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Lv 5

What is your opinion of people who commit adultry?


Does it change once you heard of negativity in the marriage?

Lies in the marriage, but still wish to not divorce?

Does your opinion change if you found out the severity of it? Small ie a kiss? Big ie had sexual encounters?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they are normal people. They are participating in an activity that over 1/2 the population will participate in in their lifetimes. Those that criticize should realize that at least once in their lives, they will probably be tempted beyond their control. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

    Until you know what everybody involved is actually thinking and going through, you have NO right to judge.

    It's interesting how many people have affairs, and don't even think they are in adulterous relationships or won't admit it. Not even to themselves!! " It's different with us"!!!

    Sexual deprivation is worse than adultery!!

    Source(s): 3/4 of a century.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    People who commit adultery derseve punishment. How could they do that knowing they are commited to someone in a relationship? if they don't want to be with their wife or husband then tell them how you feel and divorce them so you both of yall can move on. People who commit adultery or wickid for doing that and derserves no forgiveness as in to let them back in your life again. You can forgive them by earasing any grudges against them.Thats the only acceptance of forgiveness i believe in when it comes to this. Also adulters aren't any different from a cheater who is not married if he/she cheated while being in unmarried relationship. LOOKING at a woman/man lustfully whiled commited is aleady an adultery as Jesus said in the bible. However looking is a smaller sin in adultery to me, then kissing and further is unforgiveable.

  • 1 decade ago

    The first adultery is committed by the male and female as they both turn from God to walk with each other in marriage and in adultery and that is the root of the problem. Males and females are also not taught correctly in their houses of worship as no male is supposed to "fall" for a female and no female should encourage a male to fall for her but it is standard ops down here in the land of all flesh that descends from the womb. The true test of adultery is will the innocent male FORGIVE the adulterer. If the female is the victim in the marriage, her feeling and emotions are let down. She's hurting and the pain of let down feelings is intense. When her girl friends see and hear her in her DOWN state, they judge the husband and encourage the wife to dump him. The truth is, the wife's feelings are let down because of her own NEGATIVE thought life. It is dumb and stupid for any human being to allow another to let their feelings down. We are spiritual being from within as our inner most being is already eternal because it is created in the image and likeness of the Living God. That said, we should always KEEP our feelings and emotions UP at all times IF the Spirit is in control from within.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If the marriage has reached a point that one or both party's feel there is no reconciliation the marriage needs to end before another relationship is started Period! There is no gray area, either you are married and committed to it, or you need to divorce and then move on. Only someone immature with no self control looks for another person to fill the missing pieces of a relationship before they end the relationship they are already in. The specifics are not important both party's need to adhere to the vows and monogamy until they are legally separated.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think most people think about doing adultry and a lot do commit adultry and I belive it is much higher rate than we want to belive. Mothers baby fathers mabey. I think it is a fact of life. I am OK with it.

    Source(s): 50 years of life
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Not sure, it all depends on the circumstances, if its a loving relationship, then they are stupid to risk all, but if its not then may be they need love that they are not getting from their partner, think each case has different merits, so its hard to say, with out tarnishing every one with the same brush, plus you can say its our human nature, so may be I should not try to judge.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel sorry for them. They are missing out on one of life's treasures - a committed relationship.

    EDIT: stumbled back to this Q and observed the response to my answer. My opinion of the participants in this board has been confirmed. I'll let you geniuses guess what that is.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    meh..totally normal...monogamy is not really a natural trait for most primates.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    give me their numbers.... the women

  • 1 decade ago

    They are low and disgusting.

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