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How can I apologize to my crush?

We were really good friends, and yesterday was the last day of school. We were sitting together on a bench behind the school alone, and I was feeling down because my parents had recently gotten divorced and they both wanted me to live with them and it is very stressful. She didn't know, she kept asking me what was wrong.

I told her nothing.

She tried to hug me, but I acted out on impulse, I wanted to push her away gently, but I shoved her across the bench and she fell against a thorn bush flower thing. She jumped up and said, "Ow..." She looked down at her leg which had several long scratches of white and dots of blood were coming up. She looked at me all hurt, then left. I feel horrible now. I have her phone number and email, so I can write her, what can I say to apologize?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I'm sorry for what I did the other day. I was under a lot of stress and I know you were just being nice and I feel terrible for hurting you. Can we talk? xx

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well an apology has to be something you think of on your own, but if you just tell her what was going on with your parents and how bad it made you feel i'm sure she will understand, also you should apologize in person that would make it better, if i where apologizing i would say something like i'm sorry about the other day i was just feeling down see my parents are getting a divorce and they both want me to live with them i had a lot on my mind and i didn't mean to take it out on you, do you forgive me?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    you need to totally honest with this girl and tell her why you shoved her you were stressed and you acted out of character apologize to your friend and if you are good friends maybe ye could talk about how you feel with every thing that is going on in your life at the moment your friend was worried over you to ask what was wrong so she knew something was wrong you need to explain things to her but you still need to apologize

    Source(s): every one needs some one to talk to
  • lila
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Call her and say "Hey ___, just wanted to apologize. I actually really like you but I'm upset because of some family issues that are going on right now and I feel terrible about what I did. It was an accident. Do you forgive me?"

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ask her to have a walk or hang out. Tell her youre sorry for what you did. Then maybe explain whats happenign to your family, if youre brave enogh? and maybe say Im sorry for pshign you there, I was just down in the dumps. then if youre brave enogh say I really like you?

    Id htink shed understand :/ youre goign through a tiem of toruble. If you dont want to say that you liek ehr okay :P. But say you need someone like ehr to help you through this time? maybe?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    tell her what was going on and that it was an accident! Tell her she means very much to you and tell her u will never hurt her again. If you get back together you have to do so much for her and show her how much you mean to her. You need to apologize and dont text her or email her go meet her face to face and grab her by the hands and tell her. i hope this helps! i am very sorry

    Source(s): i dont really have any but trust me it will work!
  • 1 decade ago

    just tell her why you were so upset, and you didnt mean to act out the way you did just that youre very stressed about a lot of things going on in your life right now and dont know how to talk about it. tell her whats going on and shell be happy that you opened up to her. i hope everything works out for you. :) good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The truth is always the best way to go.

  • Angel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Let it down slowly and tell her how stupid that was the thing that happend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im sorry

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