings... etc...but what i'm kinna ramblin about above has to do with like more of mind & thought & wisdom.

    Source(s): Peace & very very much Love :)
  • 1 decade ago

    Resonance is a phenomena where at a given frequency an oscillating systems amplitude response is much larger then other frequencies. This is a mathematical effect of the design of a system. Basically it is a frequency where the mathematical equations governing its behavior "blow up". No resonator is ideal, and they are instead damped by some losses. For linear damped resonators(an extremely good approximation in many fields), the behavior can be described by a "Q factor." As Q increases, the bandwidth of the resonant behavior decreases, and the amplitude at the peak frequency increases. As Q decreases the opposite phenomena occurs.

    It has nothing to do with the stuff you are talking about.

  • 1 decade ago

    We can deceive ourselves much too easily to rely on resonance, as you put it, to discern truth. I have experienced this not only in myself, but also in the lives of close friends.

    I think it depends on what you're really after. If you really want truth, if you want to be bettered, if you want to make the best contribution to something that you can, then what you do is surround yourself with quality people who can add to the equation by awakening truth within you that you have not been able to access within your own experience... and others *can* do that for you. If you want to find out who you are, if your aim is to dive to the center of your own experience, then you can remain alone with your own inner processes. But you will probably not gain true clarity or a more objective understanding. By remaining only within yourself, you run the risk of fundamentally misperceiving the reality you are living in as a human creature.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The best way to learn is by opening a book or going to school. Sitting in a room and thinking about something limits you to what you already know. You can't gain new insight unless you have an adequate amount of input.

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  • 1 decade ago

    We resonate with the patterns of energy that are in harmony with our state of being. Those who are dense, contracted, dark hearted, respond to others and to ideas and states of being that are also at that level. Those who raise up their states of being to higher levels... In other words we draw to ourselves the experiences that are in harmony with our state of being. If we are wise we judge whether we want to continue in the direction that is presenting itself to us or if we want to attain a higher state that is more satisfying, more pleasing, more fulfilling, more joyous. Many seek more pleasure, more power, more 'stuff' to satisfy an ever increasing lust for material experience. Others seek ever more subtle experiences of Love, Peace, Wisdom, Joy, those states which resonate with Truth, What Is.

    Bouncing ideas of one another is part of the process of learning but there comes a time when that level of knowing and learning are left behind and in the end higher knowledge comes only from Source, within.


  • 1 decade ago

    A form of oneness.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi Ya Love!

    Awesome question!

    Well we tune our radios by adjusting the oscillatory and digital characteristics of electronic components to resonate at the frequency of the broadcast signal. The resonant circuit amplifies the desired signal. The signal is strongest when "tuned in" exactly at resonance.

    I think God provides a spectrum of possibilities or aims for his human creatures. These are graded according to value. He confronts each entity with the ideal possibility for self-actualization, an initial aim.

    But he does not determine the creature’s choice. The new occasion prehends this initial aim and the multiplicity of data in the universe, including its past occasions, which may be considered to contribute their aims for it and through successive decisions orders itself to a final subjective aim .

    Insofar as each human creature’s final subjective aim is in accord with God’s aim .....there is a resonance in which the effect of God’s presence is maximized.

    This phenomenon, I think, may be consciously felt as God’s initiative.

    When one responds to it, an interpersonal communion is formed which we call a revelation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    we learn in all kinds of ways, with others, or alone,

    i think the point is that we are learning

    yes we need to bounce our ideas off others, but we also need time to consider it from our own view , take it in in our own way and let it affect us the way its supposed to

    both have their purpose

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wave physics?

  • 1 decade ago

    Spiritual life is simple for those who are simple and complicated for those who are complex.

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