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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in SportsRugby · 7 years ago

Why Was John Afoa's Family "Unable to Settle" in Ulster?

Afoa will move to Gloucester, and the current news coverage is that the decisive issue was reuniting his family, who were "unable to settle" in Ulster. If he was able to obtain a work permit, then what is the issue?

No guesses, eh? We'll probably need somebody from Ireland, and maybe actually for Ulster, to be able to shed real light on this. Hopefully someone will have reliable information.

I have always rated John Afoa as a prop, especially impressed with his foot speed and tackling ability. I'd have thought he would fit well into the modern English style. The West Country is a wonderful area, and I wish him/them well.


Mark L

1 Answer

  • Ace
    Lv 4
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Perhaps and I am just guessing they did not like the weather, Carlos Spencer came to South-Africa because his wife could not stand the constant rain, its a lot to get use to. Or maybe it was because they did not like being away from family and friends. That is what I gather from "unable to settle".

    Sorry not really reliable info

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