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Lv 619,372 points

Mark L

Favorite Answers55%

I'm a geologist, working in the mining industry. The avatar is a leopard (obviously) about 2 m from the auto window in Kruger NP, RSA. Magnificent and very exciting.

  • Thoughts/Responses to the Jordan McLean - Alex McKinnon tragedy?

    As McLean's representative in the hearing said, it looked about like 100 tackles a year in NRL, and more than a few in Union, too. Think Umaga/Mealamu on BOD.

    There is public discussion, at least proposed by some medical support, that "gang tackling" should be outlawed. I don't understand how this is compatible with League or Union, so is one really saying that the risk of catastrophic spinal injuries is so great that the games should be abandoned?

    I think useful discussion needs two things. 1) An effort to fairly evaluate McLean's tackle separately from the specific outcome. Flagrant spear tackling (and I also would agree grapple tackling) must be eliminated, but this tackle? 2) An effort to separate our own affection for the games from fair evaluation of the question. Look, if we agree that spear tackles cannot be allowed, then where do we draw the line? At least *consider* the possibility that rugby is too dangerous intrinsically to sustain.

    I look forward to your thoughts and considerations.

    Mark L.

    2 AnswersRugby7 years ago
  • What Does It Signify That We Have a Second Military Cheating Scandal Involving Nuclear Systems?

    U.S. Navy cheating on qualifying exams for instructors follows close on heels of U.S. Air Force cheating on exams for nuclear officers.

    Duty, Honor, Country, or just another job where it is more important to get ahead than anything else?

    I am particularly anxious to hear from my fellow Conservatives and veterans generally.

    Mark L.

    2 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Are Rugby Union and Boxing Compatible at Elite Level?

    Yesterday, for the second time in three months, a professional boxer was killed as a direct result of traumatic brain injuries suffered in a bout. A quick google search finds 45 boxers killed in the ring, which excludes sparring and long-term deterioration leading to premature death. Just flat out killed.

    Yet the Australian and New Zealand Unions execute centralized contracts with two of their premier players, Cooper and Williams, of course, that not only permit them to box, but allows them to customize their professional rugby training around their boxing.

    Their are at least two problems. One is the risk. I am not so much worried about the risks to Quade Cooper or SBW - they are grown men who seem, generally, mentally competent, and if they want to become professional boxers, I guess that is open to them under the current laws. I mean risk to the national teams: why are the Unions subsidizing the professional decisions of these men?

    The second problem is the potential for this self-destructive behavior by rugby heroes to influence the decisions of young players to take up boxing and put their brains and even lives at risk to be "like Quade". The Unions (and their professional staffs) are pretty quick to crack down on alcohol abuse amongst their players, but strangely less so to allow them, in fact to encourage them, to get their brains scrambled.

    By the way, I have no problem whatsoever if the physical training of boxing is used as a supplement to some other routines in physical training for rugby. Serious boxers are in fantastic condition, with great core strength and wonderful aerobic fitness. But I see no cross-training opportunities at all for using ones fists on another man's face and skull.

    What are your thoughts?

    Mark L

    3 AnswersRugby7 years ago
  • What are the implications of the cheating scandal in USAF nuclear missile officers?

    Numbers revised from 34 to 92:

    What are the chances for a fair and thorough review of command responsibility?

    Mark L.

    3 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • What do you make of Benji at first-five for Auckland?

    Looks like Kirwan is going to try Benji Marshall at 1st 5/8, at least in pre-season play.

    Any reactions, or should we just watch the experiment and see what happens? Well, Kirwan doesn't *always* ring me up to ask my views, so of course we'll watch and see. Just interested in your initial reactions.

    Mark L.

    Rugby7 years ago
  • Are We Standing Knee Deep in the River and Dying of Thirst?

    Here's the Lacy J Dalton version,:

    Seriously folks. We live in the21st Century, at a time when people have never been healthier and in this country (but not everywhere in the world) freer. But most of what we hear - surely on this Board - is anger and sarcasm and whining and moaning. It's always somebody else's fault.

