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socrates asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

If we could get rid of every last bit of socialism in the U.S. wouldn't we have a feudal or Gilded Age system?

Can you think of any other possible result that could come from eliminating all social and public services and the concept of the common good?

If every individual and institution were concerned only with personal and corporate profit and concerns for the general health of the overall society were considered to be irrelevant at best, and psychologically corrosive at worst, how could we arrive at a society that was anything but barbaric and socially Darwinist?

Is that the kind of society we should seek to achieve?

Didn't we try that before?

Wasn't it basically great for the richest 1 to 10% and a nightmare for the poorest 90 to 99%?

Isn't some degree of socialism necessary for a healthy and just civil society?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, but you won't get any right-wingers or conservatives to admit that.

    See, one said "no it would not happen that way" - EVEN THOUGH the testimony of history demonstrates otherwise. They want you to believe some fantasy that THIS time their ideology will provide the best results for everybody involved. But they don't really believe it themselves.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Feudal systems and Gilded systems of government are still socialistic where the government dictates who can do something. I want to spin wool in to cloth then I have be apart of the Spinning Gild (Union) to do so. The King set the rules in a feudal system. King, Dictator, one person complete rule. Tyranny. Communism. Nazism, Fascism, all single leader socialistic approaches to governing..

    With out any socialism one has anarchy. No rules at all.

    A balance of Anarchy and socialism is th goal and the Constitution set up.

    Source(s): Whiskey
  • 1 decade ago

    Massive untested assumptions go with your claim. No, it would not happen that way. Nice try though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



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