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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in SportsRugby · 8 years ago

How should McKenzie manage Bledisloe 3 and the end-of-year Internationals?

Another poor performance in Cape Town. I assume he needs to go all out to take the points in ARG next week. But then there is a future that needs to be considered. Building for the future seems essential.

But how do you reckon he should approach this? Start rotating to look at junior talent and to offer experience? Set a fundamental squad that he sees as potentially capable for RWC and start giving them continuity? Who are the crucial personnel in either case? How important is it to find a way to establish the forwards as a fundamental force - and what can Australia do to make that happen? I personally see no prospect for Quade Cooper to be a world-class stand-off unless that happens - he simply does not play well unless going forward, and his defense remains dire. But perhaps that is true for most/all No 10s?

Thanks in advance for your ideas.

Mark L.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think there's much they can do for the Bledisloe and the only hope we have there is the cornered animal approach which seems to work well in times of extreme trouble. I really think we should be targeting the NH tour

    Firstly, The defence went to $hit under Deans (see link) and we need to beg John Muggleton to come back and work with the team. He knows his stuff and will improve the team and individual defense to a point where we can still be in games no matter how badly we're playing. Strong defence used to be one of the hallmarks of the Australian game and needs to be again.

    Then, we need to work out a game plan. To an extent, the expansive game plan has been working - we've made more line breaks than any other team but basic errors, either dropping the ball, pushing the pass or the ball carrier being isolated, are killing us. The collective intelligence of the current team seems moronic. If, and it seems like a big if at the moment, this can improve then we're on our way back to being competitive. Wobs teams often won games with only 40% of possession and, given the best we can hope for in the scrum is carnage control and, while we will improve, we'll still loose in the physicality battle, we need to get a lot smarter and use and retain the ball better. I would stick with the expansive game plan but not in our own half unless its on. We also need a few big crash ball runners running through the 12 channel to get us going forward. "SHARPEY!!!!!"

    Personel wise, Robinson is the best scrummager we've got and has to start. Behind him I'd pick Sio. He's still a roar scrummager but he's a big lump with a high work rate and has the physical edge we need. Tight head, start Kepu and maybe have Slipper backing him up.

    In the 2nd row, while I'm reluctant to pick Timani given he's a rugby vagrant whose only allegiance is to himself, I'd use him to partner Horwill and have Pyle coming of the bench who looks like a bright prospect.

    Back row, I'd put McCalman at lock as he brings some physicality and am umming and raring whether to play Mowen or Higgers at 6. Maybe Higgers as he brings a more physical edge and have Fardy backing him up. Otherwise start Mowen with Higgers on the bench but am starting to feel Mowen doesn't offer enough in the international stage. Hooper at 7.

    Backs, Genia must start. !

    10 is a quandary. I really like Kyle Godwin and think he's the long term answer at 12, so I'm sort of liking Lealiifano at 10. He's by far a better 10 than 12 and has a complete game, not to mention he's a bloody good kicker. I'd put Cooper on the bench as he has the ex-factor. He doesn't look great going backwards but he still offers something and I think Wob 10s are going to have get used to playing of the back foot ßa Larkham and Giteau did. This is why I like Lealiifano as he attacks the line with the ball in 2 hands and keeps defences guessing ala Matt Giteau. Bernard Foley should also tour to get some international exposure/

    Centres, Either start Godwin or Have Cooper/Toomua at 10 Lealiifano at 12 and Godwin off the bench - I'd go for a Lealiifano/Godwin combo. Kurindrani at 13 for this tour. On the wing, I think Henry Speight becomes eligible and must start and AAC on the other. Screw JOC. Win back your trust and your spot.

    Fullback would be Folau but see his long term future at 13 or maybe 12. Beale is a great running player and ideally I'd love hime to be 15 but he's also in the JOC boat. I'm sick of seeing these guys piss it away. Maybe AAC is the guy for the next RWC as 15 is the spot he truly excels in.

    I must admit I don't feel very good about Oz rugby right now but I gues if you take away the first 2 games of the RC when there was still a Deans hangover the results aren't much different from last year. A victory against Argentina, which I think we'll get, and a credible performance in Bled III and I think we'll be in ok shape for what was always going to be a hard NH tour

    @Charlie: The biggest impediment to any 3rd tier atm is money which the ARU doesn't have. Re-Introducing the Australia A program and the Pacific nations cup with Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Japan and Junior ABs would also go a long way.

    @Mark: Sposed to be a good young 10 playing for the rabble next year. He's reported as 20yo, 95KG, quick and can do it all. Got offered a big AFL contract and hasn't even played the game. Worth keeping an eye on

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The forwards are not playing well and this affects the team is they aren't on the front foot. Again too many turnovers and I don't blame the player tackled with the ball not releasing, its up to the support to be there. A-C has played his best football at 13 but I feel there are better options. Against the Argies, I try a few new selections. I'd play Folau at 13 (he'll probably play there anyway when Beale comes back). 12 is the problem area in the backline and has been for a while. There are some good players in both Sydney and Brisbane but it is hard to pick someone from there when so much money has been paid for the incumbents. If O'Connor comes back, he may well do well at 12. Maybe Foley at 12 for the short term. Cooper has played as well as he has been able to even his defence has been improving.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The squad needs changing. First Benn Robinson should be starting, everyone knew this after the Lions series except for Ewen Mckenzie, this was only confirmed when he came on yesterday. Rob Simmons isn't up to it give Pyle a shot or someone else. Higgonbotham and Pocock can't come back soon enough. We can match the All Blacks back row if we have them. Ben Mowen is a solid player but he is only good enough to play 6 for the Wallabies not 8. Hooper is a luxury, only can be afforded when you tight 5 is firing well and getting to the breakdown quickly. Out front 5 is terrible and Gill should start until Pocock comes back. We need Genia to start, White is good and plays a good kicking game but thats not the style we need now. We need Genia's running game back. As much as people may hate to admit it we need O'Connor back asap. It was evident when the Boks broke through usually he is the one making the tackles at the back when someone else is missing tackles. Could go on for ages we do have some injuries but who doesn't we need to make it clear that if you don't perform you're out. Especially to the forwards. Hopeless...

  • 8 years ago

    The way I see it, is that Aust rugby is really suffering for not establishing a 2nd tier rugby comp. The jump for many players from club to super and finally test rugby is showing. Really their is no depth in Aussie rugby to replace players like Beale, Barnes, Ioane, McCabe, Higginbottom and Pocock.

    Its noticeable to me that a 5th super team has not improved rugby depth in Aust. The problem for many players who haven't been picked for the Wallabies is that they either have a break or go back to club footy between Sept -Oct which is hardly desirable for keeping their skills to a professional -level.

    If the ARU wont risk starting up another provincial comp ----- the why not a inter-state rugby comp Sept -Oct and give up and coming club players a chance to play with or against 1st tier players ? Nz has the ITM and SA have the Currie cup for establishing new talent and what does Aust have ?

    It just my observations. Obviously at the core of the Wallabies awful season so far has been the poor tight forward play which never seems to be addressed by the ARU . One idea would be to establish rugby clinics targeting front rowers and allowing ex-Wallaby and International front row forwards to provide their skills and input into a serious weakness in Aust rugby.

    As for the current Wallaby woes. McKenzie just cant keep chopping and changing players hoping for that right mix. Retain the current team and ride the season out and start fresh next year.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    We've been here before haven't we? Last couple of years has been a bit weird seeing the Aussies completely crumble. I miss the "Golden Period" of Australian rugby. For some odd reason though, I have a feeling by RWC time, they'll be one to watch although they are far, far, faaaaar from a top quality side.

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