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Why did they get the German players name wrong?
In the final, The guy who scored the goal. On the back of his shirt his name was spelled different then the graphics had it on the TV. I think on its shirt is was Gotze (with the dots on the O) and on the TV it was spelled Goetze
3 AnswersOther - Soccer7 years agoHow long is it going to take me to learn to drive manual?
I drive a big automatic sedan, I am still new with driving and am a bit nervous on the road but I have no problem driving my automatic. My problem is a need my license soon, I have been driving with friends to university but next year they will be taking different classes so I really need my licence before February 2015. The problem is a really want to do it with a manual, i have taken 10, hour long lessons with a manual. I drive fine in quit streets but as soon as I drive in a main road I panic and well the car dies sometimes.
4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years agosomeone tried to steel my car?
I live in a house with a bunch of other university students, most went home for the holidays except me and another person, my car was parked near her window and the front gate, she woke up to get a glass of water heard a noise , looked outside of the window and well my car was half way out the drive way and the criminals where gone. The police said that they where finished hot wiring the car all they had to do was start it but they had trouble because its a automatic (the cop said if it was a manual it was gone). So here is my question, its clear that they rolled my car away from the window, what is more likely?
did they push it away from the window, tried to hot wire it and then got out of dodge when there was movement it the house.
tried to hot wire it realized they could not and then tried to push it out of the property and when it became clear someone is awake they go the hell out of dodge
tried to hot wire it realized they could not and then left.
Also is it true that a automatic cant be hot wired?
my roommate did not see them, she only saw the car in the drive way and the security gate open and its a 1992 Honda Ballade.
2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years agohelp with percentages?
So I have 48% for my project and i have 63% for my test, the project counts 25% to my year mark and my test counts 15%. For a total of 40% for first semester, so what would my percentage be for my first semester.
1 AnswerMathematics7 years agoGood place to find actors.?
looking for a website or database or something for actors that are willing to do student films for little to no pay. Usually I just go for Drama students put they are writing exams the same time that we are shooting , its always a hassle to fit our shooting schedule in with theirs because our evaluations are close together. the one I am working with now has not even given me her available dates. I don't need really experienced people just people that can act and are reliable. Any advice maybe will help I am tired of drama students that show up late on set or don't show up at all and i don't have the means to have open auditions.
1 AnswerTheater & Acting7 years agoWhat is minoring and majoring in university mean?
I see people talking about this on the net and in films, how does it work? when I got my degree in Visual Communication I had two main subjects Art history and Visual studies as well as Philosophy and one language that was mandatory I then had to take subjects from a prescribed list. After three years I got a Bachelors of art .
My Brother studied LLB (law degree) after high school all his subjects where mandatory and there where no main subjects, after three yeas he got his degree he then did a years internship and then took his bar exam, hi's now a practicing lawyer. I saw I question where someone asked what must he major and minor in the became a lawyer ... Why doesn't he just go study law?
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)7 years agoShould I have the right to find the term African American offensive?
i was born in Africa, i have lived my whole life in Africa. My ancestors have lived in Africa for 400 years and I am white and so where they. How can somebody claim Africa because of there skin color. The natives of Southern Africa has light brown skin, they are not black, Egyptians are not black, but they are still Africans. black does not mean Africa. the only natives of America are the Native American and they are not white, with this logic white Americans should call themselves European Americans.
How can you call yourself African when you have never been in the continent , don't know or fallow any of its many cultures or traditions. I understand that African Americans have ancestors from Africa. But white African have ancestors from Europe, we are not called European Africans, we are just Africans. We don't have European passports or practice European traditions, many have never been in Europe. Our culture was formed in Africa my native language developed in Africa.
Why are African American not just American or black Americans, like I am a white African, or just and African. Should white skinned Africans find this term offensive.
12 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years agoHelp with my depression over lost object?
