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Lv 5

I left my husband, then my high school sweetheart came back, Am I wrong?

I left my husband like 5wks ago, then just last week my high school sweetheart appears out of nowhere (although he moved back from college in December). My divorce isn't final, my husband wants to make it work, but I've literally been in love with my ex since the day we broke up. I got married to my husband because of peer/family pressure, we had a daughter together and was living together but everyone wanted us to get married and I'm a people pleaser.


Me and my ex have been seperated for 3 years, I've been with my husband 3 years of that 3 years we only been married 11 months.

Update 2:

I'm not asking for approval, just opinions. Why would the section even exist?

Update 3:

okay, now I didn't go into depth about my marriage, I left him because he put his hands on me for the 5th time in 3years. I broke it off with him 4 weeks before I knew my ex was coming back into the picture. I didn't leave him for my ex, I always had feeling for my ex. I'm 21 and my husband is 29.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go with your ex!You should of left your hubby the first time he put your hands on you!

    He may threaten your ex though so be careful with that

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You may be wondering how to get your ex back when he has a another if you're still in love. Go to see more:

    Is there anything more difficult than seeing the man you still love with another woman? It's emotional torture and for many women it's something they have to deal with on a daily basis. Wanting him back after the break up is one thing but when he's already moved on and is dating someone new, it becomes a much more challenging situation. There is a right way and a wrong way to handle a situation like this if your goal is to get back together with him. Understanding the steps you need to take and what you have to avoid at all costs, will allow you to have the best chance of becoming the woman he loves again.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Want an opinion? You're an idiot. You both broke up for a reason and instead of trying to get over your ex, you decided to get married. Now you've caused harm to both the man you pledged to love forever and you have a child in the mix - just because you simply can't get over your obsessive crush on your ex. You are a fool and you would be an even bigger fool to rush into a relationship with this man you know nothing of any more. You wrecked your marriage for a guy you were in love with x-number of years ago that doesn't exist any more because he's evolved. I hope one day you'll feel it was truly worth it because I doubt your husband or your daughter ever will.

  • 5 years ago

    Don't wait for your husband to make a decision on who he wants to be with. He's playing with emotions and wants to see what he wants more. What do you want more? Someone who doesn't question himself I hope. Answer his troubled mind and get a divorce. It's not healthy anyways because you will always wonder if he's cheating, or changed his mind again. It's also not healthy for the kids. It's ok that you still love him, and you'll have a lot of memories that are ok to hold on to. Just get out there and find someone better. Don't be with him because your afraid to be alone either. Also, on the debt matter, don't stay in an unhealthy relationship because you are worried about bills.

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  • 10 years ago

    Honestly... You made a comittment to your husband to be true to him in good times and in bad. If you didnt have enought back bone to stand up to your family for what YOU wanted 11 months ago then that is your fault. You shouldnt tare your daughters family apart becuase you are to selfish and want a man you can't have now because you are married, and you are very immature that you allowed family and friends to pressure you into marrying a man you dont love.

    If your husband is beating you or your daughter, not providing for you as a family or you two fight all the time and it is effecting your daughter then I would suggest leaving but you just want to go be with your ex becuase YOU made a bad choice I hope you get screwed over. Seriously thing about it. You two broke up 3 years ago becuse it didnt work. If you two were ment to be then dont you think he would be the father of your child and not your husband... and think about this... you husband married you, made a famiyl with you, and loves you when he didnt have to!! I think you have the good guy at home waiting for you but you are just to ignorant to see how good you have it!

    Source(s): The grass ant always greener on the other side
  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    You need to spend some time alone while you mature.

    Jumping from one relationship to another isnt healthy - or good for your child - she needs stability. And you clearly have no idea what love is.

    Its only 11 months since you married, nobody forced you, you're an adult, now start acting like one.

  • 10 years ago

    if i was your husband and learnt that the woman i married got married to me because of peer pressure,i'l not waste time to try to make it work. you are stupid. do you know if your ex feels the same about you before you finalise your divorce,why did you divorce your husband anyways? people like should not to be married.and make me wonder the kind of a woman you are,divorcee in 11 months!just grow up.

  • 4 years ago


  • 10 years ago

    simply u r gone case, u r protecting urself by putting some allegation over her husband . this is wrong my dear use ur brain ....

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Your wrong for wanting appoval via yahoo

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