    Is it not time to grow up and take the best advantage possible to continue what the generations have given us: Building an even better world, as Lincoln said, " do all which may achieve achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations."

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Club v Country: George North, Wales and Northampton Saints?

    The Aviva Premiership have fined Northampton 60,000 pounds for releasing George North to play against Australia outside the IRB's international window. The kicker here is that the Club could have released a player for England, but not for any other nation.

    Your thoughts? [No bonus points for guessing mine.]

    Mark L

    4 AnswersRugby7 years ago
  • Why Was John Afoa's Family "Unable to Settle" in Ulster?

    Afoa will move to Gloucester, and the current news coverage is that the decisive issue was reuniting his family, who were "unable to settle" in Ulster. If he was able to obtain a work permit, then what is the issue?

    No guesses, eh? We'll probably need somebody from Ireland, and maybe actually for Ulster, to be able to shed real light on this. Hopefully someone will have reliable information.

    I have always rated John Afoa as a prop, especially impressed with his foot speed and tackling ability. I'd have thought he would fit well into the modern English style. The West Country is a wonderful area, and I wish him/them well.


    Mark L

    1 AnswerRugby8 years ago
  • What is the Latest Word on Concussions?

    Here is a short summary, that includes references to rugby.

    What are your thoughts on how traumatic brain injuries should be managed at levels in which you play (played)? Are we doing better? How could we be doing better?

    Thanks in advance.

    Mark L

    1 AnswerRugby8 years ago
  • What Do You Make of JOC Going to London Irish?

    Contract details obviously not entirely clear yet - McKenzie is pretty clear that he will be selecting from Super 15 players only, so if O'Connor wants to get back to the Wallabies, he'll have to come home quickly.

    Hopefully he understands that the British press will be following him everywhere, looking for bad actions they can plaster beneath headlines. But form a rugby point of view, it makes good sense to me. He needs playing time at a high level, and he will get that. The rest, as McKenzie is quoted as saying is up to the young man himself.

    How do you see it?

    Mark L.

    1 AnswerRugby8 years ago
  • Should National Teams (Including Rugby) Be Coached by Foreign Coaches?

    Substantial discussion today (and over some time) about foreign coaches and national-team failures in Australia, having sacked the football coach and previously rugby union and cricket.

    Is this something that is a bigger issue for Australia than elsewhere? (if so, your comments on Guus Hiddink's success with Socceroos would be welcome.) Does it seem a specific issue for rugby, not just in Australia, but across the Tier 1 countries?

    I look forward to your thoughts.

    Mark L.

    4 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • What do you foresee for SBW's short- to mid-term future?

    Will he stick with NRL? Will he play for the Kiwis in RLWC?

    Will he migrate back to Union and try to re-establish his position for RWC? And if so, with whom will he play his Super Rugby? Will he make a play for 7s and a shot at the Olympics - would the NZ 7s community welcome this or not?

    Will he (or perhaps more accurately his entourage) stick with the boxing? And by the way, do you take that seriously?

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    Mark L.

    p.s.: Because I see it as All About Bill All the Time, my predictions are:

    a) he will play for NZ and try to add another world title.

    b) he will try for NZ Sevens - for the same reason. However, he will not be welcome, and his "spokesmen" will have a hissy fit about disrespect and threaten to abandon NZ rugby and move back to France, blah, blah, blah

    c) he will continue boxing, because he is getting and accepts TERRIBLE advice

    4 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • How do you see the final Championship matchups going?

    New Zealand at South Africa?

    Australia at Argentina?

    Winners and projected point difference, please (you are welcome to try a specific score - I can do the maths).

    BQ1: First try scorer in the NZ/SA match

    BQ2: *Last* point scorer in the AUS/ARG match?

    BQ3 (if needed): First team to draw a Yellow (or Red) card in the NZ - SRA match?

