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Are these people lying, or just stupid?

Examples from this very forum:

"Here's the Big Bang Theory. Theres this one big rock. And theres another big rock. They suddenly collide making the Earth."

--> That is nowhere near what the Big Bang Theory states.

"Atheism: The belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason what so ever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs."

--> Atheism is not a belief, and it has nothing to do with the origins of the universe or life on Earth.

"Can someone tell me the facts of evolution? No! leave that. Just tell me why it's more widely known as "the theory of evolution". Is it because this is a better description of pseudo science or, is it because "Theory" is now the new facts?"

--> Displays outright ignorance of what a scientific theory actually is.

"Where are the transitional fossils?"

--> Museums and laboratories. Here's a few:

--> "They found Noah's Ark!"

This has been claimed many times, by many different groups claiming different boats in different countries all to be Noah's Ark. Not only has every claim been debunked and dismissed by experts (either that, or the experts are kept away from it), but none of the "boats" found have ever been large enough to house even half of the animal species on the planet.

--> "Atheists, do you ever see a monkey or gorilla at the zoo....? and go "Hey, good looking!"

Since you guys claim that we share 98% of our DNA with monkeys..."

Atheism doesn't claim anything about human DNA. That said, the claim that we share a substantial amount of our DNA (95-98%) with monkeys is backed up by evidence, which has been verified in thousands of peer reviewed scientific papers.


What's the deal? Are they Lying for Jesus (TM), or are they just uneducated? And if they wanted real answers, wouldn't they be asking in the Biology/Physics sections?


@ seeker of Holy God: "their neither

they are not lying for jesus

no they are not uneducated"

Then explain to me why they think the Big Bang Theory states two rocks collided to make Earth, or that there are no transitional fossils. These are demonstrably false. Either they're lying or they really have no idea what they're talking about.

Update 2:

@Dr. Bob: "Okay, so you found a moron or two. It's not like they're an endangered species on the internet, are they?

The reality is that you're just quoting those with whom you have a disagreement. In fact, there are all sorts of morons on the internet and in this forum, some of whom share your worldview about some things.

It's a distraction to attack individuals and their understanding of things. Dreamstuff Entity is exceptional at this. What matters is the logical and scientific arguments for or against a position. It's a waste of time to attack individual people. That's only a method for reinforcing your own personal viewpoint."

I understand that I come across as picking on all Creationists here, and as much as I enjoy picking on Creationists in my free time, I am well aware that this does not cover all of them. There are plenty of perfectly sane, logical Creationists out there, even on this very forum, and I have no beef with them at all. People can believe whatever they want, a

Update 3:

Stupid thing cut off. Continuing!

"People can believe whatever they want, as far as I'm concerned. I don't really care, until they start justifying their beliefs with lies or idiotic statements, like the above.

This was not an attempt to say "All Creationists are stupid!", because I know not all of them are stupid. I've got Christian friends, Mormon friends, even some Jehova's Witness friends, and I couldn't care less about their beliefs, because they've never once tried to sell them to me with "The Big Bang was two rocks colliding."

This isn't a rant against Creationists - it's a rant against STUPID Creationists.

17 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, so you found a moron or two. It's not like they're an endangered species on the internet, are they?

    The reality is that you're just quoting those with whom you have a disagreement. In fact, there are all sorts of morons on the internet and in this forum, some of whom share your worldview about some things.

    It's a distraction to attack individuals and their understanding of things. Dreamstuff Entity is exceptional at this. What matters is the logical and scientific arguments for or against a position. It's a waste of time to attack individual people. That's only a method for reinforcing your own personal viewpoint.


    I get that it's a rant against stupid creationists. I'm in agreement that there are indeed many stupid creationists. I'm telling you that there are many as equally stupid atheists that completely fail to understand some of Biblical history or are just deliberately obtuse.

    The difference, I suppose, is that I'll try to correct their misunderstandings, and they can choose to believe my explanation, research the facts for themselves, or remain ignorant. But ridiculing them and ranting about them won't change their minds, it won't cause them to be more enlightened, and it won't change anything else.

    If I was unsure about my worldview (like another user I mentioned) I would pick on the dumbest people I could find that disagree with me, ridicule them, and then feel smart and self-assured about my conclusions.

  • 10 years ago

    I wonder if you put the same effort into finding quotes from people you do agree with that would question their sincerity or intelligence because they are out there.

