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Why does my coloured wash smell?

When I wash dark clothes they always come out of the washing machine smelling a bit mouldy as if the clothes have been put away damp. I use the same detergent and softener for a white wash and a dark wash and the same temperature (30ºC) and the white clothes always come out smelling lovely and fresh! Even once they've dried (in the sun in fresh air) the dark clothes still smell slightly mouldy. Any ideas how I can get rid of the smell?

1 Answer

  • Jaime
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's the dye. There is currently a dark dye being used that smells like mold. I ran into the same problem with some curtains I bought through eBay. I really liked the curtains and didn't want to have to return them.

    I tried Borax, baking soda, Oxi Clean, Vinegar, Ammonia....nothing removed that smell.

    What finally worked for me was hanging the curtains outside for a full month...then laundering them.

    I recommend the same solution for your problem. However, be careful where you hang the clothing. If you chose a sunny spot, you might get fading.

    Mother Nature is the only cure I found for this smelly problem.

    Good luck.


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