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How can I convince my parents to get me a cell phone?

I'm 15 years old, soon to be 16 and going into my sophomore year of high school.

I have great grades, I'm very respectful all the time, I'm a pretty good kid, and I don't ask for much.

(i.e.- The last time I even went shopping for clothes was in December.)

I'm not exactly sure what the problem is at this point taking into consideration all those things, but they still refuse to get me a phone.

Oh, and I live with my dad and my Step-mom not my actual mom. Besides the point, haha-

But if you guys could give me any pointers or tips to help my case that'd be great.

I haven't asked in the last couple months either, so it's not like I bother them with this need all the time, haha.

I don't know anyone else that doesn't have one, so it really makes me feel left out when I go on sleepovers, and doing things with my friends, if you know what I mean. Granted, that's not an excuse for them to really buy me one- but after a while it definitely starts to suck.

But like I said, if you guys could just give me some help on how to persuade, or get them leaning towards getting me a phone It'd be greatly appreciated!

Thank you! :)

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know how you feel. Despite adults wishing it wasn't, being part of a social group is important to a teenager. They want to be and it's good for them to have social experiences.

    -Ask your parents CALMLY (calmly!) why they won't let you get one. It is important to know why. After you have their reasons, you should see yourself in their shoes. Really try to see their point of view. If their reasons are something you can fix, fix it. Also, if they don't offer their reasons- Ex. "Because I say so!", ext.- don't push i. Pushing it will NOT help in this case.

    -Is it the money? Offer to pay at least half. If they won't go for that, offer to pay more and more until you find a price that you all agree on. Compromise.

    -Is it the responsibility? Offer to always answer their calls. (Then, if you get a phone, do it!) Also, save up money for a while to show that you can save money to pay the bill.

    -Is it that they think you're too young? This is a hard one. Ask WHY. They might say something like "I'm afraid that strangers will call you or text you." Figure out a solution that you all agree on.

    If they still don't want you to get one, don't go on and on about it. This won't help. Try a little bit later. Remember, cell phones are not everything. I know it's hard but is their answer is still a solid NO, then try focusing on other things. Do you love art? Spend more time with it. Don't let not getting a cell phone make you angry and obsessive.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    ;) :)

    Source(s): My personal experience and knowledge on the subject.
  • 1 decade ago

    Yea, you sound like a good kid; just promise that you won't lose the phone or have it stolen by putting it somewhere that you don't watch over it.

    Also, can your parents afford it? Make sure you dont get addicted to the phone and send 200+ txts every month or get on the internet on it for hours a day or download too much crap on it. Phone bills can really pile up like that...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can always bring up on how are you supposed to contact them to tell them whats up if you are out with your friends. Also if u are in an emergency and you dont have a phone you have no way to contact anyone. I hoped i helped a little bit

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell them that it's a great way for them to always get in touch with you and visa versa. Especially in an emergency.

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