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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in SportsRugby · 8 years ago

What Do You Make of JOC Going to London Irish?

Contract details obviously not entirely clear yet - McKenzie is pretty clear that he will be selecting from Super 15 players only, so if O'Connor wants to get back to the Wallabies, he'll have to come home quickly.

Hopefully he understands that the British press will be following him everywhere, looking for bad actions they can plaster beneath headlines. But form a rugby point of view, it makes good sense to me. He needs playing time at a high level, and he will get that. The rest, as McKenzie is quoted as saying is up to the young man himself.

How do you see it?

Mark L.

1 Answer

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He needs to do something and jusy sittingt at home isn't it. He probably won't be in the media except for his footy which should allow him to relax. It will be a higher standard that club rugby in Perth. I don't know the terms of his contract but he may be able to come back and play a couple of games with the Force.

    Not all that in favour of restricting selections like Link is hinting at though I don't think we'll ever see cases of players being pulled from club reserve grade to the Wallabies. There should be a bit of leeway depending on the circumstances.

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