I lost my student cart last week, I know longer study at the university where I got the card. But my time at the university was the best of my life, i felt that I belong, if i was at home there. It hasn't been the same since a graduated . I was really attached to the card, carried it in my pocket everywhere, it fell out of my pocket somewhere and i don't think ill sea it again. I am considering asking the university for a replacement but since i don't study there anymore, I don't think ill get one. I feel like part of my soul is lost . I know its stupid that there is a lot wors things that a person can loos, but i still feel really depressed about it.
1 AnswerPsychology7 years agoIs it possible to replace lost student card?
I lost my student card, put i now longer study at the institution where I got the card. It had lost of sentimental value, it kinda represent the best time of my life, and i am incredibly sad because of the loss. I get really attached to objects and i am kinda feeling as if i lost a part of my soul. Do you think i should email the university and ask for a replacement or would that really be weird. would they even give me a new one, i don't mind paying
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)7 years agoCan a child born from blue eyed parents not have blue eyes?
My understanding of genetics lets me believe that blue is dominated by brown and green
3 AnswersBiology7 years agoWhat do you think of Jonathan Kaplan's XV?
15. Christian Cullen
14. Jonah Lomu
13. Danie Gerber
12. Brian O'Driscoll
11. Rupeni Caucaunibua
10. Dan Carter
9. George Gregan
8. Lawrence Dallaglio
7. George Smith
6. Richie MeCaw
5. Victor Matfield
4. Martin Johnson
3. Carl Hayman
2. Keith Wood
1. Os du Randt
These players are picket from players he refereed
3 AnswersRugby7 years agohelp with ideas for a name for my documentary?
I don't know what to name the documentary i made about a school for mentally and physically disabled children. the docci is about how much we as normal people can learn from these children, their non judgmental and loving nature and about how they make progress in the school it.
4 AnswersLanguages8 years agohelp with ideas for a name for my documentary?
I don't know what to name the documentary i made about a school for mentally and physically disabled children. the docci is about how much we as normal people can learn from these children, their non judgmental and loving nature and about how they make progress in the school it.
2 AnswersOther - Entertainment8 years agois it rude in some countries to squirt tomato sauce all over your fries?
rather then to put some on the side of the plate and dip the fries in the sauce.
3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years agoconfused about something...?
I heard the end part of a conversation regarding the South- African umpire where he made a call or something and the players and commentators where not happy and they made rude comments, and hampered on about him being South-African and someone said something about it being slander and the umpire may take people to court about it. And there was something about hawk eye not being checked or not being accurate. and the English commentators being really rude
I only heard the bud end, and it sounds really controversial. Can someone explain to me exactly what happened and what was said.
1 AnswerCricket8 years agoFacebook locket me out because i have melware on my computer?
Apparently i have software that can steel peoples personal information on my computer...that is news to me. Has this ever happend to you before
1 AnswerFacebook8 years agoNeed help buying a computer for university?
I am a film student and i am looking to buy a Laptop or desk top to run the editing software i need to do my projects on. I have saved up the whole year, but i don't know much about computers. The computers at the universities are all Macs and run Final cut. So i was thinking of either buying a Macbook which means i will need to save some more money, but i need the computer asap because my marks are suffering. My other choice is buying a desktop and running Sony Vegas or Adobe premier pro. I think i can get a much better quality for much cheaper with the desktop, but the university and i think the industry standers is Final cut.
Do you have any advise, and if you do how does Adobe compare with Final cut
5 AnswersDesktops8 years agoDoes lions tours still have value?
i know that the lions is important and highly regarded by the rugby community in the UK, but i feel like the opposition of the lions only see the tour as exhibition mach. they may only play the loins once in their ruby careers, that is not really enough time to build up a history or a rivalry. When the loins was in South- Africa i only hoped that our players do not get injured before the tri- nations I can understand that before television Lions tours may have been really exiting. the chance for your local team to play international players that you only read about or hear on the radio, to actually see it live must have been amazing. But in the modern era where it is easy for to travel to different stadiums and watch international matches the lions tour has become redundant. And it being a decade since the last time the lions won a series maybe they should tour Emerging rugby nations and help build the sport there.
5 AnswersRugby8 years ago