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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in SportsRugby · 8 years ago

What Shoudl WeLook For From This Year's ITM Cup?

Who do you support?

Who do you reckon are the most intriguing teams?

What new players should we be watching?

How long can Waikato defend the RS?

Will Benji Marshall play for Auckland, and if so at what position?

Thanks in advance.

Mark L

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Support: Wellington Lions.

    Most Intriguing Teams: Counties Manukau and Manawatu

    New Players? Hmm, not too sure.

    Waikato RS Defence? I'd say they'd do well to defend it, but upsets are on the cards!

    Benji should play ITM Cup to get a feel for rugby from ITM Cup all the way to Super 15 level. He would get a lot of bums to seats which would be good for the Auckland team. I'd like to see him at fullback. He's got a hell of a boot on him and just needs to have support running into the contact.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Support: Auckland & Manawatu

    Intriguing Teams: Counties and Northland

    Not sure of any new players but no doubt there will be some that will gain attention

    I think that Waikato will lose the log o wood to Auckland, if not, they will lose it to Wellington

    He'll slip into 2nd five and I think he should play for Auckland to get some game time before next years Super rugby

  • 8 years ago

    1) Auckland.

    2) Counties/ Manukau and Northland.

    3) Ex-Blues and Fijian player Rupeni Caicaibuca -- Sorry haven't spelt his name right and hes not a new player. But hes playing again for Northland after many years overseas. This guy was devastating at his peak and with him and Ranger in the Northland back-line -- expect many bruised bodies from opponents tacking them !

    4) Hard to say with Waikato but I hope some team other than Auck or Cant takes it.

    5) Don't think Benji's playing ITM but next year I think either fly-half or fullback.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Watch Online Rugby

    Watch Counties Manukau Steelers vs Wellington

    Date: Thursday, 15 August, 2013

    at ECOLight Stadium

    Live Stream

    Tournament: ITM Cup

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago



    Andre Taylor


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