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Falalala43 asked in SportsMartial Arts · 10 years ago

Black tape on taekwando belt?

I just started doing taekwando and have a white belt. today was only my third class and at the end of the class the instructor came up to me and put a little black piece of duct tape on the end of my belt and everyone clapped, what does this mean? thanks


Each class is an hour and you can go as many times a week as you want for 300 for the whole summer. that includes the uniform and stuff too.

8 Answers

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    After only your third class is a little strange. The tape is a stripe, or tip, and is an indication of rank which is an indication of improvement. After only three days is rather odd. The only advise I could give is to simply ask what all the stripe implies.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Different schools have different rules. im a 3rd degree black belt in two styles and ive seen a wide variety of belt rankings. one school i practiced at put a piece of tape on your belt once you've gotten a step closer to your next belt. At that school you had to have 3 stripes to test for your next rank. this doesn't mean you should pick a new school or the one you are in is bad. just ask your instructor what this means.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    3 classes and you already got your ranking?

    Hmm how long are each class and how often do you have them a week?

    It took me over a month before i was given a colour on my belt. You could be at a McDojo but we don't know the full details of your gym.

    IF you're paying more than 100 a month for fees then you better get out of there. IF its less then well... hmm better not risk staying for long.

    Source(s): 4 years Rhee Taekwondo. 4 years ITF Taekwondo. Took me a month in Rhee before i got my first coloured rank and 2 months in ITF.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I'm not totally sure, but I bet it was to recognize your work that you put in so far. He wants to encourage you, and motivate you to do well.

    The tape on the belt could mean that you will be able to test for the next belt soon. Usually earning a stripe on your belt means you went up in rank. So congrats.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Hey Stephen, I did not mean to thumb-down your answer! It was good and I wish I could take that error back!

    Now, oh Asker, why didn't you ask at the time? ....

    The answer to this query as a personal insight is: this is a perfect example of a McDojo belt-factory stunt. I hardly have any stomach for the belt system - never needed it anyway - and now I see all manner of stripes exploding from every darned belt.

    What do they mean? - just like these others said, it's weird and you should find a different school.

    Source(s): *Martial artist 40 years and I don't need no stinkin' belt except "$2.95, J.C. Penny, good to hold up pants, bwa-ha-ha-ha"
  • 10 years ago

    Go to a different school, is what it means. No doubt...

    People who believe in excessive belt ranks or ridiculous stripes made of tape have been brain washed or are just plain stupid. There is NO reason for it other than for a school to make money or an "instructor" to distract from the fact that they know NOTHING. Its a sad martial world out there :(

    > I see the little strip mall TKD kiddies are mad about my answer. Why do people only want worthless belts and stripes? SAD!!!

  • 10 years ago

    I was wondering if what was the meaning of it.

    What we have is a legit dojang but we are not doing for stripe belting, from white belt, the next color is yellow belt (low).

    But it sound strange that your Instructor didn't bother to explain to you the meaning of such actions, I just hope that such is not a promotion because having it for just 3 sessions, surely means you are in mcdojang.


    Source(s): Senses Good luck
  • 10 years ago

    I find it odd that your instructor didn't actually tell you what it was for either before, during or after the event - and odd that you didn't ask what it was for, after the event!

    Hopefully it's an encouragement stripe of some sort... but that's seems pretty childish if you are an adult?!

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