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Is there something wrong with me?

Ever since I was little I've had voices in my head. Not just voices, but they're more like... Sides of me/ people that have come into being inside my head.

I was an only child up, and I lived on a farm, so there was really no one I could play with that was up the street, or that I was next- door neighbours with. So obviously, I was lonely so one day I remember making up this girl in my head- But it was like she was always THERE, I had just finally put a name to the voice when I was 5 or 6 years old and she was my imaginary friend when I was little. Well, as I've grown, she's grown with me, and she's still with me but now she's an ever present voice in my head that I actually talk to, and argue with, and have conversations with, and discuss things with, and make comments to. Not only that, but now there's more than one- Now they're different people, each supporting/ representing a different side. Like one is a spiritual guidance concerning my faith in God and always steps in when I'm doubtful. One is a wilder, more party- going voice. The next one is always making me doubt myself, and another tries to bring me back up. I have one that's destructive, but honest, and last but not least, there's the girl- Katherine. She's still the MAIN voice inside my head that helps me with right or wrong, or making logical decisions, or thinking things through, and even chastising me when I know I'm doing something wrong, I'm jsut too stubborn to acknowledge it. I know this sounds like I'm super psycho and crazy, but I'm not. I mean, they don't sit there and control my life, or try to force me to do things I don't want to do, or make me harm people/ myself. It's nothing like that, they're just... there, and they help me and they're just there to talk to, But they're voices. It's like there's other personalities inside of me, but in a much much much less influential form than my actual self. I wish i could describe it in a better way, but it's hard because it just makes sense to me. I've always had them there, and I probably always will, and I'm totally okay with that. I just wanted to see ya'lls opinions and reactions, and if you guys have ever had any similar experiences, maybe not just with yourself, but with someone you know.

Thank you guys so much! Hopefully I get plenty of helpful answers but regardless-

You guys rock. :) -Torii

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    To be honest there old fruit, I couldn't be bothered to read your novel of a question, however I think I got the gist.

    If you're comfortable with the fellow sitting in your head nattering away, then all well and good. Far too many people listen to the ninkumpoops around them without listening to their own heads, so perhaps you ought to think yourself lucky.

    All in all, make the most of it if it's how you like things to tick along. Tally ho!

  • 10 years ago

    The first time I ever saw anything that I can remenber I was 14 yrs old. I was in my house cleaning moving furniture getting ready to wax the floors. It was a friday and i wanted to surprise my mom. It started thundering and I got very scared, I ran to my room but to get to my room you had to go thrue this area were the house phone was with a chair and a table for the phone. My grandma was siitting there. I was stuck I stopped staired and run out of the door. I left the house up side down and I told my friend I refuse to go back.

    My mom the only time I see her is when something is going to happen she lets me know. What you and I have is a special gift that not everyone has although some of us just plain ignore it.

    You are not psycho or crazy.


  • Naguru
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Only a professionally qualified doctor can say what is wrong with you after some medical examination of your present physical health as well as mental health.

    Source(s): own
  • 10 years ago

    imaginary friends?

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  • 10 years ago

    i swear you posted this on phycolagy. or however you spell it.

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