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does israel really want peace?

they got gun and power?

why would they want to give it up?


can see [Palestine's as equals?

both sides have done evil in this. neither side as clean hands

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, but only on its own terms, and that does not include equality for the Palestinians.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All I will say is that how can Israel be expected to make peace with Hamas and Fatah who both had at the beginning of their charters that the primary aim is to destroy all of Israel Even though Israel does want peace, it's impossible for them to make peace with people who don't want to return the favour.

    The only concession that Yasser Arafat was asked to make after the Oslo accords was to remove the part from the PI charter that the PLO wants to destroy all of Israel. He said he would do it but he never ever did it.bye then rejected the offer of peace and a Palistinian state in 2000. That just shows that the Palestinians are the ones who do not want peace

  • 1 decade ago


    The proof is in the pudding.

    Israel invited Arabs to stay in 1948 and many did. Today 20% of all Israeli citizens and elected MKs are Arabs.

    Arabs ethically cleansed all Jews from land seized by Arabs in 1946 (80% of Palestine) and in 1948 (West Bank and Gaza and Jerusalem while trying to kill them from all land in all of Israel).

    Israel offered to trade all land won for peace.

    No takers for years until Egypt alone took them up on the offer.

    Israel started Oslo, giving most of the WB and Gaza to PA as a good will gesture to build trust.

    Result: MORE attacks and incitement against Israel.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say most Israelis want peace in the abstract, but they realize that most of the surrounding Muslim population does not, so a true peace is not possible. Thus, the Israelis want security, which is the next best thing. The majority of Palestinians, Arabs, and other Muslims in the Middle East want Israel gone, and will not really satisfied with anything less. They have made this clear time and again.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you want peace - prepare for war

    They kicked the crap out of muslims who tried to fight them - took the land the muslims used to launch attacks and now the muslims cry saying the land belongs to them.

    The land belongs to the one who holds the power to control it. You provoked an attack - got your butt kicked and lost the land.

    Get over it

    Blaming Israel for muslim ignorance is not the right thing - The country needs land to protect itself from muslims bent on their destruction and muslims have yet to show any signs of peace EVER. Israel doesnt go into muslim controlled areas and fire rockets randomly at things - the muslims do and hit schools ON PURPOSE or at least they HOPE it hits schools with women and children inside.

    Palestine is the poster child for muslim anger/hatred - they are broke, hungry and violent - instead of attacking Israel they should focus on using the land they do have for good things and the world would HELP THEM but instead they launch attacks and MAKE ENEMIES

    So they will continue to be broke, hungry and angry - the people who could help wont because they refuse to help murdering muslim extremists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you think gun and power is everything in this life ? We cant have peace for over 63 years and that's why every one of us must join the idf when he's 18.

    we don't like it, we want to be free and live our lives without any suicide bombers around us.

    We made peace with egypt and jordan already but with the palestinians its a dead end just because both sides did mistakes but israel never went for a terrorism because of that.

    It's a shame to spread or believe that if you suicide on jewish people you will go to heaven and meet the virgins. comeon

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, they want peace, if peace means to be left alone and live. But they know that they are not going to get it. Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran do not want Israel to have peace and they will sabotage any peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. Even if they get a peace deal, people will still try to shoot rockets into Israel and send in suicide bombers. Once they figured that out, they may as well keep things the way they are and defend themselves from inevitable attacks.

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You could say that about the U.S. also. Israel says it needs to control "the bastards" (as Netanyahu said) in order to maintain Israeli security but "the bastards" deserve equality and self-rule like anyone else. The longer the occupation goes on the angrier people get and a new generation of revenge-seekers sprouts up.

    Israel wages a PR campaign every time they think they will lose support and like clockwork, they show up in person on TV, like in Congress the other day. Israel wont define borders because there would be a marker for another country which they dont want. He does not want Arab right of return and he wants a Jewish country. With those conditions, how can there be a Palestinian state. It will have Jewish settlements. Can Israel have Muslim settlements. Obama's proposal for 1967 borders included land swaps as well. How can we offer more than that.

    Both Obama and Bebe say a Palestinian state should not be created through a U.N. mandate like Israel did, and it is anti Semetic, according to AIPAC, for Obama to put pressure on Israel to make peace with Arabs. So if Israel wont accept U.S. as a broker and they wont accept Arab conditions, how can there be a resolution.

    Netanyahu is waiting for a Republican president who wont bother him with this stuff and allow the situation to continue as it is.

  • Yes when terrorist Palestine doesn't reconize Israel and calls it occupied Palestine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes they do want peace. They need the guns to defend themselves from Palestinians every time they let their guard down. Remember Munich 1972?

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