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? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Is there a "White conspiracy" to supress minorities?

It seems Obama enjoys to sit with his family on Sunday mornings and listen to preachers rant against the "white man". This seems extremely harmful to our culture and especially to minority youths who are sitting in the pews listening to these adults spew there venom against a certain race. How does this help our youth adjust to a diverse society?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No thier failing because they have a lower IQ(on averadge)

    Source(s): Also many of there neighborhoods in the western world represent their former countries quite well economically, technology, etc. Which is strong evendence that its the race not society thats a failure.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The youth a be just fine if they didn't listen to their elders Think if your kids were to ask you about blacks, asians,hispanics, gays etc, and you said nothing they're just people like you and me, and everybody else in the country did the same, racism would be a thing of the dark ages.

    And when a group of obese white people demand to see the PRESIDENTS birth certificate, it's not really a conspiracy, it's blatant

  • dm
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Funny if you think about it, Obama wins with a huge majority..."Yay! The end of racism!"

    Yet we are now more divided than ever. Why? Who benefits to keep minorities down?...Not the average white guy. Most likely the person that is blaming it on the average white guy.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't help our youth. They only people suppressing the minorities are themselves. Some of the same people that sell this message that minorities can't get ahead because of some form of this suppression, are themselves minorities that have gotten rich selling the idea. I have literally seen this played out on cable and listened to it on the radio. Others give lip service to personal responsibility but their message and solution is collective political social justice ( a message going on 40 years and having little to show for it), if not all out revolution.

    The only real enemy many minorities have is the self-perpetuating cycle of poverty, creating poor role models and no vision of personal success, creating the sense of hopelessness, leading to poor personal life decisions and attitude, leading to poverty. The weapons to battle this cycle, which lie within themselves, are not pointed out to them or are told don't work. All this makes harder to hear and helps drown out the positive messages to the contrary.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think racism is largely subconscious.

    People who go to school that are largely all white due to defacto segregation, and only see Black people on TV, where all they see are criminals, entertainers, or dumb sports stars, as less likely to hire Black people to work at their companies.

    In addition, Black families cannot help their children the way white families can, as they left slavery with nothing, and until very recently it was almost impossible for Black parents to give their children anything economically speaking.

    Black people tend to come from lower economic backgrounds due to having no start-up capitol. In addition, they grow up in a society where they are taught that their people are naturally criminal or stupid.

    Furthermore, police are way more present in the Ghettos than in white neighborhoods, so things that white kids get away with (smoking pot, etc.) result in arrest records.

    Furthermore, employers, teachers, etc. often approach them with a pre-judicial assumption.

    Furthermore, they are faced with double binds.

    If they live in the ghetto, they are treated like criminals, have police on their backs, and have very little chance of employment.

    But, if they leave the ghetto they are treated with suspicion, and live as the "odd ones", surrounded by a culture, language dialect, and way of life they aren't familiar with.

    If they talk ghetto they are "ignorant."

    If they talk "proper english" white people think they are being "uppidity" and "have an attituide."

    Essentially, all of these things results in Black people statistically being worse off than white people, oppressed as a colonized nation within the U.S., that deserve self-determination and independence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WHAT? white men mistreating the negr0? These are the kind of lies coming form the left. Look I know a lot of really educated people and I have been to a lot of really different places and I am telling you that the only racism in America today is reverse racism. I AM TRUMP AND I HAVE SPOKEN>

  • 1 decade ago

    Well yes and its called the TEA party and Its affiliates Including the birther movement and the anti government militias they know LGBTQ, hispanics and muslims are taking over they won't give up their own.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he had only went to a church that indoctrinates children early on to be against abortion and gay people... you could've been so much more happy at this point.

    What a shame indeed.

  • cantcu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Now minorities would have absolutely no cause to have issues with whites, would they?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How does your question?

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