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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 1 decade ago

poem? please read, very appreciated?

im sorry for this being long but i had to make it long....

Thinking about what happened between us,

I regret making that mistake.

All you wanted was my well being.

I remember the very first time,

The very first time I saw you.

When you entered it felt is the whole room shined.

Sweet, simple and beautiful you looked.

As you were leaving you turned around.

You raised your eyebrow, you noticed my silly smile on my face.

After that day I searched for your face in the hallway.

I would see you and you would give a polite smile. A smile you would give a stranger.

I want to start a conversation but what would I say?

Days pass by we start talking a little.

The more we talked the more my love grew for you.

I finally mustered some courage to tell you, hoping you would say i do too.

The next day i saw you walking toward our college with your friends.

As always looking beautiful and breathtaking.

You started getting closer, I started getting nervous.

It's either now or never.

but I don't think i want to ruin it.

Ruin our friendship forever.

As soon as you reach the college, I got up to you.

Telling you I need to speak in private.

Your friends leave, leaving us by ourselves

I don't know what to say, how to start.

I kneel down, close my eyes and hold out the rose.

Then I say," I love you" from the bottom of my heart.

I opened my eyes and find tears in your eyes.

Shocked I ask," I'm very sorry if I hurt your feelings in anyway but please don’t cry" you just push me away.

I caught your hand, you slap me and go away.

I feel confused, hurt and angry.

Rather than going to college, I go home

Later I try to call you but you answer the phone.

After trying so many times you finally answer and I apologize.

You tell me to meet you tomorrow by the park.

At night unable able to sleep. I lay in the dark.

In the park you tell me everything,

You do love me!

You're just afraid.

Afraid of you father.

You tell me about him, how he is, how he behaves.

Tears prick my eyes.

Weeks pass by everything is going good.

All of a sudden my grandmother passed away.

I had to go, I stayed there for a few days.

When i return you refuse to answer my calls.

Finally after trying so many times you answer and hastily you say meet me.

I know what your place talking about, feeling relieved I cant help but smile in glee.

After you explained everything to me

Why you had been avoiding me for days.

I was stunned, not sure what i should say.

I told you everything will be alright.

But you didn’t agree.

You just said, "it will be better if we don’t meet again."

I was shocked.

"Just believe in me, I'll take care of you. Forget your father" I replied.

You shook your head and cried

You wouldn't listen to anything I had to say.

You had made the decision.

Whatever I said didn’t change your mind, you were adamant,

I became angry and frustrated.

Angrily I said," Fine you go your way I'll go mine, I hope I never see you again."

I know I hurt your feeling and you were crying but I didn’t care. I was very angry

My anger didn’t clam down the whole week.

Later I felt I was rude and stone heartened.

You just wanted my well being.

In anger i deleted your number, everything all your info.

I regret making it. There's no way i can stay in touch.

Your father took you back where you came from

I regret making that mistake.

Regret deleting everything.

If I hadn't done that I wound be like this.

Thinking about you hurts my heart.

Some of the memories bring a smile to my face and some tears into my eyes.

I didn't even get to see you the last time, I didn't even get to say goodbye.

When you left you took a part of me with you.

Where ever you are I hope you're happy and safe.

I just wanted to say I'm very sorry for everything and I love you a lot, always....

i just wanted to say to my contacts that always read/answer my poems thanks a lot. i may not pick you as the ba but your answer is very appreciated. please continue answering! <3

thank a lot! very, very, very appreciated! :D do tell the mistakes... :)

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It may be long but the thing with poems are no matter how long they are, you just want to keep reading till the end.. Well this is what happens with me anyway. Few mistakes but I'm sure if you re-read your art, you'll spot them.. Small minor ones nothing big sweetheart.

    I enjoyed reading this, feelings have been put in nicely, a little sad (upsetting wise nothing bad) but sweet read. Thank you so much for sharing all your work, keep it up

    Oh & you silly silly girl (:p) I as a contact never think about whether I will or will not get BA for replying to your poems, getting to read them is much more of a reward any time ;D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mostly it is a descriptive piece of a conversation between two people. I find it genuine and beautiful, just because it derives from your soul, and I am aware that it is among your very first poems. I believe you felt the urge to co-exist with what took place between you two, so you report upon it in full detail, It is fresh and soft, it portrays a character tender (you) and another somehow indifferent (him). Obviously the 2 of you, live in different worlds. I believe you deserve something more real, and closer to your values and standards. Thank you!

  • The concept and Root of the poem is very good..but you can short it to look more convincing and and non-monotonous...also the poem has a peculiar way in explaining the story/concept but in your lacks a bit.It look like a short story written in paragraphs.So i advice you to polish the poem a little more and short it.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    it's not rhymee on some parts and that's ok, but i would say it is more a short story and deep so that's good. it's too long for me to show you what i mean but "noticed my silly smile" if you end it like that it rhymes more. i like a story type poem to flow with rhymes and to use not rhyming parts creatively to end a flow. that's my opinion, so do what you want, you have a gift, to put words on paper, that flow from your mind.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • krk
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The subject cant be more clear,crystal clear ! I am not that competent to comment than this much.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Coming from heart. It is so realistic.I would edit it in time & send it to you. At present I don't have that much time,

  • 1 decade ago

    this poem was terrific. long but good. if its true i'm sorry if not you have a good sense of perspective. i loved reading it. keep up the good work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    good concept.. familiar concept.. reading this reminds me of typical Indian fathers who dont agree usually.. :D

    well, nicely written :) you will improve even more gradually as you write more and more.. :)

    good day..


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Great work....:-) very nice.... I would like to rate it 9/10..

    Source(s): Have a nice day..
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    tricky problem check out onto yahoo it could actually help

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