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I like guitars, singing, and peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

  • Funny variations of the name "Sam"?

    Me and my guy friend always mess with each other and recently he's created the name "Vicwhoria" and I always call his sister "Flabigail" and "Flabbi" (TOTALLY as a joke by the way, she's skinny as a rail! Never in a mean way!) but I can't think of anything like that for the name Sam!

    Like I said, it's all in good fun and there's definitely nothing to be taken seriously.

    Anything funny or insulting would definitely help, hahaha.


    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with me?

    Ever since I was little I've had voices in my head. Not just voices, but they're more like... Sides of me/ people that have come into being inside my head.

    I was an only child up, and I lived on a farm, so there was really no one I could play with that was up the street, or that I was next- door neighbours with. So obviously, I was lonely so one day I remember making up this girl in my head- But it was like she was always THERE, I had just finally put a name to the voice when I was 5 or 6 years old and she was my imaginary friend when I was little. Well, as I've grown, she's grown with me, and she's still with me but now she's an ever present voice in my head that I actually talk to, and argue with, and have conversations with, and discuss things with, and make comments to. Not only that, but now there's more than one- Now they're different people, each supporting/ representing a different side. Like one is a spiritual guidance concerning my faith in God and always steps in when I'm doubtful. One is a wilder, more party- going voice. The next one is always making me doubt myself, and another tries to bring me back up. I have one that's destructive, but honest, and last but not least, there's the girl- Katherine. She's still the MAIN voice inside my head that helps me with right or wrong, or making logical decisions, or thinking things through, and even chastising me when I know I'm doing something wrong, I'm jsut too stubborn to acknowledge it. I know this sounds like I'm super psycho and crazy, but I'm not. I mean, they don't sit there and control my life, or try to force me to do things I don't want to do, or make me harm people/ myself. It's nothing like that, they're just... there, and they help me and they're just there to talk to, But they're voices. It's like there's other personalities inside of me, but in a much much much less influential form than my actual self. I wish i could describe it in a better way, but it's hard because it just makes sense to me. I've always had them there, and I probably always will, and I'm totally okay with that. I just wanted to see ya'lls opinions and reactions, and if you guys have ever had any similar experiences, maybe not just with yourself, but with someone you know.

    Thank you guys so much! Hopefully I get plenty of helpful answers but regardless-

    You guys rock. :) -Torii

    4 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with me?

    Ever since I was little I've had voices in my head. Not just voices, but they're more like... Sides of me/ people that have come into being inside my head.

    I was an only child up, and I lived on a farm, so there was really no one I could play with that was up the street, or that I was next- door neighbours with. So obviously, I was lonely so one day I remember making up this girl in my head- But it was like she was always THERE, I had just finally put a name to the voice when I was 5 or 6 years old and she was my imaginary friend when I was little. Well, as I've grown, she's grown with me, and she's still with me but now she's an ever present voice in my head that I actually talk to, and argue with, and have conversations with, and discuss things with, and make comments to. Not only that, but now there's more than one- Now they're different people, each supporting/ representing a different side. Like one is a spiritual guidance concerning my faith in God and always steps in when I'm doubtful. One is a wilder, more party- going voice. The next one is always making me doubt myself, and another tries to bring me back up. I have one that's destructive, but honest, and last but not least, there's the girl- Katherine. She's still the MAIN voice inside my head that helps me with right or wrong, or making logical decisions, or thinking things through, and even chastising me when I know I'm doing something wrong, I'm jsut too stubborn to acknowledge it. I know this sounds like I'm super psycho and crazy, but I'm not. I mean, they don't sit there and control my life, or try to force me to do things I don't want to do, or make me harm people/ myself. It's nothing like that, they're just... there, and they help me and they're just there to talk to, But they're voices. It's like there's other personalities inside of me, but in a much much much less influential form than my actual self. I wish i could describe it in a better way, but it's hard because it just makes sense to me. I've always had them there, and I probably always will, and I'm totally okay with that. I just wanted to see ya'lls opinions and reactions, and if you guys have ever had any similar experiences, maybe not just with yourself, but with someone you know.

    Thank you guys so much! Hopefully I get plenty of helpful answers but regardless-

    You guys rock. :) -Torii

    5 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Drank waay too much Patron last night, i feel HORRIBLE, what do I do?

    Plain and simple: I feel like I'm going to die.

    I've never gotten THAT wasted in my entire life, and now I feel and look like complete ****. Guaranteed I will never drink that much for a long time.

    Anyway, I can't even move, and even balancing my laptop on my stomach is making me feel like I want to throw up. I threw up at least 12 times last night, and I threw up once this morning.

    I'm still really unfocused, I can see/think/hear straight, but I'm definitely not sober whatsoever and I'm still pretty wobbly. What should I do to get rid of this? Because I legitimately feel like I'm going to die.

