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ChiGirl asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Will Obama administration attempt to default aid to Israel?

In 2007, President George W. Bush signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Israel that pledged $30 billion in U.S. security assistance to Israel over a 10-year period.

In fulfillment of this pledge, President Obama is asking Congress to appropriate $3 billion in security assistance in fiscal year 2011 and $3.075 in fiscal year 2012.

The 10-year agreement embodies America's commitment to maintain Israel's qualitative military edge (QME), which Congress has defined as Israel's "ability to counter and defeat any credible conventional military threat from any individual state or possible coalition of states or from non-state actors."

Congress has yet to complete action on Israel's fiscal year funding allocation of $3 billion, a $225 million increase from the previous year.

For decades, U.S. support for Israel through annual security aid has helped the United States achieve critical goals in the Middle East.

U.S. aid has helped deter a major regional war by making clear to potential foes that they could not defeat Israel militarily. This is the logic behind the commitment to preserving Israel's QME.

For the United States, Israel has served as an anchor of stability in the region, helping thwart aggressors and preserve moderate regimes without the type of deployment of U.S. forces required in Europe or East Asia.

By helping the Jewish state maintain its military edge, American assistance has also promoted peace with Egypt and Jordan. With the backing of the United States, Israel felt secure enough to make dramatic concessions in peace agreements with these countries as well make far-reaching offers to the Palestinians and Syria.

Israel has also served as a U.S. laboratory for new weapons and technology. Israeli battlefield use of American equipment and shared know-how has helped the United States improve both its equipment and tactics especially while fighting two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Aid to Israel also boosts industry here at home. Israel is required to spend 74 percent of U.S. aid to in the United States, which helps create American jobs.


Okay, Will the Obama administration attempt to influence Congress to default aid to Israel. (You know exactly what I mean.)

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    After Obama's speech calling upon Israel to retreat to the eggshell "pre-1967 borders," I am more convinced that he is likely to withhold aid from Israel than had been the case previously. While I have long believed that Israel would be better off if it could wean itself off foreign aid, a cutoff because of Israeli refusal to retreat to militarily indefensible boundaries (and redivide Jerusalem) is going to lend legitimacy to those who seek first to force Israel back to those indefensible boundaries, and then proceed to finish Israel off from there. If Israel is forced into that position, then not only will the fires of radical Islamism not be defused, but they are likely to be turned up to unprecedented levels - and the world as a whole is likely to suffer through scenarios of a sort that are nightmarish to contemplate.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    a million. As a solid buddy and best buddy, the place is the Israeli defense force in Iraq and Afghanistan? possibly I ignored something. 2. The United countries is a failure. it relatively is anti-American, and became into based via Alger Hiss a professed Communist. The shape is in simple terms approximately a carbon reproduction of the now defunct Soviet shape. 3. How does Israel please the united states? via attacking a united states of america Destroyer killing sailors? This incident became into coated up. 4. Peace keeping? The United countries Peace Keepers, raping and killing females and young infants? Wow! What Peace Keepers. 5. Israel became into given the floor via the U.N. not via God. Palestinians have been dispossessed, killed, terrorized via the Zionists, and nevertheless are. 6. The United countries in case you don´t be conscious of, gave away our positions to the North Koreans and chinese language for the duration of the Korean conflict. ensuing interior the killing of many squaddies and Marines. 7. the sole element the U.N. could be left to, is the cleansing of bathrooms in 0.33 international countries.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Obama administration, the executive branch, does not have the power to do that. Congress does.

  • 1 decade ago

    We've hit the debt ceiling. Unless we raise it, financial commitments need to be cut. I see no reason to make extra cutbacks on commitments to the American people just to honor our commitment to the Israeli government.

    Why should we give money to Israel just to have them spend 74% of it on the US when we could use 100% of it on the US ourselves?

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  • bozieu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Give me a good reason to help Israel?Why would you help richer than most part of american workers?

    70% of money will come back in the States but without bail out 100 of money will remain in the StateS

    Enough is enough ask you Madoff or our Strauss Kahn for a nice use of the money they have stolen in stead of passing money to whores or call girls! each time th emonthly income of a worker and they claim they are "socialist"

    Sorry our specimen do be a good jew not racist he tried to **** a black woman Lol I sure he will not be sued for hate crime! go to jail don't pass par departure from kennedy airport don't get 200.000 bucks!

    congratulation same that for Bin Laden's cadrige;throw him to the crabs his brothers

    in fact charité bien ordonnée commence par soi meme

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only Congress has the authority to do that.

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