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  • Rabbit question please help!?

    I'm taking care of my friend's rabbits and she's on a cruise so I can't contact her. It got unusually cold and snowy today in Texas and she usually keeps her rabbits outside in a large crate type thing. After asking some people I know with rabbits they said it was too cold for them and I should put them inside. So I found an old cage of theirs and put it in the garage with some towels, hay, and their water but no mulch or anything. Do you think they'll be ok for the night? It's supposed to get warmer tomorrow so I'll move them back out but is a towel sufficient for when they poop? I'll just throw the towels away after. Thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Is it bad that I think I'm perfect?

    Yeah I think I'm perfect which is SO bad. I hate that about myself, but I think I'm the perfect girl. Is that bad? I don't feel like it comes off as cocky hopefully but just ugh I wish I didn't think so much of myself.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What should I be for halloween?

    I'm 19 and in college and I think this year I would like to do something for halloween that is different, not just cliche slutty halloween costumes. I was thinking hester prynne from the scarlet letter would be cute so any ideas along that line? Thanks!

    2 AnswersHalloween9 years ago
  • Should I get invisalign?

    I'm 19 and looking into getting invisalign braces to close a few spaces and straighten out a tooth. They told me I would need to wear them for five months. Do you think it's worth the money? Are results generally good? I've heard of people not being happy with their teeth at the end of their invisalign and needing to do it for longer so just trying to see if anyone has had experience with this! Thanks!

    4 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • My best friend is a totally different person after high school. What should I do?

    My best friend and I went to different colleges and were both freshmen this year. She went to a pretty big party school even though she wasn't a big partier at all in high school. She said she wasn't going to join a sorority but she did. She used to be one of the most real and down to earth people but after looking at her pictures and from the few times I've talked to her she's totally different. I really saw us being friends beyond college. I've made efforts to stay in contact but she acts like I don't matter to her. And she's bringing her three "best friends" home for thanksgiving. I know people change and move on after high school but what should I do? I have made a few good friends here but not any that I have a close connection like we did. Sorry this is long, I'm upset:/

    2 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Is it hard to transfer to university of texas?

    i go to texas a&m and i do NOT like it. even though it's only been three weeks, i have my heart set on transferring to ut. i'm a freshman and am going to apply in january after i've been enrolled for the remaining 15 hours that i need. is it difficult to transfer to ut? i'm in general studies at a&m and probably will transfer into the education school or something at ut. thanks

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • Demand and Revenue Functions?

    a product has a fix cost of 9000 and each costs 50 extra to produce, can't be sold if the price is below 100, and for each decrease in 5 dollars in price, an extra 100 is sold. how do you find the demand and revenue functions if the cost function is c(x)=9000+50x

    1 AnswerEconomics10 years ago
  • Two weeks by grizzly bear?

    Is it just me or does this song sound like Christmas music? I said that to my friends and they thought I was crazay lol

    3 AnswersOther - Music10 years ago
  • Is reliable?

    I used it to get Taylor swift tickets, is it legit? They sent me confirmation emails and everything

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment10 years ago
  • Who is the transvestite looking asian on chelsea lately?

    Sometimes the skit videos they show has an asian that looks like a man but dresses like a woman. who is it?

    1 AnswerTalk Shows10 years ago
  • Johnson and Johnson's clean and clear advantage kit?

    I got this clean and clear acne kit with face cleanser, moisturizer, nightly mark removal, and regular acne medicine. whenever i use it, all the products make my face sting pretty badly during and for about 20-30 seconds after washing. after that my face stings just a little for like ten minutes after. is this normal? is it just the stuff cleaning my face? i don't know if it's working yet because it's only the second day but my face feels somewhat drier. should i stop using it?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • Is chelsea lately appropriate for a 12 year old to watch?

    my 12 year old daughter watched this at a friends house and is now obsessed with it but i've heard it's raunchy. will most of the stuff go over her head? should i let her watch it?

    8 AnswersComedy10 years ago
  • should i dye my hair red?

    i have naturally blonde hair and i like it a lot, but i'm somewhat bored with it and i think my eye color and skin color would look great with red hair. i want a color similar to alyssa campanella, who just won miss usa. how hard would it be to dye back if i didn't like it? thanks

    10 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • Why is my period so late?

    My period is now fourteen days late and I was wondering what could have caused it. I'm a virgin so not pregnant. I graduated high school last month and am going on college orientations and camps and what not which are kind of stressful and far drives. i also have been staying up wayy later since school is out. could changes in sleep schedule or stress delay it this much? i'm usually right on time. thanks

    3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Why is my period so late?

    My period is now fourteen days late and I was wondering what could have caused it. I'm a virgin so not pregnant. I graduated high school last month and am going on college orientations and camps and what not which are kind of stressful and far drives. i also have been staying up wayy later since school is out. could changes in sleep schedule or stress delay it this much? i'm usually right on time. thanks

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Black tape on taekwando belt?

    I just started doing taekwando and have a white belt. today was only my third class and at the end of the class the instructor came up to me and put a little black piece of duct tape on the end of my belt and everyone clapped, what does this mean? thanks

    8 AnswersMartial Arts10 years ago
  • Paul McCartney On the Run Tour?

    I was wondering if anyone knew if the On the Run tour is considered Paul's "farewell world tour." like will this be his last tour? thanks

    3 AnswersOther - Music10 years ago
  • Does anyone know of anything similar to this?

    I would like a skirt like this, only cheaper. so if you know of stores that might have something like this that'd be great! thanks!

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where i can find something similar to this?

    It's from anthropologie and i love it so much, but that price is a tad ridiculous

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • materialism in pride and prejudice?

    Does anyone think there are elements of materialism in pride and prejudice by jane austen? if so please give examples. thank you so much

    p.s. i don't usually ask for help on homework questions on here but i'm stuck

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago

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