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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in SportsRugby · 7 years ago

Club v Country: George North, Wales and Northampton Saints?

The Aviva Premiership have fined Northampton 60,000 pounds for releasing George North to play against Australia outside the IRB's international window. The kicker here is that the Club could have released a player for England, but not for any other nation.

Your thoughts? [No bonus points for guessing mine.]

Mark L


Cheers, Charlie and others. Best wishes for a happy holiday to you all, and may 2014 be a year of peace for all. And some good rugby, too, of course.

Mark L

Update 2:

Cheers, Charlie and others. Best wishes for a happy holiday to you all, and may 2014 be a year of peace for all. And some good rugby, too, of course.

Mark L

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Unbelievable !

    But it just shows you the power club rugby in the Uk has over International rugby players there.

    A few years ago a British rugby writer (cant remember his name ) predicted club rugby (privatised ) will be the new global rugby game in the future with International rugby only being played a RWC tournaments similar to what happens in football (soccer )

    I know it sounds far-fetched Mark but remember big money and private owners will dictate rugby more and more in the future.

    Cheers Mark L and Bill P. This is my last answer for the year. I'm taking a break from Y/A's over the holiday period.

    Merry Xmas and look after yourselves.


  • 7 years ago

    North negotiated a clause that would allow him to play before he signed with Saints and they knew the Rules of Premiership Rugby - they were aware beforehand of the eventual clash and did so premeditated.

    The Premiership's Rules are their rules and all Teams were aware of them long before. Obviously, it is biased against non-English Players but Wales also choose to have International games outside the Test window (they play the Boks next year, again outside the window). The RFU compensates the Premiership for any (ENG) players called for National duty but the Premiership have a stricter stance towards imports. (Foreign Labour have less rights than a native)

    I don't agree with it but everyone knew the ground-rules and it's obvious the English have a bias towards their own players but they're free to choose the parameters of their local League and those who sign-up should abide by them. It looks like Saints were willing to take the financial hit by signing North and are willing to do so again.

    Source(s): The complications of English Rugby are only beginning
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I really don't see what is has to do with the IRB or any other rugby association to start off with, the club agreed a deal that would see him able to play for Wales outside of the window.

    It would be perfectly rosy for England as always though.

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    That is poor. Nearly harbouring on the way the Island players were treated at world cups "of course we'll release you, its just that there may not be a spot for you after".

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