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Many people-on YA spiritual- who believe in Science and Evolution say: Christians are ignorant?

I would be interested to know if anybody who trusts science and evolution can name the person quoted here; concerning the the fossil record being proof of evolution:

"Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory"


I'm impressed. I'll admit, I'm not a scientist. However, there is more than enough information out there for a person to understand that science does not always have every answer concerning the origin of human life.

Regarding DNA: Histones are thought to be involved in governing the activity of genes. The chance of forming even the simplest of these histones is said to be one in 20 to the 100 power. this is a larger number than the total of all the atoms in all the stars in galaxies visible in the largest telescopes.

Proteins depend on DNA for their formation. But, DNA cannot from without pre-existing protein. One Scientist wrote" The origin of the genetic code poses a massive chicken-and-egg problem that remains, at present, completely scrambled."

Francis Crick wrote "In spite of the genetic code being almost universal, the mechanism necessary to embody it is far too complex to have arisen in one blow."

Update 2:

Jesus Rides. That photo was taken in 1977 and my family, and I, were on a road trip=bad hair day. This photo is me now.

Update 3:

Sweethea, you say, and others say this is 150 year old information. But, what do today's fossil records show?. Swedish botanist Heribert Nilsson described the situation this way, after 40 years of his own research: "It is not even possible to make a caricature of an evolution out of palaeobiological facts. The fossil material is now so complete that the lack of transitional series cannot be explained as due to the scarcity of material. The deficiencies are real, they will never be filled."

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i admit there are flaws in evolution, but there are also flaws in religion too. Which religion is the right one? Is there really proof for God, like the same kind of proof you demand for evolution? How do we know the religions we have today won't someday turn into mythologies, just like the religions in the past?

    IMO: there's no right answer so far, given the current knowledge. I can only say that evolution, based on current evidence, is the best theory we have available, but this may change as we understand more.

    btw why do you keep quoting people who said those things before 1990s? At least give me some quotes from scientists active in 2000s, where advance genome sequencing have pushed our understanding of genome evolution!

  • 1 decade ago


    You'll notice that he said that before the majority of the evidence of evolution was found.


    Yes it's true that science doesn't know everything but that's why it works. It investigates areas until more is known about them.

    Just asserting that there's a supernatural explanation without showing evidence is lazy. When we come up against a question and we don't know what the answer is, all we know is that we don't know what the answer is. Nowhere is that evidence of a divine being.

    I'm ashamed to say it but argument from ignorance (god exists because we can't explain that) was very popular in the past and even the brightest minds of the day would use it.

    On the actual topic of the protein formation, that actually has nothing to do with evolution just like stellar formation has nothing to do with gravity. It's actually a fairly complex area of organic chemistry.


    Heribert Nilsson died nearly 60 years ago. Even in the last 20 years we've made huge strides. Before I write up a big article about transitional fossils, what is your idea of one? A mutant half chimp, half human? You don't seem that bad but you never know.

    Source(s): A lot happens in 150 years.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like a Charles Darwin quote mine.

    You realize science has progressed (just a tad) in the last 150 years?

    The discovery of DNA was just one confirmation of evolutionary theory, explaining HOW traits are transmitted from generation to generation, how mutations enter populations, etc. We already knew from Mendel that such traits existed, and from Darwin the effects these variable traits can have, but the mechanism for their transmission was a mystery, one that was constantly highlighted by creationists as "proof" the theory was untenable.

    You don't hear them harping on that one anymore, do you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "The number of intermediate varieties which have formerly existed on earth must be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory." - Charles Darwin

    Source(s): GOOGLE
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Science is a proven-reliable method for finding out facts about the universe -- it doesn't require any "belief."

    Evolution (that biological organisms change over time) is an observed fact -- facts also don't require "belief."

    The quote is a quote-mine from Darwin. If you'd bother to read the rest of the paragraph, you'd see why your quote-mine is dishonest and doesn't say what you're trying to imply it says. You've been dishonest in mining it (or ignorant, I don't know which) -- why should anyone listen to anything a dishonest person says? That quote was also written 150 years ago -- in case you hadn't noticed, we've found several million fossils since then.

    All you did by posting this was demonstrate ignorance and/or dishonesty. Did you really think this was going to counter the claim that you're ignorant?


  • 1 decade ago

    One man says something without proof and that is evolution busted? That is why you live your life by one book - the gullibility factor. Try and impartial source of information. You are not making Christians look good, dear.

    Edit: A 150 year old quote? That is what you are basing your information on? Oh, dear.

    Source(s): I think therefore I am Atheist.
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like Kent Hovind.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The strongest evidence for evolution is genetic; not fossil.

    Darwin knew nothing about genetics.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't confuse Christians to bible fundamentalists. Only bible fundamentalists feel threatened by evolution and they are the ignorant ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, a quote mine. What are the chances.

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