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Lv 5

OK let me know if I was wrong about this, all criticism welcomed...?

I recently (3wks ago) after my husband put his hands on me for the 5th time in 3 years (nothing to terribly bad just a firm grab of neck or a shove against wall or push on the bed) told my husband I wanted a divorce. I live with my aunt now with our 19 month old daughter. I do get indecisive feelings about leaving him due to social and peer pressure and that I don't want to hurt him but I don't feel as if I love him like he loves me but anyways... Yesterday I was going for a stroll with my daughter and a guy drove passed, stopped, got out and asked me for my number at which I told him I was married but it was complicated he still wanted to talk to me later that night I went and got drinks with him and we went back to his house where we stayed up til 4:20am talking and I really like him and he seems as if he's really attracted to me, he ended up kissing me unexpectedly while in the middle of a conversation as we were sitting close on the couch we ended up slow dancing and the whole time I kept thinking how bad I felt being with him knowing I'm still married.

Not to say I'm looking for someone to tell me that I wasn't in the wrong, but was I in the wrong? all negativity and criticism is accepted because I will take responsibility for my actions.


LOL 4:20 just happened to be that time and although I do smoke weed, I have stopped due to my interning at a orthopedics office come this August. My daughter was with her father at which he gets her 2 nights out of the week. I work 2 part time jobs and go to school, a life is not much of an option for me.

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No one here can tell you if kissing that guy was right or wrong. Some people want to seem like they're so self righteous and like doling out their opinions. As far as letting a man handle you 5x's already is a concerning to me because you should have left him after the 1st time. What you are looking for you are not going to find here, but i will say this....leave him, take care of your baby, finish school and don't rush into anything.

    Source(s): My humble opinion.
  • 10 years ago

    This one is very convoluted and is going to be thumbed down by pretty much everyone (you included). leaving the husband was the smart thing. Staying away and divorcing would be even better. Telling the stranger you were married was the right thing, walking away without another word would have been better. It all comes down to one act that was not caused by you other than placing yourself in an inappropriate scenario. The act was the new guy kissing you out of the blue, KNOWING you were married. 1 this means he thinks he can just TAKE what he wants. A gentlemen would at least have asked you if he could kiss you. 2 A kiss to a guy is a prelude to something else if it was not earned! In other words you were not on a date, and even if it was it was the 1st date. NO he wants something that only a woman can give. If you give it then you stepped into the realm of the "Bad" woman. If you end the contact then no damage was done, you get to feel vindicated, and you side step a potentially rape happy individual. That's called going from the frying pan into the fire. Sure you feel good about yourself after being with this guy. You should! Doesn't mean it was a healthy experience though!

  • Linds
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    To me it sounds kinda of odd for a man out of the blue to be driving to stop and ask for your number but maybe that's just me.

    You did the right thing in telling him you are married. But he made the first move not him. After that I think maybe you do have a right to feel bad. Even through in your heart you know you don't want to be with your husband in the eyes of the law you are still married. But more importantly it's only been 3 weeks since you've been separated from your husband. Alot can happen. Maybe you'll change your mind, maybe you won't. But are you really ready for a relationship?

    If you feel bad, then there's a reason why you feel bad. I think when you talk to this guy again let him know that you are married and until you are legally separated from your husband all you two can be are friends.

    But don't hook up with him and have something happen while you are still married because it could bite you later on.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes, you were wrong. Separated is not divorced, even if your marriage is an abusive one. You shouldn't have entertained that guy at all. You should have been firm with him and told him no instead of giving in. I can understand WHY you did it, but you still shouldn't have. At least you acknowledge that wrong. As a divorced mother of a small daughter who was in an abusive marriage for a long time before I finally got out, I would say stay clear of dates and flings and anything that has to do with a relationship until a)your divorce is finalized and b)you have completely worked through your "junk" and sorted things out and are thinking more with your brain, rather than your heart or your pum-pum. It'll save you a world of trouble. Best of everything to you.

    Source(s): Experience
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  • 10 years ago

    First of all if your husband put his hands on you that's not love I wouldn't feel pity for someone that doesn't feel it for me it might not be that much but thats how it starts. So I think that by you walking out of a somehow abusive relationship you are a good example and a hero to your kid because if you let it keep going it might end up worst and your kid will end up thinking that that situation is ok which is not. But I also think that for you to go out wit someone and stay with him almost all night long you got to get your divorce first because there's nothing wrong with going out with a friend fordrinks and whateva but to stay all night long and almost getting to second base with him is a little irresponsible of you and disrespectful to urself and your baby. So I will say first get divorce or at least start the paper work

  • 10 years ago

    No you aren't wrong. Divorce this husband of yours if he's grabbing you like this because it's not good for your daughter. But, I think you're wrong because you have this baby and already out partying with other guys. Right now you need to focus on your child and give her a productive life. And wait at least 3 weeks before you go out again with this slow-dancing man. DIVORCE YOUR HUSBAND :)

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    That's abuse, whether it's a neck grab or a shove, that will lead into more. I think that you kissing another guy is acceptable. You shouldn't feel guilty, well.. the only thing that I think you should feel bad about is not telling him that you are going through some hard times right now. Otherwise, what you did was fine.

  • dews
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Wow. properly it leaves you thinking the place the trauma she's experienced got here from, who she is, how previous, and what her situations at the instant are...thoughts of oppression of a few form keep you indignant and fascinated to ascertain how issues prove as long as battles are additionally gained in the approach. Is there a fact you sense you may make? Is there a community of be attentive to-how or wisdom that would help handbook you? a fondness? What retains up interested in a e book?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You should have let the guy nail you! It will help you get over the divorce much faster!

    Are trying to talk code by saying 4:20am, did you guys smoke weed?>

    Where was your daughter during all of this?

  • 10 years ago

    You need to divorce a guy who grabs you by the neck and shoves you against a wall. Do I care that you are starting an affair with another guy, in this case? No. Go see a divorce attorney asap.

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