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Lv 7
BJ asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My dog attacked another dog even though no body saw this the dog died 7hours later the vet wanted to put?

put the dog to sleep immediatly but the selfish owner decided to keep it alive well the dog died I know she gave me the vet bill to pay but then she gave me a bill for creamation and an urn and the dog was 10 plus years old gave me the adoption papers saying what she paid for the dog 10 years ago I have seen where they pro rate the cost of the dog what I want to know do I have to pay for creamation and urn? Serious answers only please Thank you btw there were three other dogs in their yard also.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd like to know the whole story.

    I think it's ridiculous to be expected to pay for cremation and an urn. Cremation is a choice. She could just as easily dig a hole.

    And pro-rating the purchase price of an animal that is 10 years old? I'd think she already got her money's worth out of that dog, no matter what she paid for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Considering YOUR dog did the damage, you're responsible for paying. Doesn't matter how old the dog was, any vet bill done is your responsibility, as is the disposal fee for cremation. The urn isn't part of what you'd need to pay for.

    There IS no pro-rating of a pet. Get that out of your head right now. Your dog killed hers. You're responsible for paying back the costs.

    Cremation is not a 'choice', it's what the vet charges the owner for proper disposal of the body and is included in the euthenasia costs. The only way to avoid a cremation cost is to take the body home and bury it in your back yard, a thing most cities frown on due to sanitation issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your dog killed another dog and you are responsible I think the vet bill, cremation, and urn is reasonable, but the cost of the dog 10 yrs ago is not reasonable in my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pay up! That was a long time to love a dog and then have it killed by another dog. They are grieving and angry. I would be too and if you love your dog, you should understand. I have 2 and would be devastated to loose either one. My 10 year old would be the one I would miss the most, because we have so many memories.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Do the right thing, even if you do not have to. That woman lost a dog that was very dear to her. (Be glad it was a dog and not a child that was attacked!) She is in mourning.

    Pay up, show remorse and promise never to allow a dog of yours to run free without a leash.

  • Aduial
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Stop griping and pay the money. Your dog killed another dog. You have no ground to stand on.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes you do. it is your responsibility to keep your own dog under control. or you can take them to court and explain why its not your fault and/or why you shouldn't have to pay, but im 98% sure will will end up paying for everything.

    (if you take them to court, i suggest judge Judy's court so i can see the outcome! [no offense])

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    who's yard...where did this did this happen....

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