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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in SportsRugby · 8 years ago

What Do you Make of South Africa's Decision to Release 5 Players to Their French Club Teams?

Steyn, Habana, Kruger, Steenkamp, and Vermaak.

They are due back in Brisbane on Monday, so will have a few days to recover form the LONG flight and whatever niggles may have been incurred.

More pressure on the traditional International game from the proprietary clubs.

Mark L

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    SA have pushed themselves into this corner by picking overseas based players.

    Don't know the exact rules around eligibility but i think a club only has to release a player for the week before a test match only

    This is one area where NZ, Aus and a few others have got it exactly right by not selecting overseas based players. They enhance their local competitions, keep experienced players in national squads and have complete control of the players welfare

    Should be an interesting test, Australian forwards will have to up their physicality against the Saffas to give the backs some room......and drop Mogg.

  • 8 years ago

    Good to see Taraboy regularly back on this forum. I'm getting worried because I'm agreeing more often with him now !

    Too add my 10 cents worth. Wheres all this player depth in local SA rugby now ?

    As far as I'm concerned if a top Kiwi player doesn't play for his super rugby team then he doesn't play for his national team either which I think is a NZ RU rule (barring injuries etc)

    Should be the same for SA players as well. The SA selectors are now seeing the absurd problems of picking overseas players and the power these clubs have over them.

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It was always going to be a problem letting players go to overseas clubs. Interesting to see how they manage it.

    Swoope, they won in Brisbane in 1971, that was to atone for the flogging they received in 1965.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    *sigh* I'm not sure what to say, let's hope the Wallabies smash them. Is it true they haven't beaten the Wallabies in Brisbane before? Hmmmm.

    Edit: Thanks Bill - It was posted on the Wallabies Facebook page I believe which I thought was odd.

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  • 8 years ago

    Horrible Decision

    S15 & currie cup will lose more attendances & viewers.

    if this continuous S15 will pay a brutal price

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