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ChiGirl asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

How do you feel about your government using tax dollars to fund terrorist-linked governments?

he United States has been providing billions of dollars in aid to the Paletinian Authority (PA) over years, with more than $500 million going to them last year alone. Here's the problem: with Hamas becoming part of this so-called 'unity' government - the U.S. must send a very strong message. We cannot send our tax dollars to support a terrorist-linked government. Either the Palestinian Authority rejects Hamas, or we stop sending U.S. funds to the PA.

4 Answers

  • KarenL
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How to I feel, not very well. It shows a total abandonment of our principles. I also do not like our government, using tax dollars to buy union votes and reneging on the ownership rights of bond holders. I feel much more worried about this Administration interfering with business and destroying employment in one state --- out of political pay back (Boeing, Union, South Carolina). I am angered by the victimization of employees and firms doing business with the government where their freedom of speech and association are destroy by demands of disclosure.

    It upsets me greatly, that Ms Clinton decided to donate $900 million to Hamas to rebuild Gaza in Jan of 2009, and not a word in outrage was mentioned in the NYT or other media. This outrage was re-inflamed when Ms Clinton gave another $400 million to Hamas the following year.

    However, getting angry will not stop this behavior with the current Congress and Administration.

  • This is nothing new. We sent steel and other commodities to Japan; they repaid by bombing Pearl Harbor. (Of course, that is a small part of the story. The U.S. had cut off all oil to Japan; Japan was desperate, but the history books I had in high school never mentioned that part.)

    The Army Corps of Engineers built the many dams in China to prevent flooding on the Yellow and Yang-tze Rivers. Ditto dams, hydro-electric plants in Russia; a car manufacturing plant in Korea, and on and on.

    We furnish arms to almost every country on earth. Some of them repay by killing Americans; others by killing our allies.

    Of course, the entire Palestinian issue is ridiculous: for all those who have ever read the Old Testament knows, Palestinians are Jews. They escaped one of the invasions by Persia and stayed behind. When I was a child, there was no Israel; it was simply called Palestine or the Holy Lands.

    Most of what the Government does is nonsense, downright hostile to the American public. E.g., why do we support Mexicans? My wife cannot get Social Security, she came here legally, but Illegals can get anything they want: Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, S.S.I., foodstamps, the whole works, but Americans cannot unless they qualify. Ditto with Filipinos: they come here, get Social Security and go back to the Philippines even though they never worked a day of their lives here. (I know these things as facts; my wife is a Filipina and I know many Mexicans. Most work hard, but too many take advantage of the system.)

    When Afghanis revolted, we supported them. Then we helped to overthrow that regime, supported the next one, helped overthrow the new one... That recurs over and over in Mexico, Central & South America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and on and on. Look at Pakistan: I am older than that country (and Israel and a host of others). Americans fought the people of India so Pakistan could be free. How did Pakistan pay us back? By being our enemy.

    So, yeah, I hate the fact that we do not now nor have we ever been a Democracy and that people have no say whatsoever in running our country or where the foreign aid goes to.

    But, it is also the churches. If you go to any church, mosque, whatever, no doubt they ask for money for Asians, Africans, etc. Most of the money goes to t;errorists.

    Source(s): life; facts, not fiction
  • 1 decade ago

    I believe our government should be a bit more frugal about who we send money to. But those people just love to spend our money. So they can tax us more. Sad situation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I;m not happy about a lot of things our government does

    not much I can do about it, even voting does not assure results

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