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How can you marry somebody but signed a pre-nup?

When you marry somebody you are suppose to spend the rest of your lives together. You take some serious vows "Until death do us part" "For better or WORSE" A pre-nup in my opinion is a signal of insecurity that you won't probably last and thats the TRUTH. Seriously if you are MARRYING them and you know this is the love of your life WHY do you need a pre-nup for "just in case"? I feel this way if you need to sign a contract to marry somebody it isn't genuine its a marrigae with uncertainity in it.. If you don't feel 500% sure this is it then do NOT marry them. Pre-nup=When we get divorced you cant have my sh*t and the vows "For better or worse, till death due us part." we took don't matter and insecurity...

8 Answers

  • Sue C
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just "wish" what you've stated was 100% truth!!! Unfortunately, we just cannot guarantee everything in life, therefore we've got to do things to protect us. I feel if we had something like a large settlement from a previous marriage gone bad, have 3 children who we love, we should NOT take any chances but are more or less "forced" to protect our assets for the sake of our children if nothing else. I married a "con artist", didn't know, BUT he sure as heck MADE SURE I spent my money ALLL on him regardless. YES, I was a complete fool, but when we're "in love" we DO some very foolish things nonetheless!!! Still doesn't hurt to attempt to "protect" to you...:)

  • 10 years ago

    Im young too...not naive though..a pre nup does NOT mean all these things you mentioned. It's the smartest thing you can do. Think for a minute..if you marry within community of property, that means lets say your husband/wife starts up a business..things are going well and what not and you have your house and your cars all on BOTH your names...then one day he/she loses the business...THEY WILL COME AND TAKE EVERYTHING...if you have a pre nup at least ONE of you will still be able to able to buy a house again, be able to start up again. It's selfish to marry someone for the "idea of being married forever and ever and until death do us part"'re not thinking of the implications of what if things go wrong financially??? what about your kids...THEY will have nothing and your partner will have nothing AND you will have nothing all because you think it's all about insecurities. All people marry their partners with all good intention that it will last a lifetime, but no one can guarantee that. That doesn't mean you love the person any less. it means you're smart.

  • 10 years ago

    Do you not think that every couple who gets married thinks it will be until death do them part?.........yet the divorce rate is over 50%

    A prenup is a smart move for both partners. When my late husband died, I got an inheritance which upon my death will be passed down to my children and grandchildren. Without a prenup, whos to say that my second husband wouldn't distribute those assets to HIS children and leave mine out in the cold. My husband didn't work hard all his life to provide for another man and his children.

    It's not a matter of trust, it's just the wise thing to do for all concerned.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I totally DISAGREE!!!

    Marriage is a contract!!!!! Why get married if you believe a person is the love of your life??? Its does not change anything!!!! It just make a person feel like they own you and if a marriage was really for "For better or WORSE" or "Until death do us part" A prenup would not be needed!!! When your broke and have nothing to lose, of course you would not care about a prenup!!!! With the divorce rate being so high, you would be an idiot not to have one!!!! Just ask kim kardashian!!!

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It's because not everyone is as oustanding of a person as others are. You sometimes fall out of love, people cheat, people lie, people hurt the ones that they are married to. I still love my husband dearly but he has hurt me in the past. It happens to 50% of Marriages so why not be prepared. People lie to get money, Why wouldn't they lie to marry a rich man or woman just to divorce them and take a lot of their money, People have done worse things. I seen just the other day, a guy that was deeply in Love with his wife but his wife (they were newly weds) didn't love him as much as she led him on to believe. She ended up having a hit put on him to have him killed just so she could inherit his money. The hit man she hired was a cop so she got caught.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    This isn't a question, this is a rant.

    Not everyone can trust people they get married to. My mom and dad were in love but he still stole from her. I wish they had a pre-nup.

  • Mimi
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    As someone who is divorced, I totally wish there would have been a pre-nup. He got everything in our divorce including our home and his whore cause I didn't have $ to defend myself in court.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    A prenup is an agreement of what starts as yours and theirs given that you have a large difference in initial assets coming into the relationship.

    Its funny, women complain about men not doing their "fair share" of housework and all the other women say "you go girl", but if a man complains about why the woman doesn't pay her "fair share" of bills there is outrage.

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