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Mark L
Lv 6
Mark L asked in SportsRugby · 7 years ago

What do you make of Benji at first-five for Auckland?

Looks like Kirwan is going to try Benji Marshall at 1st 5/8, at least in pre-season play.

Any reactions, or should we just watch the experiment and see what happens? Well, Kirwan doesn't *always* ring me up to ask my views, so of course we'll watch and see. Just interested in your initial reactions.

Mark L.

4 Answers

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    An interesting selection, like Isaac I would probably have given him a run at half. But they only trials and this is the reason they have them. I would have been iffy with him at fullback or wing. At five eight in leagu8e he never had to worry about the high ball very much.

  • 7 years ago

    As a Blues fan I am happy with Kirwans decision to use him at first five instead of fullback. This is due to two reasons. The first being, I would much rather have Charles Piutau in his preferred position(fullback), and secondly as we all know, Benji defence is near non-existent so fullback is not the role you want him playing. I would also like to see Benji given a go at halfback as it could prove to be very interesting.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I thought he would be starting at fullback but I'm interested to see how he goes. Maybe Kirwan wants him upfront to know what it feels like to be targeted all the time? Only time will tell.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    He'll have to up his pump if he wants more ball on the flip side. It's a jumping game these days and I'm not sure he has the knees for it.

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