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Falalala43 asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 10 years ago

should i dye my hair red?

i have naturally blonde hair and i like it a lot, but i'm somewhat bored with it and i think my eye color and skin color would look great with red hair. i want a color similar to alyssa campanella, who just won miss usa. how hard would it be to dye back if i didn't like it? thanks

10 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you should go for it.

    I don't think it would be hard to dye it back, since that color really isn't an intense red color. Just find a color that would be similar to your natural hair color, and you should be fine. But that's only if you don't like it, though.

    It's always fun to try something new!

  • 10 years ago

    Red hair is awesome, I had my hair flourescent red not too long ago and it was so cool. But, it came out from my bleached hair 3 days later.

    Red dye does not stay in anyones' hair very long because of its chemical properties. It's some chemistry thing... And by red and I mean every shade/tone of red fades easily.

    Keep your hair blonde! It's hard actually finding a natural blonde. :)

    Oh and if you were to dye it back, you'd have to bleach it which would really burn your hair. OR if you want to wait for it to fade out, you'd have to wait 2 months and it would look really ugly.

    Try brown if you must change your hair :P

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Getting semi-everlasting hair dye won't injury your hair incredibly.. Bleaching it out will, yet each and every physique thinks in case you colour your hair, You hair is broken. And yeah get it finished lower back.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't know what you look like so it's hard to say whether or not you'd look good with it. But I'd try a semi-permanent hair color first to see if you like it, that way it will rinse out in a few washes if you don't like it. if you're sure you like it then, I suggest using henna as hair dye - it's natural and somewhat permanent. (commercial hair dyes have toxic ingredients that are linked to cancer)

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  • 10 years ago

    Red is a beautiful color, but it is nearly impossible to get out. I dyed my hair red in december and have dyed it several times since and it STILL has a red tent to it.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    My hair is really very black which i don't like now so wanna dye my hair red

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I think you should go for it! Be interesting! have fun with it! If you don't like it you could always turn it back to blonde.

  • 10 years ago

    Don't do it!

    Trust me, it is not worth it.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Don't do it. Your sexy the way you are.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    no dont...:)

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