    Looking forward to your thoughts.

    Mark L

    6 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • How should McKenzie manage Bledisloe 3 and the end-of-year Internationals?

    Another poor performance in Cape Town. I assume he needs to go all out to take the points in ARG next week. But then there is a future that needs to be considered. Building for the future seems essential.

    But how do you reckon he should approach this? Start rotating to look at junior talent and to offer experience? Set a fundamental squad that he sees as potentially capable for RWC and start giving them continuity? Who are the crucial personnel in either case? How important is it to find a way to establish the forwards as a fundamental force - and what can Australia do to make that happen? I personally see no prospect for Quade Cooper to be a world-class stand-off unless that happens - he simply does not play well unless going forward, and his defense remains dire. But perhaps that is true for most/all No 10s?

    Thanks in advance for your ideas.

    Mark L.

    5 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • Is Bernie the Right Man for Coach at Brumbies?

    Replacing Jake White, of course. In particular, do you reckon he is ready to take overall responsibility, forwards as well as backs? Strengths and weaknesses?

    Thanks in advance for your views.

    Mark L.

    3 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • Do Barred Owls Migrate or Move Seasonally Through a Large Range?

    This morning we heard a Barred Owl calling about an hour before dawn, for the first time in months. [I am quite sure from its vocalization that is a Barred Owl, and previously I have seem a mature owl in our neighborhood with the "stripes" on his chest, so at least that bird was not a Spotted Owl.] .] On assembling our thoughts, we believe that we hear the owl only from Fall through Spring.

    We are in southern Santa Cruz County, if it matters; so close to the southern end of the Barred Owl range, I believe. I thought most owls were not migratory, but I know there is an issue in California with Barred Owls advancing into territory of Spotted Owls.

    Thanks in advance.

    Mark L.

    1 AnswerZoology8 years ago
  • What Do you Make of South Africa's Decision to Release 5 Players to Their French Club Teams?

    Steyn, Habana, Kruger, Steenkamp, and Vermaak.

    They are due back in Brisbane on Monday, so will have a few days to recover form the LONG flight and whatever niggles may have been incurred.

    More pressure on the traditional International game from the proprietary clubs.

    Mark L

    5 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • Why is Canada So Much Stronger in Rugby Union than USA?

    Three tries and 27-9 yesterday,in a two-legged contest for the second automatic Americas slot in the next RWC. Unless I have lost the plot, USA has defeated Canada only once since 2005. So it looks like another USA-Uruguay series to stagger into RWC.

    I'd hope for some insights more useful than competition with NFL/NBA. Maybe tradition in key rugby-incubator areas, stronger coaching, more advanced university-level rugby across the country, placement of forwards (not just backs) with top-level overseas clubs.

    Mark L

    4 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • What Shoudl WeLook For From This Year's ITM Cup?

    Who do you support?

    Who do you reckon are the most intriguing teams?

    What new players should we be watching?

    How long can Waikato defend the RS?

    Will Benji Marshall play for Auckland, and if so at what position?

    Thanks in advance.

    Mark L

    5 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • Reflections on SH Rugby Union Players Taking Overseas Contracts?

    Today the Bulls announce that 8 players are leaving to take overseas contracts. Earlier others had so announced also , including Bryan Habana. Notable ABs are also exiting (e.g., Rene Ranger, Richard Kahui).

    Without dwelling on whether specific players will or will not be missed by their national squads, what is the significance of the large number of losses form the SH clubs?

    1. It's just normal sorting out between World Cups. Some of these blokes who can still cut it will be back ahead of World Cup.

    2. It signifies a significant issue for the SH national teams, signifying they cannot compete in modern professionalism. Everyone will wind up looking like ARG and the PI nations have for years (and Wales appears to be falling into, also): unable to convene the best of their players because of club commitments in other countries.

    3. The SH associations will adapt by loosening their rules on overseas players in the national squad.

    4. Other?

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

    Mark L.

    2 AnswersRugby8 years ago