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Since there are sooo many young ladies having sex, should parents be held responsible?

Should we hold parents responsible for our kids having sex before they are mature enough to do so. Should we hold them repsonsible for not teaching their kids morals, and sex ed.? and what about the boys, why arent we teaching them about respecting girls, and being responsible?


Melony Lo...really??? Pooping is natural too, so is vomiting. I am a human not an animal in heat. Yes sex is natural, but making love is more natural, and shows respect for ones self and partner. Any fool can have sex, andmany do...look at all the teen pegnancies. I wasnt moralizing about not having sex, I am saying kids having underage sex is wrong, especially when not taught the basics that lead to pregnancy.

Update 2:

lee boy..u may think your parents arent having sex, but beleive me they are..many folks have sex into their 70's. No one is saying restrict it, I an saying if a parent teaches sex ed from a very young child, and also teaches moral, most kids will wait til the time is right and take seponsibility for their actions.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well they want to blame the parents but this backassward society won't allow you to properly punish your child. It's not illegal for a child to run away,your not allowed to hit your child, but your kid goes out and gets pregnant and your deamed a bad parent. You call the cops and they won't do jack, so what are parents options these day?

  • 4 years ago

    Young Ladies Having Sex

  • MJay
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    as a teenager I am saying you can't hold parents responsible for the faults of their children. You can tell a child time and time again to wait until marriage, to wait unt they're ready, to not do it so young. However at the end of the day your child has at least nine hours alone in a school with other teenagers that are having sex, in gangs doing drugs etc. Unless you are completely sheltering your child and not allowing them to have a social life they will be in the prescense of negative influences. And 100% of the time teenagers will listen to their friends before their parents.

    Another thing once again we are teenagers, ever heard of puppy love? As teenagers we are going to think that we're in love and when your in love you'll be willing to do anything.

    As parents it is their responsibility to show guys how to respect girls but then again you have friends and tv that will have much more of an influence on your son then you will. You have to be confident that you did everything you could and hope that your child took these to heart and from those boys you raised you can get a sweet, caring, loving, kind, respectful and a boy that knows how to treat a girl. You can only hold a parent responsible for so long. We are big boys and girls and we make conscious decisions

    Source(s): As a teenager
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can teach them all you like about sex ed, morals etc.. but even as a parent you can not keep your eye on a teenager, of course there going to go out with friends, weather or not you know who there going with is different but if there going to have sex the most likely going to lie anyway so i wouldn't blame the parents. Your Hormones in my opinion play a big part in it to, you could listen to your parents all your life and never step a foot out of place but once you hit puberty your feelings start to change and your really cant control how you feel over someone. I dont think parents should be held responsible and just let there children get on with there lives, just make sure you teach them all the sex ed stuff first so they know exactly what there getting in to.

    Source(s): Me
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, adults are the ones who raised us and we get most of our inspiration and ideas from them.

    My little sister, for example, lost her virginity at 13, though she knew it was wrong and was taught differently because she thought it would feel really good because she always hears my parents going at it.

    My old friends smoke weed because they see their parents doing it. They drink a lot because they're parents are alcoholics. Everything parents too reflect on the children.

    If a parent doesn't bother trying to raise the child right, or be close to their children, they will never have a good relationship and have thorough talks with each other, which can save everything.

    If parents think at all that the girls will have sex at all, they can simply not leave them alone and make them keep their doors open.

    If parents aren't strict enough, or if they are too strict, the child will be really messed up in most cases.

    Even my science teacher agrees.

  • 1 decade ago

    No we most certainly should not hold parents responsible as a lot of parents do teach there kids about sex ed and morals and then the teens either don't listen or the parents (like mine) let the teens make there own decisions about whether or not to have sex.

  • 1 decade ago

    well im a teen an her is why so many teens are having sex

    in one reason is because their parents restrict it and the parents dont have sex themselves. when parents hide sex from kids, the wonder how its like and go behind thir backs and have it.if the parents try too much to hide sex then the teens end up having sex anyways.

    its a shame about boys recpecting girls. i am a boy and i just want to say that the boys around me dont treat women very well, they cant learn how to be gental man because if the rescpect women they fell they wont have pride. I ACTUALLY DO RECPECT WOMEN but i think this is something parents should talk about since they normaly dont talk about this

  • 1 decade ago

    Psht no, they aren't the ones telling their kids to have sex. Well there are some parents that know about their kids and having sex and they'll actually buy them condoms and let their daughters go on birth control (my one friend's mom did it for her older brother and sister)

    But ultimately, when they have sex, it's behind their parents back. They have the decision to make whether to take that chance and do it or wait. It's up to them. And if they end up getting pregnant then they know the consequences.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This day and age children know what sex is and they know that you can get pregnant if you don't use protection I don't think it need to be taught its everywhere and It's common sense. A child is gonna do whatever they want if they're parents isn't saying anything or disciplining aka laying down the rules this is no different than drinking underage!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think in some ways it is the parents fault. They need to talk to their kids about sex more and teach them morals. I also think that boys should be taught to respect girls and to wait. I don't think that they are teaching boys much about sex and waiting. The least parents can do is teach their kids to wait until they are at least 18! Lets be aren't going to wait until they get married to have sex now a days. There is too much pressure to loose your virginity early now a days.

  • 1 decade ago

    Parents cant be held responsibile for everything. They raised their children the best they can until ultimately it will be the childs decision and the child will have to take responsibility for their actions. There is just so much parents can do but it isnt like they can watch their children all the big brother or something

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