    Thanks guys. :)

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • I keep having dreams about the guy I like, is this normal?

    This is the 3rd night in a row that I've dreamed about him, and every single time I wake up feeling so happy, and smiling. :)

    The first night, in my dream I was preforming with Taylor Swift at a concert and I saw him in the crowd, and ran off stage into the crowd and jumped into his arms and we kissed. (He LOVES Taylor Swift, hahaha)

    The second night I remember that I apparently was in a soccer game and the final score was 2-0 and I scored both points and he was SO proud of me. The thing is, I DON'T play soccer at all, he's the one that plays soccer. Definitely not me. And then afterwards we went for a walk and ended up getting in his car and just kept driving, no where in particular, just driving and enjoying eachothers company and having fun together. We just drove cross country. We've actually discussed doing this in real life, which was cool since it was so vivid in my dreams.

    Last night, I dreamed about him coming over to my house and begging me to come move next to him, and next thing I remember, I walked into his class and I didn't know anyone but we were assigned a project to do together during class.

    He's not as experienced as I am with relationships and such, so at first he was a little timid but he kissed me when the teacher wasn't looking. It wasn't like a passionate kiss or anything, but it was probably the sweetest, cutest kiss I've ever had. (Okay, KIND OF had.) Then after that, when the teacher turned around I kissed him with more of a hotter kiss, and then after that we just went back to our work but we kept looking over and smiling at eachother, haha. After, he brought me to this ice cream place and we had ice cream together and it was just SO cute. This boy is already basically like my boyfriend, and I seriously think I'm falling for him, but I just need a little insight from another prospective.

    So, like I was wondering,

    #1 What do you think this means?

    #2 Is this normal, and is it true that if you dream about someone, that means they were thinking about you before they went to sleep?

    Thanks guys!

    7 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago
  • How can I convince my parents to get me a cell phone?

    I'm 15 years old, soon to be 16 and going into my sophomore year of high school.

    I have great grades, I'm very respectful all the time, I'm a pretty good kid, and I don't ask for much.

    (i.e.- The last time I even went shopping for clothes was in December.)

    I'm not exactly sure what the problem is at this point taking into consideration all those things, but they still refuse to get me a phone.

    Oh, and I live with my dad and my Step-mom not my actual mom. Besides the point, haha-

    But if you guys could give me any pointers or tips to help my case that'd be great.

    I haven't asked in the last couple months either, so it's not like I bother them with this need all the time, haha.

    I don't know anyone else that doesn't have one, so it really makes me feel left out when I go on sleepovers, and doing things with my friends, if you know what I mean. Granted, that's not an excuse for them to really buy me one- but after a while it definitely starts to suck.

    But like I said, if you guys could just give me some help on how to persuade, or get them leaning towards getting me a phone It'd be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you! :)

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Help me with an essay title?

    I'm writing an essay on the existence of both fate and transience (The quick constant of change), in the play Romeo and Juliet. Although these two statements DO contradict each other (After all, does fate determine the choices and the changes in your life, or does the choices you make and the changes YOU make determine your fate? Hmm..) they also co-exist in this play and make it into the dynamic play that even 400- odd years later we still find so relatable and intriguing.

    Keeping that in mind, I seriously need help coming up with a title that relates to what I'm writing about. Thank you!

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Help me with an essay title?

    I'm writing an essay on the existence of both fate and transience (The quick constant of change), in the play Romeo and Juliet. Although these two statements DO contradict each other (After all, does fate determine the choices and the changes in your life, or does the choices you make and the changes YOU make determine your fate? Hmm..) they also co-exist in this play and make it into the dynamic play that even 400- odd years later we still find so relatable and intriguing.

    Keeping that in mind, I seriously need help coming up with a title that relates to what I'm writing about. Thank you!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Tell me 20 things about yourself? :)?

    1. I like talking on the phone more than texting

    2. I love drawing on people and myself.

    3. I'd rather roll down a hill and look like a complete idiot in the middle of nowhere rather than sit in a fancy resturaunt pretending to be something i'm not.

    4. i love the smell of libraries.

    5. i'm a music buff. i know every type of music, from everywhere around the world.

    6. i hate when people try to change me.

    7. i've been in love 3 times.

    8. i just recently found out whales have nipples.

    9. i want to learn to write in caligraphy

    10. im done with dating guys my age. they're immature and have too much emotional baggage. i need someone who's stable.

    11. i think eminem's lyrics speak to the soul. at least to mine, that is.

    12. i try to deal with things too much. im always trying to fix other peoples problems and lives and i sometimes forget about myself.

    13. im always stressed even if you can't see it.

    14. i think life is beautiful

    15. i love looking at clouds as they pass by when im in a car.

    16. i only have two regrets out of my whole life. they both involve one person.

