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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 7 years ago

What are the implications of the cheating scandal in USAF nuclear missile officers?

Numbers revised from 34 to 92:

What are the chances for a fair and thorough review of command responsibility?

Mark L.


@Michael: Thanks for your insight. Given the long history of cheating scandals at AFA (not to mention other breeches of discipline), one might wonder whether protection of fellow Academy graduates is not grabbing the wrong end of the stick. Just an opinion, of course.

Update 2:

@Michael: Thanks for your insight. Given the long history of cheating scandals at AFA (not to mention other breeches of discipline), one might wonder whether protection of fellow Academy graduates is not grabbing the wrong end of the stick. Just an opinion, of course.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Poor. The accused who are AF Academy graduates will get off scot-free while the others burn.

    The reason is that AF Academy graduates are promoted to higher positions of authority by other Academy graduates. They are not going to burn fellow ring-knockers.

    Source(s): 100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran - Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer
  • 7 years ago

    Considering that the last round of cheating resulted in all of them losing their quals for 1 month, getting their butts chewed, putting a strain on their non-cheating counterparts..... not much! I'm sure the same thing will happen to them. Of course, there was also some top level folks who were quickly "moved" or who suddenly retired. But overall... they get a smack on the back of their hands.

    Eta: hmmm, looks like they are coming down harder on them than anticipated. Of course that just means clean missilers are paying the price with tdys and having orders changed.

    Source(s): AF spouse - 25 years
  • 7 years ago

    When you demand 100% compliance on things, don't be surprised when you end up getting exactly that, no matter what.

    Also, the decision to merge TAC and SAC didn't work out well for the Strategic community.

    Source(s): Active-duty Navy
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