    My guess is no.

    People that ask "questions" like these make me wonder their sincerity because I have had enough conversations with people that already have their mind set in stone about a certain group or on a certain subject that they dont really want to understand the other side. They just want their own side justified. You remind me of the people that you are criticizing.

    Most people dont get into the specifics of certain scientific theories or details because it doesnt matter. The science doesnt change the beliefs. In your head you might think all of this disproves the Bible. To a person that believes in the principles and doctrines that the Bible is teaching they know that the specifics of how just doesnt matter in regards to their beliefs. This doesnt mean they are stupid. It just means that they might not care to spend their time learning about something when there are a thousand diff things to learn.

    Nobody can be an expert on every subject. Most people that believe in the Big Bang Theory and Evolution dont have more than a very very basic understanding of it. Just because you agree with it doesnt mean you can explain it any better than someone that disagrees.

    You would point to someone that disagreed with evolution but couldnt write a doctoral dissertation on it as some kind of idiot that believes while disregarding the evidence because you dont understand the other side. That is not their problem. That is yours. I look at people that make such grand proclamations of peoples stupidity, like this, and laugh because most of them dont have a basic understanding of a lot of things they claim to agree with, too, and would readily agree with scientists that dont have the mounds of evidence to back their theories as they would like to claim.

    I understand your point here and there is some validity in questioning if people know what they are talking about when they make statements that are just incorrect, but based on your tone and your approach, I dont think you really care. I think you like feeling superior and are just as narrowminded as the people you think are narrowminded.

    and in reality, atheism really doesnt have anything to do with how life on Earth started, it is just a lack of belief in a god/gods

    You can be an atheist and not believe in evolution or really have any particular view as to the start of life or this world, so should I question if you are lying or just stupid?

  • 10 years ago

    I am an ATheist and Atheism just states that you have no religion.

    Also people who completely deny scientific evidence of evolution are being ignorant. They say it is false only because it goes against their religion with the whole adam and even thing. But they have facts to prove evolution.

    People who completely deny evolution are almost as bad as people who say that dinosaurs didn't exist. That is a form of Christianity and they deny fossils right in fron of their eyes.

  • sonu
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Friend if you are Implying that Christains are linked with the Big Bang theory then you are completely Mistaken because they have no such information in the Bible and they are always at loggerheads with Science,because there are a great many embarassing scientific claims in the Bible.

    Modern science says that everything was a gaseous Mass until a Big Bang occured.Now This theory is seconded By the Holy Quran,Where Almighty Allah Informs us that He Cloved "astunder'This Gaseous Mass [Like a Big Bang]by his power put everything in Place anf set everything in Motion .[Whatever is in the heavens ,the Earth,above it and below it.]

    Islam is in Harmony with Science .

    Source(s): Islamic Teachings.
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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Noah's ark. Isn't it fun?

    In my opinion, Noah's ark was dinosaur. Not a ship.

    Ark of Noah is a medium through which data of the gene is transferred.

    Genesis 6:19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.

    Evolution of species doesn't have a linear time till mankind open eyes.

    Genesis 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

    Pitch / Bitumen / Crude oil / Where could we find them, today? It's fun, too.

    Genesis 6:14 So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.

    Today's annual rhythms begins "From Genesis 9:13". (This is my assumption.)

    Today's light speed begins from Genesis 9:13, too.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If it's nonetheless bugging you approximately this lie after a couple of days then confess seeing that it is going to make u think larger... nonetheless, turns out like you've got learnt the penalties of mendacity and felt the guilt of it, so there's no ought to begin the argument up once more simply recognise to not do it subsequent time =]

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    the people that have said those things are indeed extremely stupid, the people who say "how can everything come from nothing?" about the big bang theory are stupid enough, if you're gonna question the big bang theory at least learn about it first, i mean c'mon, i read the bible before i ridicule it

  • 10 years ago

    Lying, stupid or both. They are either creationists or trolls posing as creationists. I prefer the latter hypothesis, as I do not feel comfortable with the idea that someone who can at least write English is really that stupid.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It looks like you copy/pasted Venomfangx's channel.

    No, not lying. Just repeating Creationist claim or they have honest misconceptions.

  • 10 years ago

    They are stupid. Not to generalize there character as a whole, but at least in regards to religion and religious related concepts. Religion walls off part of the brain and part of knowledge. They are both, they are lying to them selves and its stupid.

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