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Curiosity Question: Who IS the MOST overrated "DEATH" Metal band?

Inspired by King Diamond's question, just felt like expanding on it. I saw Death mentioned, so I'll toss them in, but I am also gonna toss in a few bands that are, IMO as overrated, or much much more, and then get your feedback.

MQ: Most Overrated "Death Metal" Band? (And why? Anyone can hate, I want to see if people can ARTICULATE)






F) pick your own candidate.

BQ: of the 5 bands listed, which has the best:

1) Vocals?

2) Rhythm Guitars?

3) Lead Guitars and Solos?

4) Bassist?

5) Drums?

BBQ- Best movie theater snack BESIDES popcorn?


ooooh.. I forgot Cryptopsy..... well, if I added them, then I woulda had to toss in Necrophagist too, and then next you know I got a 20 band list up here.....

14 Answers

  • Jon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Survey says!!!

    *Ding, Ding, Ding*..OPETH!....*Gasps*

    MQ- Yes, I do still like Still Life, and some of the earlier work, but Opeth is also a band that I have to listen to in small doses. There is something on every Opeth album (Mainly on the newer ones) That just doesn't sit right with me. It's certainly not a feeling of discordance or misery because it doesn't make me feel those things, even though it seems like it wants to, and even if it did, discordance isn't something that turns me off and a lot of Metal in general is discordant. The case is that most of the time I listen to Opeth, I end up getting bored because the song drops into about two minutes of fiddling around with one or two notes on an acoustic guitar into near silence or just no music with clean singing, followed by some riffs.... The harsh vocals are one of the things that get me the most. They have no real tone or melodic qualities, and that for me is a huge loss in musical value and emotion. The clean vocals are kind of boring and not really unique in anyway, and most of Opeth's music just doesn't make me feel any certain way. It comes of as hollow, and not a hollowness that adds to the mood, at least for me, even if that was the intention.

    Cannibal Corpse, I haven't really listened too much, but it seems like they just get by with the shock factor or something, but I don't see a whole lot of Metal heads anywhere that rave over them too much...

    Morbid Angel, I also haven't listened too much, but I would assume they are better than Cannibal Corpse, they are also not mentioned much, but maybe a little more than Cannibal Corpse.


    Eh, Ok, I'm back, wow 3 thumbs down...Oh well, guess you can't please everyone when debating on an overrated band, but it's all good.

    Seriously, I didn't just pick Opeth to piss anyone off or be rebellious or hurt anyone's feelings or any thing like that, I really do feel like the band is overrated. There's always that person saying every Opeth album is GREAT, each one a masterpiece! The band is a miracle! And they do have a solid discography rating-wise, but there are plenty of other bands that have a solid discography that appeal to me personally. In my opinion the band Death has an amazing discography, and I never get bored with a single Death album. Listening to Death just paints more colors on my canvas, listening to Opeth paints colors too, but the colors are chromatic.

    Also I don't think Death gets debated or praised enough to be overrated. As great as the band is, we still have to accept that not everyone knows about them. Early Death Metal is huge with fans, but most of the rest of the Metal community seem to take up Melodic Death bands,and Prog Death way more than stuff like Death and Bolt Thrower and etc. In R&P they aren't as obscure, but then people in R&P know more about Metal than what I've seen in real life, because unlike real life, we get to debate and talk about almost as much as we want here.

    I really can't say anything bad about Atheist either, I really like their music, and not enough know about them for the band to be overrated. I feel for a band to overrated there must be a MASS of people that exaggerate how great a band is. Personally I think a whole lot of people exaggerate when it comes to Opeth, and they are more popular than a lot of fans think. Even my distant cousin who is a ICP Juggalette listens to Opeth and you know how blind ICP fans are to other music.







    So... Did I overrate Death with my BQ? or did I just tell the truth?

    BQ2- Candy or chips

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    BQ- 1) Vocals?- Morbid Angel

    2) Rhythm Guitars? Opeth

    3) Lead Guitars and Solos?Atheist

    4) Bassist? Death

    5) Drums? Cannibal Corpse

    BBQ- Nachos and M&Ms

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My biggest instance of this is specifically Metallica's Black Album. That was actually the first metal album I ever heard, bought for myself, etc etc etc etc (I was 11). Now, I can't even listen to it at all because I've come to register it as a severely watered down version of what they were doing on AJFA. Which I would easily still listen to (though I never really understood To Live is to Die... if they're gonna honor Cliff, couldn't they have done it with a better track?) Another band I do want to mention here, though for many reasons I straight-up acknowledge that it isn't fair, is Anthrax. I used to really get into the Big 4 thing, but somehow over the years my passion for listening to Anthrax just faded. What's bizarre is that my appreciation of their music hasn't. Whenever I do end up listening to Anthrax lately, I am continually noticing how good they actually were. What's different is that now, it feels more like being surprised by it, instead of just understanding it as a fact like I used to. Not sure what the hell's going on there. But Persistence of Time is still a bad-@ss thrash/groove mid-tempo masterpiece.

  • Dave
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Bolt Thrower.

    Kidding, breh.

    In my opinion, the most overrated is Cannibal Corpse. Too many Natives I know masturbate while listening to I *** Blood hoping it'll happen or something. You either worship them, which makes no sense to me, or you hate them. Either way they're overrated and overhated.

    I find them overrated because their first few albums were simply cold cut thrash metal, then they moved onto more guttural, fast paced music. Soon, you have extremely ridiculous gore-fest lyrics, muted bass, raunchy album covers, and a legion of nasty fans who bat down the idea that there's better metal out there. The musicianship isn't impressive (except for the lead guitar, and on later albums, the bass, which you can't even hear), and the growls and lyrics ruin them for me. CC gives death metal a bad name.


    1. Morbid Angel.

    2. Nile (my own pick).

    3. Atheist ties with Death here.

    4. Atheist with Pattinson, Death with DiGiorgio.

    5. Death is the best by far, but MA has some excellent double bass.

    BBQ: Nachos.

    Also, why is Atheist overrated? I barely see them mentioned outside of the tiny circle of metalheads I know who listen to them... if anything, I find them underrated.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    MA: Gotta be Cannibal Corpse. Ugh.


    1 Opeth, Mike Akerfeldt

    2 Trey Azagthoth

    3 Chuck of course

    4 David Vincent

    5 Pete Sandoval

    BBA: Raisinets

  • I hope "articulating" doesnt mean typing long answers! bcz im in no mood for that :P


    Deicide! They're an ordinary death metal band in my honest opinion...1st album was pretty decent..but from there on...they just fell into a crevasse! Easily the weakest of the Florida death metal scene...

    Cannibal Corpse..they do have some good stuff here n there in most of their albums...but whatever respect i have is mainly because of Alex Webster...he's good..really good..

    BA :

    1) OPETH!

    2) Atheist

    3) Death

    4) Atheist (if DiGiorgio stayed with Death for atleast 3 albums i would've picked Death)

    5) Atheist again!

    BBA : Lays!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm going to go with Cannibal Corpse. They're not a terrible band, but there are better death bands out there


    1. Opeth

    2. Morbid Angel

    3. Death

    4. Death again

    5. Morbid Angel

    BBQ: Cotton candy ftw

  • Dan M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Definitely Cannibal Corpse, they try too hard plus they suck donkey dick. I'd also include Behemoth in your list.

    and as for the BQ, I'm actually gonna say that they all go to Death except for vocals which go to the vocalist from Opeth (however I'm not too familiar with most of these bands, I've dabbled but never properly listened). Chuck wasn't exactly the best singer, but if you've heard what he actually sounds like in interviews you'll be amazed (in general, not pointed at anyone)

    BQ. I don't like popcorn, whenever I'm in the cinema I just usually get skittles and pepsi.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cannibal Corpse

    BQ: Vocals-George "Cookie Monster" Fisher

    Rhythm Guitars-Morbid Angel

    Lead- Death



    BBQ: Pretzel sticks

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cannibal Corpse.

    Wow, do I hate Cannibal Corpse.


    1.) Death :3

    2.) Morbid Angel

    3.) I'd have to go with Possessed

    4.) Death

    5.) Behemoth

    BQ2: Skittles, easily. And tropical fruit bubblicious.

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