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Is God required to punish sin?

Who could require God to punish sinners?

Is He held to what the Old Testament says?

Is it a case of "He must live according to His nature" and we are dead set positive of what that nature is?

Might it be time to admit that we don't know that God will put anyone in Hell because we can't second-guess His decisions?

What are you thoughts on this?

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    I can't believe that God in all his magnificence, in all his glory, in all his luminescence spends his time on the ins and outs of whether we consider we have sinned or not.

    We cannot sin against God ..... He is beyond such pettyness. We can only sin against each other, and thus ourselves.

    To be one with God is what God offers us. The ways and means to attain this, are offered to us in the scriptures and holy books. The ways that prevent us from being one with God, are also shown us in the holy books. They are all the negativities of the human condition. Hate, Jealousy, Fear, Greed,

    These negativites that prevent us from being one with God, we have come to call "sin". Although some translations would call it "missing the mark".

    The only "punishment" is that these negativities keep us separated from God. Not from God's side, but from our side. We can be one with him tomorrow if we are willing. We do not need to die and go to heaven to be with God. We can be with God in heaven here on earth.

    This is God, the God of Love.He is waiting for us with open arms. It is us alone who believe we need punishment.

    with love

    Sunny Girl

    :) :) :)


  • Zoran
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The Omnipotence of God doesn't mean that God can do everything in general, but means that God can do everything what is possible to be done. For instance, God cannot change the rule 1+1=2.

    There is a war between the good and the evil. God has not a choice: the wicked souls must be destroyed in an eternal hell, otherwise the whole World would become some kind of an eternal hell.

  • 10 years ago

    All things are of the Lord and in the love of truth if a man is out of the will of God then it is so to help this one in your abilities to bring him back in kindness of truth to the love which supplies all needs according to salvation one to another

    And when we are in the hearing and truth we so bless honest to all, and if it is hard love then so be it. Or how do we truly bless another then or latter if the truth is not one in the eyes of then who have to do; and it’s in Christ works and the heart of truth is our best, one can do, and always being of this the spirit at hand is where He is: some things like this may need/have to go as he lays our lives down for another.

    We so are in the image of God at the get go and to the end were one never separates, the spirit was as “taken up” to the end, where sin lives not. No punishment here just spirit and truth in the love of all is the hope to beget.

    But regards hell is when truth is not the objective and I is not of one spirit beholding and so someone is of sin if not both, if separated from God in heart in the beginning and not one heart to behold; yet the Son has power to save whom he wills, hard love, soft love, in as Christ may save.

    Clearly Jesus the Christ came in the flesh that is good for in so God is one good and so the promise is Him in through us will do the same unto good.

    Men put themselves in hell and hell is real and this is happening now.

    Don’t be fooled these are the last days, and each one will pick his own outcome literal or hell is crouch at the door.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you drive over a stop street without stopping, and rum into another car; will you not be punish under the law. The law is not there to punish you, but to protect you. If you transgress the law, you will pay the consequence. The judge only sent you to gail because of the transgrestion of the law; not becuase of hate towards you.

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  • 10 years ago

    God does not withhold His Love for God Is Love Itself. Love is not something God 'does' but what God Is.

    It is not God that punishes us but the sin itself that punishes us. We stick our hand into a fire and our hand swells and becomes blistered and painful but there is no intent on the part of the fire. It is the nature of things and for our blessing that the fire causes us damage. Until we become jaded and insensitive to that blessing we quickly pull our hand from the fire lest we be burned.

    You can know a little of how God may experience this by imagining how a parent may feel when their child chooses to become addicted to Meth or Heroin.


  • 1 decade ago

    There may be such a thing as god. I don't believe there is.

    Most definitions of god say he is All-in-One, so there is no outside agency to "require" of God anything.

    There is no such thing as sin if you do NOT believe in a god.

    There is only the law of the land. Most of the time I obey it, but I don't lose any sleep over the ways in which I do not.

  • 1 decade ago

    God can do anything--at least, imagining anything beyond creation of the universe is mere imaginary pretentiousness on the part of human beings.

    The god I sense doesn't have a human-style memory for factual data. No one can force This God to do anything at all.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    By His own Laws, which He must follow, God is required to punish sin. But He cannot give any preference to one law over another. He is also required to love us. That's why He became man in the form of Jesus of Nazareth and paid in full for your sins and mine. His Law requires the shedding of innocent blood for the remission of sin. Since none of us is innocent, none of us can pay the penalty. So God paid them for us. In this one act His perfect justice was satisfied and His perfect love revealed. All that's left is for each of us to accept the pardon that resulted from Jesus's payment of the penalty for our sins. If we do that Jesus takes full responsibility for our eternal future. If we refuse the pardon, Jesus will allow us to take full responsibility for our own eternal future. So choose wisely.

  • 1 decade ago

    no! that is why Jesus died on a cross to take away the sins of the whole world never to see them again, and the gift of God is life, why do we need life? because we are all born into this world in adam dead spiritualy in need of spiritual life, and the only one that has a life to offer any one is found in Jesus. 1 john 5:11,13 read it. if you have the Son you have life.

  • 10 years ago

    God is a level playing field,

    hmmm, like a boomerang

    Throw it at positive side then it comes back to you will all positivity

    Throw it at the negative side then it comes back to you with all negativity.

    Karma, or sin or cause and effect, call it anything you like but like how it takes time for the boomerang to return to you, your effect returns to you,

    So throw a lot of positive boomerangs into the universe and try to stay away from the negative one that people throws at you

    Stay away from the serpent -

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