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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in SportsRugby · 8 years ago

What do you foresee for SBW's short- to mid-term future?

Will he stick with NRL? Will he play for the Kiwis in RLWC?

Will he migrate back to Union and try to re-establish his position for RWC? And if so, with whom will he play his Super Rugby? Will he make a play for 7s and a shot at the Olympics - would the NZ 7s community welcome this or not?

Will he (or perhaps more accurately his entourage) stick with the boxing? And by the way, do you take that seriously?

Thanks for your thoughts.

Mark L.

p.s.: Because I see it as All About Bill All the Time, my predictions are:

a) he will play for NZ and try to add another world title.

b) he will try for NZ Sevens - for the same reason. However, he will not be welcome, and his "spokesmen" will have a hissy fit about disrespect and threaten to abandon NZ rugby and move back to France, blah, blah, blah

c) he will continue boxing, because he is getting and accepts TERRIBLE advice


How clueless his "advisors" are about boxing is well illustrated today: Mundine says he wants to fight Floyd Mayweather. here's a hint: the boxing commissions in the US, who have to authorize any fight, will figure that this is a recipe for a fatality (and I don't mean Mayweather), and so will not offer him a license.

Update 2:

Swoope: I do try to follow NRL and generally try to watch it when I am in Australia. That does not allow me to see the sort of things you and Bill P are writing about, but it is not surprising.

4 Answers

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. He will go back to the Chiefs after the RL world cup then on what should be a three year contract to cover the RWC and the Olympics. I think he will stay in rugby but he may just do yearly contracts, good idea when he can get a higher contract each year, bad if he's out for any time.

    2. He will go to the Olymocs with the Sevens

    3. He should get out of boxing, he isn't that good. I agree with you in his accepting terrible advice. Seems the advice helps his advisors more than him. He needs a new manager, he needs to get away from Mundine and Nasser.

    Edit @ Swoope. The problem is the team he plays for. Gould and co. on Nine fall over themselves for Easts, Gyngell, Nine's CEO, is also on board the Easts bandwagon and the journalist (to use the term very loosely" Danny Wiedler is also a big SBW fan and like the rest supporting Easts would love the NRL to allow SBW to stay regardless of the cost.

  • 8 years ago

    I have heard SBW is not available for the Kiwi league teams world cup campaign. Cant understand that decision with the weak excuse he needs a rest and some family time. And apparently his boxing career may come to a premature end if he doesn't defend his title ( whatever title that is ! ) within 6 months then he will be stripped of it.

    So far, SBW has made no commitment to returning to union yet -- so who knows ? Maybe his manager is negotiating special clauses in Sonny's new rugby contract before he signs.

    As to his desire to win a olympic gold medal in 2016 -- SBW will be in his early 30s and Nz already has plenty of young 7s talent to build a team in 3 years time at RIO. So he is no guarantee selection for that or the 2015 RWC.

    SBW is a talented athlete but his chopping and changing of sporting codes may well start to cause resentment from fans and the media with his lack of commitment and loyalty to one sport.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm with swoop. I think SBW is an overhyped, overrated wanker of the highest order.

    With regards to his future,

    I foresee him going and ******* himself during which he'll sustain a career ending injury and will never be mentioned again. I think I may just be dreaming here :p

    I think he'll go to rugby after playing in the RLWC.

    He'll play for the chifs.

    He will stay for the RWC and then try for the 7s which he won't make as he's not talented enough after which he'll through a hissy fit and play in France. I very much doubt he'll return to league as he's already come out and said leagues more combative nature is a deterrent and he's keen to prolong he's playing days as much as possible.

    He'll keep fighting no names in boxing to feed his voracious ego but will never fight anyone decent as everyone knows he'll get creamed.

    edit: The fatality comment is way over the top. People may not like him but don't think the guy can't box. He's a former WBA (I think or WBC) title holder and has fought a lot of good fighters and he creamed Danny Green when they fought. Mayweather will most likely hammer him but suggesting a fatality is grossly underestimating Mundine's boxing skills

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    2012 - Super Title with Chiefs

    2013 - NRL title with Roosters

    2014 - OBVIOUSLY he will play AFL

    Kidding. I see him moving back to Chiefs country next year maybe until RWC 2015 before heading to France for retirement. Not sure WHY he insists on boxing when he sucks.

    Edit: Also, not sure if you watch NRL Mark but the LOVE FEST for SBW is pretty sickening. I mean I know he is a quality player but WOW - Commentators, Media etc.

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