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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in SportsRugby · 8 years ago

How do you see the final Championship matchups going?

New Zealand at South Africa?

Australia at Argentina?

Winners and projected point difference, please (you are welcome to try a specific score - I can do the maths).

BQ1: First try scorer in the NZ/SA match

BQ2: *Last* point scorer in the AUS/ARG match?

BQ3 (if needed): First team to draw a Yellow (or Red) card in the NZ - SRA match?

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Mark L


The NZ-SA questions are closed - though commentary is always welcome.

Update 2:

1. Nice line on IRB, Wozza.

2. Anyone who tackles Dan Carter any time soon will be looking at arrest. I actually think he's a pretty tough guy, and one of the best defensive 1st 5s playing rugby the last decade or so. Just my view, of course.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Boks v Blacks: very hard to call. I'll go Boks by 6

    Wobs to win ugly against the Pumas by 8

    bq1 Morne Steyne

    bq2 Lealiifano

    bq5 Is this trick question?????? Boks f course. I'm pretty sure there's an IRB directive saying ABs aren't to be carded

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    New Zealand and Argentina to win on the weekend. Love to see the Wallabies get up but there is a problem in the backs and the forwards look lazy at times. Kiwis by 12, Argies by 6.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    New Zealand by 9

    Argentina by 3

    BQ: Aaron Smith

    BQ2: Contepomi for Argentina.

    BQ3: Bismarck lol

    Super happy Corey Jane is back but it'll be hard to see him come back into the side with both wingers firing.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    1. I either Bismarck Du Plessis or Fourie Dupreez will score the fisrt try

    2. The Aussie kicker Christian Lealafanu (excuse the spelling)

    3. Ma'a Nonu will get a yellow

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 8 years ago

    Anyone who tackles Dan Carter is getting a yellow card.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The boks boks will definatly win this weekend against the blacks

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