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  • Thriller movie where woman kills her best friend family....?

    What is the name of the movie where... A woman and her bf goes to visit her bf family, the bf not related to the family kills her bf mom and dad and takes her bf captive but she thinks she trying to save her bf from the killer when in all realty she is the killer. Part takes a place in the parents home of the captive bf which is in a corn field, then in the woods, and in a old truck.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Can a woman get used to a certain size? Regarding "male Organs"..?

    My ex-Husband was quite large I would like to say around 10 inches, it took me roughly 2 months to get used to him. I am now back with my high school sweetheart and although he took my virginity (and I his) I always thought he was "bigger" than what he was, it came as a shock to me that he wasn't as big as I remembered, quite smaller, maybe 7 in. Anyways, I know they say men really can't tell the difference, but I can as a woman and wanted to know will I shrink or am I just used to being with someone bigger and someone smaller will never be able to do for me?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • What are your opinioins of dating Ex girl/boyfriends?

    I was with my high school sweetheart for 3.5 years and we have now been broken up for about 3 years, actually a little over. We were each others first and ever since we broken up I have never felt those same feelings before. We stayed friends for like a year after we broke up, because me and his now ex, then current girlfriend were always getting into it.

    Well as of a week ago he has came back into the picture and has been dropping hints that he wants to try to make it work again. Some of my friends say not to pick at healing wounds but then my family and some other friends think it's a kind of meant to be. I still have some un-delt with feelings from our past, that others say I need to forgive him about but it's really hard to let them go.

    What are your feelings/opinions on dating someone in your past?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I left my husband, then my high school sweetheart came back, Am I wrong?

    I left my husband like 5wks ago, then just last week my high school sweetheart appears out of nowhere (although he moved back from college in December). My divorce isn't final, my husband wants to make it work, but I've literally been in love with my ex since the day we broke up. I got married to my husband because of peer/family pressure, we had a daughter together and was living together but everyone wanted us to get married and I'm a people pleaser.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • OK let me know if I was wrong about this, all criticism welcomed...?

    I recently (3wks ago) after my husband put his hands on me for the 5th time in 3 years (nothing to terribly bad just a firm grab of neck or a shove against wall or push on the bed) told my husband I wanted a divorce. I live with my aunt now with our 19 month old daughter. I do get indecisive feelings about leaving him due to social and peer pressure and that I don't want to hurt him but I don't feel as if I love him like he loves me but anyways... Yesterday I was going for a stroll with my daughter and a guy drove passed, stopped, got out and asked me for my number at which I told him I was married but it was complicated he still wanted to talk to me later that night I went and got drinks with him and we went back to his house where we stayed up til 4:20am talking and I really like him and he seems as if he's really attracted to me, he ended up kissing me unexpectedly while in the middle of a conversation as we were sitting close on the couch we ended up slow dancing and the whole time I kept thinking how bad I felt being with him knowing I'm still married.

    Not to say I'm looking for someone to tell me that I wasn't in the wrong, but was I in the wrong? all negativity and criticism is accepted because I will take responsibility for my actions.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Would you be mad if your spouse wanted a divorce BUT...?

    you didn't want one and want to make mends. She's/he's indecisive on her decision and has began talking to other persons, nothing sexually but they may have invited them over for a movie.

    Remind you they have already moved out, so you two live in separate houses have mutual friends, can sometimes have a civil conversation but he/she is still shows their true colors from time to time reminding you of the reason you left. one 19 month old is involved.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Jehovah Witnesses, Honest Question?

    I was raised in the truth but when it came time for me to make my own decisions I took the worldly path. I married a disfellowshipped witness that is also trying to get back into the truth. I will defend JWs til death do me part, I understand I have worldly ways that are really hard for me to abandon ie clubbing, profanity (not that hard), overly drinking. I attend about 2 meetings a week and my daughter has studies with her 5 cousins with my husbands mother everyday as she is a house wife.

    I believe whole heartedly in the truth, but really wanted to know in your opinion (I know only GOD knows the answer to this but) do you think if Armageddon came tomorrow would I have a chance?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • How did you get the support to Divorce, dispite....?

    Family/social pressure, guilt trips, indecisiveness as the incident is further and further and then doesn't seem as bad. Confused, my husband I feel like, likes to Control me, speaks to me like a parent-child relationship, intimacy and affection has went to slim to none. He has put his hands on me about 4 times in the 3 years we been together nothing serious just a shove against wall or slightly restraining me by the neck. I can feel my confidence lowering he gets mad if I tell him anything about himself that I feel offends me, especially with the racial slurs (he has calmed down a bit on that). I just really get to thinking how his family will be disappointed and how I don't really want to move home, how I want to make it work for our 19 month old daughter. (sigh) Is this normal, the way I'm feeling? Indecisive on going through with this or not.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I never thought my friends were like this..wht should i do?

