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d_r_siva asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Philosophically speaking, can you call some persons as good for nothing?

Our interests and behavioral dispositions are as unique as our fingerprints.

Even within a family, one’s way of being happy may not be the same with another. One, for example, may find that he is happier when he is in a contemplative mood and his twin brother, steeped in group laughter and fun, may find solitary disposition rather boring.

We notice that the differences grow bigger when one has to deal with people from other cultures.

Humans are free to do what they want, without this freedom there could be no morality. In such a case, no basis for what could be deemed as good or bad behavior in the eyes of a God because without freewill we would just be pre-programmed unable to change or alter what has already been laid out in front of us. There are only two things certain in each one of our lives, we live, and then we die, everything in between is up to the individual.

Hard determinism only clouds the mind if we are enslaved to thinking we are free, then those who believe that they have no control over life are going through life making decisions based on what they perceive as pre-determined. To say we have a path set for us is to make us no more than a robot, and because robots cannot discuss topics intelligently and cannot act intelligently in situations proves that theory wrong.

We all have identity each human individual is unique even twins are different. Our minds are just as unique as our fingerprints

We are all individualistic, meaning that we are all different in thinking.

Our minds are as different as our finger prints -

no two are identical. Palmistry also says the same

thing. Every human is unique. Not only do our

organs differ, but our personalities differ. Each

human develops different goals, and has special

traits or feelings which differ in a million

different ways from others.

That every person is unique and has an intrinsic worth.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that thinking that way is a form of separatism. What about the many things the family does have in common, like playing Thursday Scrabble or picking blueberries. You're thinking in terms of difference. I think the difference is useless. Its the similarities that are important, they are a human cohesion.

    All my family is different, yet we had our set enjoyable things we like to do. Check out Wife Swap on you'll see how similar and less different biological and adopted families are.

    I have a lot of foreign friends. They have unqiue traits. Yet some of these foreign groups I quite get on with. Because I would find we were raised similarly or with the same values. And I have an abberation in my taste buds for foreign food. One in particul I call her my cousin bc we are so similar.

    Phenomenologically speaking, you are interpreting this by focusin on one aspect of the two part relationship which is difference vs similarities.

    Also don't believe everything you hear. Some guy in Norway found identical snowflakes in the 80s.

    Another interesting thing, Casey Kasum, used to be a DJ for pop hits in America. Anyway it turned out his wife and he could not be married. They were as geneticaly similar as brother and sister, even having had two different parents and being raised across the globe from each other.

    Thirdly, no one is useless. A person can be haughty and look down their nose and use their knwledge base to form an unsavory opinion of a person. But like in the Bible, many people are simply the salt of the earth. They help the world function through commerce working etc.

    From a soul standpoint, everyone is equal and divine.

    However there is good and evil. Saying we are all differen as you said promotes a dterminism that ppl are made by god good or bad. That's nature versus nurture and debatable. Tho most ppl share it is 40 percent nature and 60 % nurture.

    Even so, if your point were true, ppl are bad or good. They can still learn the norms of society and learn how to behave and condition their brains to adopt new ideas and behaviors.

    Let's say someone goes to a psychologist and they have crazy bad ideas and they wanna hurt people. They feel its inherent, the badness. Cognitively you could go in an educate the person about symptahy empathy etc

    Anyway I think you're just focusing so mcuh on the differences.

    Also try to broaden your socio historilogical viewpoint, you might say certain ppl from a certain culture are mostly bad. They are departed from you. They're not your family, they aren't your town, they aren't your county. They are an unrecognizable snowflake which you think is bad.

    We do have norms that are different, yes. But look at that culture and read about the history its endured. The ppl in it are its products. Pain from a war or a fallen government have reprecussions on the mental and moral state of ppl far after their gone. So just be mindful, when trying to figure out how your snowflake can communicate effieicently, safely, and peaceably with theirs. But guard your differences and obey theirs. Try to find the middle ground.

    btw, no one is really very unique in the world... dust to dust

  • 1 decade ago

    I concur with you that every person is unique and has an intrinsic value. No one has given us rights to judge others with our own scales. Such criticism for others only shows our proud nature.Perhaps, Kabeer has written........once I went in search of someone who was good for nothing, I could not find anyone. But when I looked deep in myself, I found that I am the person who tops in the list of people who are good for nothing.


  • 1 decade ago

    Is this a question or not? Yes, some people are good for nothing by any standard. Not every person has intrinsic worth.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The person that teaches us what NOT to do is every bit as important as the person that teaches us what TO do.

  • 1 decade ago

    To each his own ! Who am i? Morality, belief, ideas, emotions, feelings, circumstance, etc. To each his own garden to till ; to each his own poison.However, they said, " His world will be right, if the man is right.".

  • Julia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    well now, some people are NO good for anything, so yes you CAN call people good for NOTHING because they are no good.

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