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Why do not American Jews support Israel?

I would sincerely like to know why American Jews for the most part do not support our only friend in the Middle East, Israel? It is a tiny country (about 9 miles across) with the closest thing to a real democratic society and wish no harm to anyone except to protect themselves. Personally, I am a Christian, but to me a friend is a friend.


Many of you believe the American Jews do support Israel. I live in an area of many Jewish families. They are for the most part very nice--liberal and conservative. The conservative ones support Israel much more so than the liberal. I simply do not understand why it is wrong to protect your own country. Those that say Israel is aggressive are undoubtedly Arab sympathizers, and it is clear that the Arabs hate the Jews. That is my impression of most of the answers so far. Unfortunately, some of you folks cannot put together a coherent sentence or have no concept of truth or reality.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't believe the liberals. Jews as well as many Christians support Israel.

  • 7 years ago

    American Jews do not support Israel. 98 percent voted for obama who hates Israel and all true Jews because he is a muslim. Jews in the US are greedy blood suckers who really could care less about their faith and are only Jews by blood. We should support Israel who is our only friend in the middle east. Shame on you American Jews, you should be ashamed of yourselves, If the American Jews gave just 5% of their income to Israel they would be the richest country in the middle east. The so called progressive liberals are trying to turn the USA into the new USSR and we all should know what Stalin did to the Jews, he killed ten million of them.

  • Kevin7
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Diaspora Jews (that includes America) and Israeli Jews do support Israel,overall,less that 0.5 of world Jews are anti-zionist. Zionism is simply a person of any faith that supports the Jewish state of Israel

  • 1 decade ago

    Left wing and conservative Jews are like everyone else in the left/right split. Liberal jews don't support Israel just like left wingers in the US and here in Canada, don't support their own countries. Patriotism is incompatible with the liberal world view. Anything that demands loyalty to the extent that you may have to die for it doesn't go down with them. But the majority of Jewish are pro-Israel.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Do almost all of yankee Jews blindly help Israel? Did you're taking a poll? How did you come back to this end? You assume a lot it truly is not in data. properly, to respond to your question. They income this because they see Israel as there religious and cultural native land. a lot as many Irish-individuals see eire as their cultural native land and deliver funds to help motives there (no matter if or not they have by no skill been there). i'm not Jewish yet I help Israel in its conflict.

  • 1 decade ago

    Boy, when you make a mistake, you make a really big one. "for the most part" American Jews DO, indeed, support Israel.

    I, also, live in the northeast United States and I see the "truth or reality" that YOU obviously refuse to acknowledge. The fact that not everyone agrees with some fo the politics of that country doesn't mean they don't support - financially and morally - the people fo that country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most Jewish Americans do support Israel, but your description of Israel "the closest thing to a real democratic society and wish no harm to anyone except to protect themselves" is far from reality, and most Americans, Jew or not, understand this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    do you see catholic americans supporting other contries who happen to have chalthlic ppl there?

    jewish ppl are less than 1 percent of the worlds religion, if someone was to support isreal, the jewish ppl wouldnt be the first. because there are other ppl who beleive in the same god as you, doesnt mean they are ur friend, why would you help strtangers, but only if they are jewish?

    if you help strangers, help all strangers, not only jewish ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    You mean the warhawks that run teh country now? Or the moderates that don't?

    Why doesn't the tea party support obama. They're americans, right?

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