    Ok me and bth my friends re just leving a club celebrating one of my friends homecoming from vegas to st. Louis. We went to a club tht is of mixepd music I dance with a white guy as I get his njumber she pulls me away says I can't beluieve you dancing with him and how sbhe disPpointed I menton I'm half white she says he's pasty aand I can do beter. Mind u all of us are raised from a wealthy class city (nt saying we are wealthy but my ex is there) he's blck. Wht gets me is we were raised in a majority white wealthy area I would of jnever thougbht her to be like this.

    Is it wro g? Shoulsdd I mentio my concernjs? I M drunk.

  • Why is it everytime I'm ready to divorce, I get a change of heart?

    Me and my husband has a good "friend" relationship. We do everything together play video games, smoke and drink, go to the clubs together, we like to shop but we can't have a civil conversation. We both are argumentative when it comes to proving points, he feels as if I have nothing intelligent to say, that all I care about is my appearance (which is totally not true). He gets mad he breaks things, if I keep speaking after him telling me to shut up (in other words) then he will forcely push me against wall or on the bed or he will grab me by the throat not technically squeezing but restraining firmly. He will verbally abuse me and he gets mad when I tell him how he makes me feel or that I feel as if mentally/emotionally we are not connected.

    The thing is I will want a divorce out of the moment but after a while (especially if I smoke weed) I get to reflective thinking and then I don't feel as mad and would think a divorce is too dramatic. Is it just me or does everyone after a few hours after an argument start to think that maybe it wasn't really that bad?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What is hair supposed to feel like?

    I have been told that my hair is soft. Isn't all hair supposed to feel soft unless you have split ends or so.

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What would you do if you found out your husband/wife while at a bachelors...?

    or bachelorettes party, tipped strippers without any detail on what went on. You just know that at least 100 is missing and he told you that someone stole it but you hear from a 3rd party at the party that he was tipping.

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Where does one race end and another begin?

    "Thanks to scientific advances, we can now say definitively that individuals such as Morton and Aggasiz are wrong" (which basically they said that race is described by brain size, color, facial/hair characteristics). "Race is fluid and thus difficult to pinpoint scientifically." “Race is a concept of human minds, not of nature,” Relethford writes.

    Briefly, an AA or Black American can look Chinese and some chinese can have European facial features, so if race is "brain size, color, facial/hair characteristics" where does the little boy who looks black with european facial features be categorized? Or the little girl that is Asian but looks european be categorized?

    "there’s a high degree of gene flow among people groups that makes it hard to organize them into discrete groups." Says the article I linked above.

    I have full lips, small nose, curly hair, and make good grades excluding my ditsy ways but so far I'm *******, Mongoloid and Caucasoid, where does the line of race end and the other begin?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What would cause you to cheat?

    Your husband/wife spends money on you, does whatever you like, buys you whatever you like BUT if you don't feel emotionally connected to him will this cause you to be indecisive or actually cheat because he's not given the attention needed?

    Retaliation of them cheating first?

    you're a natural cheater?

    You're significant other is just a jerk/B!@tch?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If you don't like a certain ethnicity, will you still take a vacation there?

    For say if you don't like blacks, would you take a vacation to Africa, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican?

    and if you don't like whites, if there certain places you won't visit?

    Just wondering because this guy tells me how he doesn't like _____ people but yet he chose to take his vacation where they are the majority.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What would cause you to cheat?

    Your husband/wife spends money on you, does whatever you like, buys you whatever you like BUT if you don't feel emotionally connected to him will this cause you to be indecisive or actually cheat because he's not given the attention needed?

    Retaliation of them cheating first?

    you're a natural cheater?

    You're significant other is just a jerk/B!@tch?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Am I wrong for feeling like he shouldn't complain?

    My husband has been laid off for like a month now and will start his new job within a week. I work 2 part-time jobs and go to school and we have a 18 month old daughter. When he works I clean up, wash the clothes, and tend to our daughter, but now that he's been laid off I feel like it's my turn to not do as much so I have stopped cleaning as much and let him take care of our daughter when it comes to diaper changing. I seldomly help him clean but when he had a job he never helped me clean but now that he has to do what I do he feels the need to complain but when I was working going to school I cleaned and tended to our daughter WITH NO COMPLAINTS. Am I wrong for being mad at him for complaining about something that I never complain about?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you think that most people wait til they are older before interracially dating?

    Reason why I ask is because I would rarely get hit on by guys of another race, especially whites, until I turned about 19-20 and noticed a surge of guys from other races hitting on me. I thought it to be, because as a child you feel obligated to halfway listen to your parents but as you age you start to do what you see fit for yourself instead of what your parents feel fit.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago