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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in Science & MathematicsZoology · 8 years ago

Do Barred Owls Migrate or Move Seasonally Through a Large Range?

This morning we heard a Barred Owl calling about an hour before dawn, for the first time in months. [I am quite sure from its vocalization that is a Barred Owl, and previously I have seem a mature owl in our neighborhood with the "stripes" on his chest, so at least that bird was not a Spotted Owl.] .] On assembling our thoughts, we believe that we hear the owl only from Fall through Spring.

We are in southern Santa Cruz County, if it matters; so close to the southern end of the Barred Owl range, I believe. I thought most owls were not migratory, but I know there is an issue in California with Barred Owls advancing into territory of Spotted Owls.

Thanks in advance.

Mark L.

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