    17. I am 0% decided on what I'm gonna do after I turn 18. Maybe I'll just move to neverland. Or narnia.

    18. I have always hated playing “games” when it comes to guys. You either like me or you don’t and vis versa. I would rather spend time doing fun things with the person rather than pretending I don’t like them.

    19. .I always feel like dancing after I watch So You Think You Can Dance.

    20. I've been kicked out of Rue21, Walmart, Target, K-Mart, Party City, and the dollar store on multiple occasions.

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Question about science- Can use any resource!?

    Which states of matter can be dissolved in another state of matter?

    What liquid is considered the universal solvent?

    What does solubility mean?

    Name 3 things that would be soluble in water.

    Explain how a gas remains dissolved in a liquid.

    If sugar will not dissolve in water, what can you do to the water to make the sugar dissolve?

    Even if you can just answer a couple questions, anything is appreciated :) Thanks!

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend takes ADHD medicine and having alot of home problems.. help?

    Alright so this is basically a last resort because I have NO idea what to do anymore. I'm at a complete loss. My boyfriend has ADHD and he's stating to get depressed because there are so many conflicting things in his life right now. Especially at home.

    When he takes his medicine he's super quiet and doesn't talk to me much and all anti- social and I hate it. But when he doesn't take it, He's the fun amazing, perfect guy that I fell in love with.

    I don't know how to deal with these sudden changes and mood swings. I feel like there's multiple personalities and Im only in love with one of them, you know?

    It's like there's 2 different people and I could never ask him to stop taking his medication because it would effect his school work and everything but the side effects are like.. drastic. I mean he's gets depressed, he starts thinking all these horrible thoughts, and over- analyzing everything, and he stops eating, and all he wants to do is be alone and I just don't know how to deal with it, so I'm coming to you guys as a community to really help me work this out.

    We'ev been together for quite a few months now, and don't suggest breaking up with him, because I could never do that-

    but I just.. I need an answer to what I'm supposed to do. He's just so fun and sweet when he doesn' take it, and when he does it's like he's a whole other person that I barely even know, so if you guys have ever been through this, or if as an outsider, you could give me some advice, it;d be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you so much!


    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Your favorite "Love is like.." poem from these?

    For class we had to write a "Love is like.." simile poem, and out of these what is your favorite? If you have any ideas, or if you'd like to write your own, pleaasee list them.

    1) Love is like a sunrise, it warms the heart and touches your soul.

    2) Love is like the rain, it's a four letter word that slips in through the cracks and brings beauty in the most unlikely places.

    3) Love is like the truth, everyone wants it, but only the strongest become venerable enough to let it in.

    4) Love is like pollen, it tickles you in silly places, and gives you butterflies.

    Graciass :)

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How likely is the possibility of getting pregnant..?

    Me and my boyfriend had sex today and he used a condom.

    it's the 5th days AFTER my period.

    Not very likely to get pregnant right?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can you translate this song for me?

    Bring me to life by evanescence, can you explain to me the meaning behind it.

    Behind the lyrics, what do you think she's saying?


    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • whats a song that makes you cry everytime you hear it?

    About love, live, not being able to love someone, when someone doesnt love you back,

    I need songs like that.

    e.i.- cold as you -taylor swift, im sorry - maria mena

    stuff like that.

    but what song, personally makes you cry everytime you hear it, and why?

    7 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Can you guys help me? Dad might be getting a divorce?

    Hey, I'm 14 and my parents already got divorced once, so my dad remarried and I just got off the phone with him and he's saying he might get an apartment somewhere for a while, and I'm afraid he's gonna get another divorce. :/ His wife doesn't like kids, so obviously she doesn't like me or my brother, but we do get along sometimes, but other times she tries to tear my and dad apart. She is part of my family, so I do like her... sometimes. But i just don't know what to do. Obviously, you guys look at it and say "Let them get a divorce, it's not your life." But, it is. And I don't want to see my dad go through this again because I love him, and I want them to work out for HIM. I don't like her because she's just... not likable. Like, in general. My friends don't like her either. But I know there must've been a reason he married her, and I don't want to see him hurting again. Please tell me what I should do.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need a myspace display name..?

    My name is Victoria, Torii, Tors, whatever.

    You don't have to use my name in it, just something that looks cool and sounds cool.

    I don't want JUST my name :)

    Add hearts and symbols, and change the fonts or whatever you like!


    2 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Where does it say in the bible that Jesus went to hell for three days before ascending to heaven..?

    A bunch of people say that Jesus went to hell for three days before ascending to heaven.

    I read ALL of the verses that have anything to do with that last night and didn't find anything?

    I'm trying to find proof in the bible, but I'm not finding any.

    If there is a verse that says that, could you please give it to me, or are they just assuming these things.

    I don't want bullshit answers.

    I'm a christian, 1000000%, don't say anything idiotic if you can help it.

    Thanks guys(:

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago