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Why do so many people find it so hard to believe that someone doesn't want to get married?

I have no interest in getting married. I like being able to do as a please, at a moments notice, without having to worry about checking with someone at home. Why do so many people find that so wierd?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because a lot of people just do what they think "their supposed to do" without putting real thought and self reflection into it. I'm 35, never been married, and know so far it's been the right choice. ALL of my best friends from college that got married right after college - all divorced with children.

  • 1 decade ago

    Society...people can't /won't think for themselves. They believe what they see on TV and what they're told, that marriage is normal and it's what we're all destined to do or we can't live happily ever after. These same people have probably not been through a divorce or bad long-term relationship. If being single makes you happy then so be it. Live and be happy. Don't worry what others think-they're acting like clueless teenagers.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    While I comprehend it might be unusual for a person of his age, and being Jewish, to not be married w/youngsters, I do not think he was once. Even apart from the bible there are texts and different gospels together with his teachings, and none of them point out marriage (up to now-a few are nonetheless being labored on). (no, I is not going to discredit gospels through different Apostles- there could also be reality in them as good. If whatever, it simply enforces the perception that he was once no longer married...)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It might be because these people you refer to are still young, when they get older they will realise that who we are as people is totally acceptable, some people want to get married, others not, some want kids, others not.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because most women are incompetent.

    Only 15% of American women are actually able to take care of themselves and their responsibilities without the help of a man.

    So when you say you want to go it alone, they think you are crazy for taking on a mountain of responsibility beyond what they could possibly handle.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you keep asking the same question?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Brainwashed by their parents who are either divorced, not speaking, or hate each other and are waiting to die miserable, hee, hee!

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