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Christians are always being accused of forcing their beliefs upon others?

. I disagree as Christians can’t FORCE anyone to believe anything they don’t want to believe. As such I ask what do you think is happening by the following?

Homosexuality is being promoted in many of the public schools of America, and the homosexual agenda has the blessing of the highest levels of the National Education Association (NEA). NEA President Robert Chase gave the keynote address at the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) conference in Arlington Heights, Illinois, this month (“Homosexual convention targets grade-school kids,” WorldNetDaily, Oct. 11, 2000). The GLSEN promotes homosexuality in schools by propagandizing teachers and school officials, providing materials, and establishing homosexual student clubs called Gay-Straight Alliances. There are currently over 700 of these in high schools and middle schools. (The Newton North High School in Newton, Massachusetts, recently celebrated “Bisexual Awareness Day.”) GLSEN is also targeting elementary schools and kindergartens. GLSEN also pressures school officials to stop sponsoring the Boy Scouts, because of the organization’s common-sense ban on homosexual sco

One of the books distributed by GLSEN is “Celebrating Families,” featuring lesbian mothers with adopted daughters. The GLSEN-distributed movie “That’s a Family” depicts homosexual couples as normal, healthy “families.” The proposed lesson plan for grades 4-6 describes anti-homosexual thinking as persecution and compares it with Christians who are persecuted for their faith.

A “Visitor’s Companion” distributed at the GLSEN conference advertised homosexual bars and sex clubs in the Chicago area.

One of the seminars taught public school teachers how to “come out of the closet” and declare their homosexuality to the students and faculty.

Another seminar was titled “Responding to the Right Wing.” The leader of the seminar, Barbara Miner, expressed fear of school vouchers, because “vouchers and private schools will do an end-run around 20 to 30 years of rights gains.” These homosexual activists know that the average person is against them and the only way they can gain power is by using the government-controlled education monopoly and the decree of ungodly judges who subvert the constitution.

NEA President Robert Chase told the conference he did not care what “right wing” Christians think about his support of the homosexual agenda. The Family Research Council had launched a campaign urging people to write to Chase to discourage him from attending the conference, but Chase laughed about it and said he was happy they “are coming after me.”

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You use the word "promoted" and "agenda" and "activist" to imply some sort of dark conspiracy. You again are twisting the truth in your usual distortion of reality to serve YOUR own "agenda."

    It is people like you who have filled innocent minds with propaganda and irrational moralization to the detriment of our gay youth. It is people like you who try to force laws to disallow gay people from enjoying the same rights you presume for yourselves. It is people like you who expect others to Z"respect" your religious beliefs and yet refuse to respect the beliefs of others who disagree.

    Most of the things you have referenced here are GOOD things.

    There is no so-called "promotion" but yes there is for once, a TRUE application of FACT. And NOT your usual biased religious based bigotry distorting the true facts about being gay. You distort the facts yourself by statements such as: "The GLSEN promotes homosexuality in schools by propagandizing teachers and school officials, providing materials, and establishing homosexual student clubs called Gay-Straight Alliances." What they ARE PROMOTING is finally an UNDISTORTED rendering of what sexual orientation and homosexuality is truly about. And not the distortions brought about by centuries of religious based bigotry. These gay-straight alliances are finally bringing a wholesome and realistic endeavor to allow a true understanding develop between gay and straight students. And to help stop the bullying, the intolerance, the hatred, and the persecution of gay students. Something which your religious based bigotry has encouraged.

    When people speak of your "forcing" your views down their throats it is merely in response to your own refusal to recognize that gay people too ARE PEOPLE with the same life, hopes and desires you have. They merely have access to the SAME equality under the law that you are trying to deny them. Their "agenda" is to eventually have lives lived without persecution and have merely exactly the same rights under the law that you expect for yourself.

    You need to STOP your discrimination and persecution of gay people especially our very vulnerable youth.

    When you make statements like this: "These homosexual activists know that the average person is against them.." You seem to be implying that there is something wrong with homosexual activism. But in truth they are merely seeking what you already have. Equality under the law. And furthermore the average person is NOT against them.

    The Family Research Council is a total joke. They are no more a research council than the other right wing fanatics who disparage and ignore true scientific research.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll have to disagree with you. Try telling a little child that. Never mind that, you can't tell me that because I was a victim of it. I was beaten if I didn't pray before I went to bed and got in big trouble if I didn't go to church. Before I knew it, I believed that what I was being told was true because I trusted authority. Trusting authority is something that the average child does and that's why most people share the same beliefs as their parents. Trusting people in authority at a young age is also the only way a child can survive because the parents are cautious of things that are harmful to them. Unfortunately, kids are also exposed to religion before they can think for themselves and weed out the nonsense. As I said before, a muslim mom will most likely have a muslim child and the same goes with Christians.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    And it is true - christian fundamentalist missionaries have led to true witch hunts of homosexual individuals in the more obscure, undeveloped countries, such as Uganda (where homosexual behavior warrants a life in prison, and, in a uprising instigated by missionaries, was once proposed to be punished with death).

    You hide behind your beliefs, your lies.

    It will not last.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I read the first sentence and I knew it was false.

    Let me tell you a story: A college frat guy wants to take a pledge out on a night that would be considered borderline hazing, yet he doesn't want to be called on it. So he tells the pledge that he doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want to. Yet if you go into the mind of a pledge:

    "Yo dawg, I gotta do dis sh*t. F*ck hazing, I'm tuff. I'm not going to let my friends call me a pussy."

    The end.

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  • Fool
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "Homosexuality is being promoted"

    The government just don't want to pay child support

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sometimes i think that people with long questions like this copy and paste random stuff off the internet.

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