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Lv 7
blm asked in SportsRugby · 10 years ago

Is Canada still a minnow?

OK - I know I'm stirring the pot here, but last year we bagged France A in the Churchill Cup, and this year we did the same to Italy. I know we aren't shark status yet, but surely we rate better than minnow. Barracuda, maybe?


Edit: Hi Mark: I wouldn't say a decisive win over the Russians -- they were leading until about the 65th minute, and then just ran out of steam. Keep an eye on the Russians -- they, along with the Georgians are going to stir things up over the next ten years.

Update 2:

@ Charlie: why are we not stronger given are long rugby history ? -- too much competition from ice hocey and gridiron, and more recently soccer. Many rugby players in Canada are not exposed to the game until high school or later.

8 Answers

  • Mark L
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well done, Canada! In addition to Italy A, Canada have also decisively beaten Russia. The key test is coming up, v. Saxons. Tough ask, but I expect Canada to play them strongly. Excellent outings in run-up to RWC, and I don't suppose their pool will taking them lightly at all.

    Mark L.

    @BLM: Having to manage a disappointing start and having enough in the tank, physically and mentally, to control the last 15 minutes is one of the signs of a mature (or at least maturing team). 5 tries is anyone's idea of a good outing. ML

    Source(s): Have watched Canada make steady progress the last 10 years or so, while USA has been static or worse.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No, any side that beats the Ruskies at any sport are not minnows to me. Joking aside I confess I don't know much about Canadian rugby other than when you update us on this forum.

    I do know All Black teams use to visit and play one game each against Canada and the USA for many decades starting from the early 1950's as part of their tours to the UK.

    So really in a way, Canada has been exposed to top international sides e.g AB's, Boks, Wallabies, and 5 nations teams decades before Argentina, Italy, Russia etc, ever had national sides.

    So why are they not ahead of many of these other teams in terms of success ?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    In canada, we count ourselves as a middle of the pick sort of team. We still are not in the big six (a north american term for New Zealand, South Africa, England, Australia, Wales and France), but we believe we can compete evenly with teams such as Scotland, Italy, Argentina or Japan any day of the week.

    Canada has shown steady improvement for a while, and though i keep boasting that we'll upset France in the RWC, there is still a lot of work to be done.

    For Americans, it would be quite a lop-sided match if CAnada played you, so keep that in mind if americans make their usual arrogant comments.

  • Andrew
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I have a skewed view, being a NZer, however, Canada came down here a few years ago and gave it a red hot go, for this they have my respect. I can still see that gangly Mike Pike bugger loping in for a 70 odd metre try, a real pity he decided to play silly football in Sydney!

    Canada are, I guess a middle of the pack team as you say BLM, when you consider sides like Georgia and Romania as minnows, I guess Canada are.. what eats minnows?

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  • 10 years ago

    i;m not sure i canada can take Saxins all the way in the final then maybe they shouldn't be classed as minnows - certainly performing better than USA anyway! i think this question really can't be answered until after the world cup if i'm being honest good luck against us in the churchill cup final though!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I think that your players lack the flair and instinctive knowledge to 'read' a game of rugby and to use space. I think that Canada has a difficult pool at the World Cup (Japan, Tonga, France, NZ) but good luck

  • 10 years ago

    Canada are progressing but other minnows like the pacific nations are still far off

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    we can't compete with the likes the australia or new zealand but we're one of the best secondary nations.

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